EventsDB: make it a simple wrapper around NDatabase

This commit is contained in:
Alex Gleason 2024-05-14 21:22:09 -05:00
parent 998d0851df
commit 221c41fdfa
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 7211D1F99744FBB7
3 changed files with 116 additions and 410 deletions

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@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
/** Events are **regular**, which means they're all expected to be stored by relays. */
function isRegularKind(kind: number) {
return (1000 <= kind && kind < 10000) || [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44].includes(kind);
/** Events are **replaceable**, which means that, for each combination of `pubkey` and `kind`, only the latest event is expected to (SHOULD) be stored by relays, older versions are expected to be discarded. */
function isReplaceableKind(kind: number) {
return (10000 <= kind && kind < 20000) || [0, 3].includes(kind);
/** Events are **ephemeral**, which means they are not expected to be stored by relays. */
function isEphemeralKind(kind: number) {
return 20000 <= kind && kind < 30000;
/** Events are **parameterized replaceable**, which means that, for each combination of `pubkey`, `kind` and the `d` tag, only the latest event is expected to be stored by relays, older versions are expected to be discarded. */
function isParameterizedReplaceableKind(kind: number) {
return 30000 <= kind && kind < 40000;
/** These events are only valid if published by the server keypair. */
function isDittoInternalKind(kind: number) {
return kind === 30361;
/** Classification of the event kind. */
type KindClassification = 'regular' | 'replaceable' | 'ephemeral' | 'parameterized' | 'unknown';
/** Determine the classification of this kind of event if known, or `unknown`. */
function classifyKind(kind: number): KindClassification {
if (isRegularKind(kind)) return 'regular';
if (isReplaceableKind(kind)) return 'replaceable';
if (isEphemeralKind(kind)) return 'ephemeral';
if (isParameterizedReplaceableKind(kind)) return 'parameterized';
return 'unknown';
export {
type KindClassification,

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { NostrEvent, NPolicy, NSchema as n } from '@nostrify/nostrify';
import { NKinds, NostrEvent, NPolicy, NSchema as n } from '@nostrify/nostrify';
import { LNURL } from '@nostrify/nostrify/ln';
import { PipePolicy } from '@nostrify/nostrify/policies';
import Debug from '@soapbox/stickynotes/debug';
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import { Conf } from '@/config.ts';
import { DittoDB } from '@/db/DittoDB.ts';
import { deleteAttachedMedia } from '@/db/unattached-media.ts';
import { DittoEvent } from '@/interfaces/DittoEvent.ts';
import { isEphemeralKind } from '@/kinds.ts';
import { DVM } from '@/pipeline/DVM.ts';
import { RelayError } from '@/RelayError.ts';
import { updateStats } from '@/stats.ts';
@ -103,7 +102,7 @@ async function hydrateEvent(event: DittoEvent, signal: AbortSignal): Promise<voi
/** Maybe store the event, if eligible. */
async function storeEvent(event: DittoEvent, signal?: AbortSignal): Promise<void> {
if (isEphemeralKind(event.kind)) return;
if (NKinds.ephemeral(event.kind)) return;
const store = await Storages.db();
const [deletion] = await store.query(

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
import { NIP50, NostrEvent, NostrFilter, NSchema as n, NStore } from '@nostrify/nostrify';
import Debug from '@soapbox/stickynotes/debug';
import { Kysely, type SelectQueryBuilder } from 'kysely';
import { sortEvents } from 'nostr-tools';
// deno-lint-ignore-file require-await
import { NDatabase, NIP50, NKinds, NostrEvent, NostrFilter, NSchema as n, NStore } from '@nostrify/nostrify';
import { Stickynotes } from '@soapbox/stickynotes';
import { Kysely } from 'kysely';
import { Conf } from '@/config.ts';
import { DittoTables } from '@/db/DittoTables.ts';
import { normalizeFilters } from '@/filter.ts';
import { DittoEvent } from '@/interfaces/DittoEvent.ts';
import { isDittoInternalKind, isParameterizedReplaceableKind, isReplaceableKind } from '@/kinds.ts';
import { purifyEvent } from '@/storages/hydrate.ts';
import { isNostrId, isURL } from '@/utils.ts';
import { abortError } from '@/utils/abort.ts';
@ -19,9 +19,14 @@ type TagCondition = ({ event, count, value }: {
value: string;
}) => boolean;
/** SQLite database storage adapter for Nostr events. */
class EventsDB implements NStore {
private store: NDatabase;
private console = new Stickynotes('ditto:db:events');
/** Conditions for when to index certain tags. */
const tagConditions: Record<string, TagCondition> = {
'd': ({ event, count }) => count === 0 && isParameterizedReplaceableKind(event.kind),
static tagConditions: Record<string, TagCondition> = {
