
189 lines
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2023-01-29 18:29:54 +00:00
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
2022-02-11 04:17:00 +00:00
import "./ERC1155.sol";
import "./IMastersFedi.sol";
2022-02-11 04:17:00 +00:00
import "./SafeMath.sol";
import "./Address.sol";
import "./IERC1155Metadata.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Base64.sol";
2023-01-29 21:15:20 +00:00
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
2022-02-11 04:17:00 +00:00
2023-01-29 21:15:20 +00:00
contract CurioERC1155Wrapper is ERC1155, ERC1155Metadata_URI, Ownable {
2022-02-11 04:17:00 +00:00
using SafeMath for uint256;
using Address for address;
// nft id => curio contract address
mapping (uint256 => address) public contracts;
2023-01-29 21:15:20 +00:00
mapping (uint256 => string) public urls;
2022-02-11 04:17:00 +00:00
@notice Initialize an nft id's data.
2023-01-29 21:15:20 +00:00
function create(uint256 _id, address _contract, string memory _url) internal {
2022-02-11 04:17:00 +00:00
require(contracts[_id] == address(0), "id already exists");
contracts[_id] = _contract;
2023-01-29 21:15:20 +00:00
urls[_id] = _url;
2022-02-11 04:17:00 +00:00
// mint 0 just to let explorers know it exists
emit TransferSingle(msg.sender, address(0), msg.sender, _id, 0);
2023-01-29 18:29:54 +00:00
constructor() {
2023-01-29 21:15:20 +00:00
create(1, 0x2f873FCc3F4B84E9A62AFf28E9a897ce1BC8814B, "");
create(2, 0x13a9914Ad2e0be57eB2Abb3E159021Eab6D7a80E, "");
create(3, 0xdeCAa5B6901dc465FBf90f9C0c70c96132aF51Db, "");
create(4, 0xc1de7E95663FB3A0e8F8C6E6a64297d7AbcBF7f7, "");
create(5, 0xB70F9A809693B8c6a4c331342B96F15252521dC7, "");
create(6, 0x3f2592136d90dE35615A409B4fe710B3764366F4, "");
create(7, 0x5e7318f75b177a0F27A31CB20bB26bd0C049620c, "");
create(8, 0x5539907D45a608828756765429f2B4e6311c295c, "");
create(9, 0x0a0e64067B1F7aDfbF876Dde4322633Ff7Df9702, "");
2022-02-11 04:17:00 +00:00
@dev override ERC1155 uri function to return IPFS ref.
@param _id NFT ID
@return IPFS URI pointing to NFT ID's metadata.
function uri(uint256 _id) public view returns (string memory) {
2023-01-29 21:15:20 +00:00
IMastersFedi curio = IMastersFedi(contracts[_id]);
return string(abi.encodePacked("data:application/json;base64,", Base64.encode(abi.encodePacked(
'"name":"',, '",',
'"description":"', curio.description, '",',
'"image":"ipfs://', curio.ipfs_hash, '",',
'"external_url":"', urls[_id], '",',
'"symbol":"', curio.symbol, '"',
@dev change the external URL for a token.
@param _id NFT ID
function setExternalUrl(uint256 _id, string memory _url) external onlyOwner {
require(contracts[_id] != address(0), "id must exist");
urls[_id] = _url;
2022-02-11 04:17:00 +00:00
@dev helper function to see if NFT ID exists, makes OpenSea happy.
@param _id NFT ID
@return if NFT ID exists.
function exists(uint256 _id) external view returns(bool) {
return contracts[_id] != address(0);
@dev for an NFT ID, queries and transfers tokens from the appropriate
curio contract to itself, and mints and transfers corresponding new
ERC-1155 tokens to caller.
function wrap(uint256 _id, uint256 _quantity) external {
address tokenContract = contracts[_id];
require(tokenContract != address(0), "invalid id");
IMastersFedi curio = IMastersFedi(tokenContract);
2022-02-11 04:17:00 +00:00
// these are here for convenience because curio contract doesn't throw meaningful exceptions
require(curio.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= _quantity, "insufficient curio balance");
require(curio.allowance(msg.sender, address(this)) >= _quantity, "insufficient curio allowance");
curio.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _quantity);
balances[_id][msg.sender] = balances[_id][msg.sender].add(_quantity);
// mint
emit TransferSingle(msg.sender, address(0), msg.sender, _id, _quantity);
address _to = msg.sender;
if (_to.isContract()) {
_doSafeTransferAcceptanceCheck(msg.sender, msg.sender, msg.sender, _id, _quantity, '');
@dev batch version of wrap.
function wrapBatch(uint256[] calldata _ids, uint256[] calldata _quantities) external {
require(_ids.length == _quantities.length, "ids and quantities must match");
address _to = msg.sender;
bool callerIsContract = _to.isContract();
for (uint256 i=0; i < _ids.length; ++i) {
uint256 _id = _ids[i];
uint256 _quantity = _quantities[i];
address tokenContract = contracts[_id];
require(tokenContract != address(0), "invalid id");
IMastersFedi curio = IMastersFedi(tokenContract);
2022-02-11 04:17:00 +00:00
require(curio.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= _quantity, "insufficient curio balance");
require(curio.allowance(msg.sender, address(this)) >= _quantity, "insufficient curio allowance");
curio.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _quantity);
balances[_id][msg.sender] = balances[_id][msg.sender].add(_quantity);
if (callerIsContract) {
_doSafeTransferAcceptanceCheck(msg.sender, msg.sender, msg.sender, _id, _quantity, '');
// mint
emit TransferBatch(msg.sender, address(0), _to, _ids, _quantities);
@dev for an NFT ID, burns ERC-1155 quantity and transfers curio ERC-20
tokens to caller.
function unwrap(uint256 _id, uint256 _quantity) external {
address tokenContract = contracts[_id];
require(tokenContract != address(0), "invalid id");
IMastersFedi curio = IMastersFedi(tokenContract);
2022-02-11 04:17:00 +00:00
require(balances[_id][msg.sender] >= _quantity, "insufficient balance");
balances[_id][msg.sender] = balances[_id][msg.sender].sub(_quantity);
curio.transfer(msg.sender, _quantity);
// burn
emit TransferSingle(msg.sender, msg.sender, address(0), _id, _quantity);
2022-02-11 04:17:00 +00:00
@dev batch version of unwrap.
function unwrapBatch(uint256[] calldata _ids, uint256[] calldata _quantities) external {
require(_ids.length == _quantities.length, "ids and quantities must match");
for (uint256 i=0; i < _ids.length; ++i) {
uint256 _id = _ids[i];
uint256 _quantity = _quantities[i];
address tokenContract = contracts[_id];
require(tokenContract != address(0), "invalid id");
IMastersFedi curio = IMastersFedi(tokenContract);
2022-02-11 04:17:00 +00:00
require(balances[_id][msg.sender] >= _quantity, "insufficient balance");
balances[_id][msg.sender] = balances[_id][msg.sender].sub(_quantity);
curio.transfer(msg.sender, _quantity);
// burn
emit TransferBatch(msg.sender, msg.sender, address(0), _ids, _quantities);
2022-02-11 04:17:00 +00:00