import fs from "node:fs"; import markdownit from 'markdown-it' import { slugRegex } from "./article.js"; import { newUser, get as getUserByNickname, getFollowerInboxes } from "./user.js"; import { insert as insertArticle } from "./article.js"; import { add as addToOutbox } from "./outbox.js"; import { createArticleActivity, sendAll } from "./activity.js"; import { fillRoute } from "./router.js"; const md = markdownit(); const c = process.argv[2]; let returnCode = 0; if (c === "new-user") { const nickname = process.argv[3]; const name = process.argv[4]; const bio = process.argv[5] || ""; const userId = await newUser(nickname, name, bio); console.log(userId); process.exit(0); } else if (c === "new-article") { const nickname = process.argv[3]; const slug = process.argv[4]; const title = process.argv[5]; const images = process.argv.slice(6); const user = await getUserByNickname(nickname); if (!user) { console.error("Nonexistent user"); process.exit(1); } if (!slugRegex.test(slug)) { returnCode = 1; console.error("Bad slug"); process.exit(returnCode); } const filename = `pages/${slug}.md`; if (!fs.existsSync(filename)) { console.error("No file with that slug"); process.exit(1); } const htmlFilename = `pages/${slug}.html`; const markdown = fs.readFileSync(filename, "utf-8"); const html = md.render(markdown); fs.writeFileSync(htmlFilename, html); const article = await insertArticle(, slug, title); console.log(; await addToOutbox(; const keyId = fillRoute("actor", user.nickname) + "#main-key"; const inboxes = await getFollowerInboxes(; const activity = createArticleActivity(article, user); const success = await sendAll(keyId, user.private_key, activity, inboxes); process.exit(0); } else { console.error("Unrecognized command: ", c); returnCode = 1; process.exit(returnCode); }