'd': ({ event, count }) => count === 0 && NKinds.parameterizedReplaceable(event.kind),
'e': ({ event, count, value }) => ((event.user && event.kind === 10003) || count < 15) && isNostrId(value),
'L': ({ event, count }) => event.kind === 1985 || count === 0,
'l': ({ event, count }) => event.kind === 1985 || count === 0,
@ -35,202 +40,110 @@ const tagConditions: Record<string, TagCondition> = {
'role': ({ event, count }) => event.kind === 30361 && count === 0,
type EventQuery = SelectQueryBuilder<DittoTables, 'nostr_events', {
id: string;
tags: string;
kind: number;
pubkey: string;
content: string;
created_at: number;
sig: string;
stats_replies_count?: number;
stats_reposts_count?: number;
stats_reactions_count?: number;
author_id?: string;
author_tags?: string;
author_kind?: number;
author_pubkey?: string;
author_content?: string;
author_created_at?: number;
author_sig?: string;
author_stats_followers_count?: number;
author_stats_following_count?: number;
author_stats_notes_count?: number;
/** SQLite database storage adapter for Nostr events. */
class EventsDB implements NStore {
#db: Kysely<DittoTables>;
#debug = Debug('ditto:db:events');
private protocol = Conf.databaseUrl.protocol;
constructor(db: Kysely<DittoTables>) {
this.#db = db;
constructor(private kysely: Kysely<DittoTables>) { = new NDatabase(kysely, {
fts5: Conf.databaseUrl.protocol === 'sqlite:',
indexTags: EventsDB.indexTags,
searchText: EventsDB.searchText,
/** Insert an event (and its tags) into the database. */
async event(event: NostrEvent, _opts?: { signal?: AbortSignal }): Promise<void> {
event = purifyEvent(event);
this.#debug('EVENT', JSON.stringify(event));
if (isDittoInternalKind(event.kind) && event.pubkey !== Conf.pubkey) {
throw new Error('Internal events can only be stored by the server keypair');
this.console.debug('EVENT', JSON.stringify(event));
return await this.#db.transaction().execute(async (trx) => {
/** Insert the event into the database. */
async function addEvent() {
await trx.insertInto('nostr_events')
.values({ ...event, tags: JSON.stringify(event.tags) })
/** Get events for filters from the database. */
async query(filters: NostrFilter[], opts: { signal?: AbortSignal; limit?: number } = {}): Promise<DittoEvent[]> {
filters = await this.expandFilters(filters);
if (opts.signal?.aborted) return Promise.resolve([]);
if (!filters.length) return Promise.resolve([]);
this.console.debug('REQ', JSON.stringify(filters));
return, opts);
const protocol = this.protocol;
/** Add search data to the FTS table. */
async function indexSearch() {
if (protocol !== 'sqlite:') return;
const searchContent = buildSearchContent(event);
if (!searchContent) return;
await trx.insertInto('nostr_fts5')
.values({ event_id:, content: searchContent.substring(0, 1000) })
/** Delete events based on filters from the database. */
async remove(filters: NostrFilter[], _opts?: { signal?: AbortSignal }): Promise<void> {
if (!filters.length) return Promise.resolve();
this.console.debug('DELETE', JSON.stringify(filters));
/** Index event tags depending on the conditions defined above. */
async function indexTags() {
const tags = filterIndexableTags(event);
const rows =[name, value]) => ({ event_id:, name, value }));
/** Get number of events that would be returned by filters. */
async count(
filters: NostrFilter[],
opts: { signal?: AbortSignal } = {},
): Promise<{ count: number; approximate: boolean }> {
if (opts.signal?.aborted) return Promise.reject(abortError());
if (!filters.length) return Promise.resolve({ count: 0, approximate: false });
if (!tags.length) return;
await trx.insertInto('nostr_tags')
this.console.debug('COUNT', JSON.stringify(filters));
if (isReplaceableKind(event.kind)) {
const prevEvents = await this.getFilterQuery(trx, { kinds: [event.kind], authors: [event.pubkey] }).execute();
for (const prevEvent of prevEvents) {
if (prevEvent.created_at >= event.created_at) {
throw new Error('Cannot replace an event with an older event');
await this.deleteEventsTrx(trx, [{ kinds: [event.kind], authors: [event.pubkey] }]);
/** Return only the tags that should be indexed. */
static indexTags(event: DittoEvent): string[][] {
const tagCounts: Record<string, number> = {};
function getCount(name: string) {
return tagCounts[name] || 0;
if (isParameterizedReplaceableKind(event.kind)) {
const d = event.tags.find(([tag]) => tag === 'd')?.[1];
if (d) {
const prevEvents = await this.getFilterQuery(trx, { kinds: [event.kind], authors: [event.pubkey], '#d': [d] })
for (const prevEvent of prevEvents) {
if (prevEvent.created_at >= event.created_at) {
throw new Error('Cannot replace an event with an older event');
await this.deleteEventsTrx(trx, [{ kinds: [event.kind], authors: [event.pubkey], '#d': [d] }]);
function incrementCount(name: string) {
tagCounts[name] = getCount(name) + 1;
// Run the queries.
await Promise.all([
}).catch((error) => {
// Don't throw for duplicate events.
if (error.message.includes('UNIQUE constraint failed')) {
} else {
throw error;
function checkCondition(name: string, value: string, condition: TagCondition) {
return condition({
count: getCount(name),
/** Build the query for a filter. */
getFilterQuery(db: Kysely<DittoTables>, filter: NostrFilter): EventQuery {
let query = db
.where('nostr_events.deleted_at', 'is', null);
return event.tags.reduce<string[][]>((results, tag) => {
const [name, value] = tag;
const condition = EventsDB.tagConditions[name] as TagCondition | undefined;
/** Whether we are querying for replaceable events by author. */
const isAddrQuery = filter.authors &&
filter.kinds &&
filter.kinds.every((kind) => isReplaceableKind(kind) || isParameterizedReplaceableKind(kind));
// Avoid ORDER BY when querying for replaceable events by author.
if (!isAddrQuery) {
query = query.orderBy('nostr_events.created_at', 'desc');
if (value && condition && value.length < 200 && checkCondition(name, value, condition)) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(filter)) {
if (value === undefined) continue;
return results;
}, []);
switch (key as keyof NostrFilter) {
case 'ids':
query = query.where('', 'in', filter.ids!);
case 'kinds':
query = query.where('nostr_events.kind', 'in', filter.kinds!);
case 'authors':
query = query.where('nostr_events.pubkey', 'in', filter.authors!);
case 'since':
query = query.where('nostr_events.created_at', '>=', filter.since!);
case 'until':
query = query.where('nostr_events.created_at', '<=', filter.until!);
case 'limit':
query = query.limit(filter.limit!);
/** Build a search index from the event. */
static searchText(event: NostrEvent): string {
switch (event.kind) {
case 0:
return EventsDB.buildUserSearchContent(event);
case 1:
return event.content;
case 30009:
return EventsDB.buildTagsSearchContent(event.tags.filter(([t]) => t !== 'alt'));
return '';
const joinedQuery = query.leftJoin('nostr_tags', 'nostr_tags.event_id', '');
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(filter)) {
if (key.startsWith('#') && Array.isArray(value)) {
const name = key.replace(/^#/, '');
query = joinedQuery
.where('', '=', name)
.where('nostr_tags.value', 'in', value);
/** Build search content for a user. */
static buildUserSearchContent(event: NostrEvent): string {
const { name, nip05, about } = n.json().pipe(n.metadata()).catch({}).parse(event.content);
return [name, nip05, about].filter(Boolean).join('\n');
if ( && this.protocol === 'sqlite:') {
query = query
.innerJoin('nostr_fts5', 'nostr_fts5.event_id', '')
.where('nostr_fts5.content', 'match', JSON.stringify(;
return query;
/** Combine filter queries into a single union query. */
getEventsQuery(filters: NostrFilter[]) {
return filters
.map((filter) => this.#db.selectFrom(() => this.getFilterQuery(this.#db, filter).as('events')).selectAll())
.reduce((result, query) => result.unionAll(query));
/** Query to get user events, joined by tags. */
usersQuery() {
return this.getFilterQuery(this.#db, { kinds: [30361], authors: [Conf.pubkey] })
.leftJoin('nostr_tags', 'nostr_tags.event_id', '')
.where('', '=', 'd')
.select('nostr_tags.value as d_tag')
/** Build search content from tag values. */
static buildTagsSearchContent(tags: string[][]): string {
return[_tag, value]) => value).join('\n');
/** Converts filters to more performant, simpler filters that are better for SQLite. */
@ -244,7 +157,7 @@ class EventsDB implements NStore {
) as { key: 'domain'; value: string } | undefined)?.value;
if (domain) {
const query = this.#db
const query = this.kysely
.where('domain', '=', domain);
@ -268,166 +181,6 @@ class EventsDB implements NStore {
return normalizeFilters(filters); // Improves performance of `{ kinds: [0], authors: ['...'] }` queries.
/** Get events for filters from the database. */
async query(filters: NostrFilter[], opts: { signal?: AbortSignal; limit?: number } = {}): Promise<DittoEvent[]> {
filters = await this.expandFilters(filters);
if (opts.signal?.aborted) return Promise.resolve([]);
if (!filters.length) return Promise.resolve([]);
this.#debug('REQ', JSON.stringify(filters));
let query = this.getEventsQuery(filters);
if (typeof opts.limit === 'number') {
query = query.limit(opts.limit);
const events = (await query.execute()).map((row) => {
const event: DittoEvent = {
kind: row.kind,
pubkey: row.pubkey,
content: row.content,
created_at: row.created_at,
tags: JSON.parse(row.tags),
sig: row.sig,
if (row.author_id) { = {
id: row.author_id,
kind: row.author_kind! as 0,
pubkey: row.author_pubkey!,
content: row.author_content!,
created_at: row.author_created_at!,
tags: JSON.parse(row.author_tags!),
sig: row.author_sig!,
if (typeof row.author_stats_followers_count === 'number') {
event.author_stats = {
followers_count: row.author_stats_followers_count,
following_count: row.author_stats_following_count!,
notes_count: row.author_stats_notes_count!,
if (typeof row.stats_replies_count === 'number') {
event.event_stats = {
replies_count: row.stats_replies_count,
reposts_count: row.stats_reposts_count!,
reactions_count: row.stats_reactions_count!,
return event;
return sortEvents(events);
/** Delete events from each table. Should be run in a transaction! */
async deleteEventsTrx(db: Kysely<DittoTables>, filters: NostrFilter[]) {
if (!filters.length) return Promise.resolve();
this.#debug('DELETE', JSON.stringify(filters));
const query = this.getEventsQuery(filters).clearSelect().select('id');
return await db.updateTable('nostr_events')
.where('id', 'in', () => query)
.set({ deleted_at: Math.floor( / 1000) })
/** Delete events based on filters from the database. */
async remove(filters: NostrFilter[], _opts?: { signal?: AbortSignal }): Promise<void> {
if (!filters.length) return Promise.resolve();
this.#debug('DELETE', JSON.stringify(filters));
await this.#db.transaction().execute((trx) => this.deleteEventsTrx(trx, filters));
/** Get number of events that would be returned by filters. */
async count(
filters: NostrFilter[],
opts: { signal?: AbortSignal } = {},
): Promise<{ count: number; approximate: boolean }> {
if (opts.signal?.aborted) return Promise.reject(abortError());
if (!filters.length) return Promise.resolve({ count: 0, approximate: false });
this.#debug('COUNT', JSON.stringify(filters));
const query = this.getEventsQuery(filters);
const [{ count }] = await query
.select((eb) => eb.fn.count('id').as('count'))
return {
count: Number(count),
approximate: false,
/** Return only the tags that should be indexed. */
function filterIndexableTags(event: DittoEvent): string[][] {
const tagCounts: Record<string, number> = {};
function getCount(name: string) {
return tagCounts[name] || 0;
function incrementCount(name: string) {
tagCounts[name] = getCount(name) + 1;
function checkCondition(name: string, value: string, condition: TagCondition) {
return condition({
count: getCount(name),
return event.tags.reduce<string[][]>((results, tag) => {
const [name, value] = tag;
const condition = tagConditions[name] as TagCondition | undefined;
if (value && condition && value.length < 200 && checkCondition(name, value, condition)) {
return results;
}, []);
/** Build a search index from the event. */
function buildSearchContent(event: NostrEvent): string {
switch (event.kind) {
case 0:
return buildUserSearchContent(event);
case 1:
return event.content;
case 30009:
return buildTagsSearchContent(event.tags.filter(([t]) => t !== 'alt'));
return '';
/** Build search content for a user. */
function buildUserSearchContent(event: NostrEvent): string {
const { name, nip05, about } = n.json().pipe(n.metadata()).catch({}).parse(event.content);
return [name, nip05, about].filter(Boolean).join('\n');
/** Build search content from tag values. */
function buildTagsSearchContent(tags: string[][]): string {
return[_tag, value]) => value).join('\n');
export { EventsDB };