Merge branch 'follow' into 'develop'
Make following work See merge request soapbox-pub/ditto!16
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import {
@ -98,6 +99,7 @@ app.patch('/api/v1/accounts/update_credentials', requireAuth, updateCredentialsC
app.get('/api/v1/accounts/search', accountSearchController);
app.get('/api/v1/accounts/lookup', accountLookupController);
app.get('/api/v1/accounts/relationships', relationshipsController);
||||'/api/v1/accounts/:pubkey{[0-9a-f]{64}}/follow', followController);
app.get('/api/v1/accounts/:pubkey{[0-9a-f]{64}}/statuses', accountStatusesController);
app.get('/api/v1/accounts/:pubkey{[0-9a-f]{64}}', accountController);
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { findUser } from '@/db/users.ts';
import { getAuthor } from '@/queries.ts';
import { toActor } from '@/transformers/nostr-to-activitypub.ts';
import { activityJson } from '@/utils.ts';
import { activityJson } from '@/utils/web.ts';
import type { AppContext, AppController } from '@/app.ts';
@ -3,10 +3,13 @@ import { type Filter, findReplyTag, z } from '@/deps.ts';
import * as mixer from '@/mixer.ts';
import * as pipeline from '@/pipeline.ts';
import { getAuthor, getFollows } from '@/queries.ts';
import { booleanParamSchema } from '@/schema.ts';
import { jsonMetaContentSchema } from '@/schemas/nostr.ts';
import { signEvent } from '@/sign.ts';
import { toAccount, toStatus } from '@/transformers/nostr-to-mastoapi.ts';
import { buildLinkHeader, eventDateComparator, lookupAccount, nostrNow, paginationSchema, parseBody } from '@/utils.ts';
import { toAccount, toRelationship, toStatus } from '@/transformers/nostr-to-mastoapi.ts';
import { eventDateComparator, isFollowing, lookupAccount, nostrNow } from '@/utils.ts';
import { buildLinkHeader, paginationSchema, parseBody } from '@/utils/web.ts';
import { createEvent } from '@/utils/web.ts';
const createAccountController: AppController = (c) => {
return c.json({ error: 'Please log in with Nostr.' }, 405);
@ -72,29 +75,11 @@ const relationshipsController: AppController = async (c) => {
return c.json({ error: 'Missing `id[]` query parameters.' }, 422);
const follows = await getFollows(pubkey);
const result = => ({
following: !!follows?.tags.find((tag) => tag[0] === 'p' &&[1])),
showing_reblogs: false,
notifying: false,
followed_by: false,
blocking: false,
blocked_by: false,
muting: false,
muting_notifications: false,
requested: false,
domain_blocking: false,
endorsed: false,
const result = await Promise.all( => toRelationship(pubkey, id)));
return c.json(result);
/** */
const booleanParamSchema = z.enum(['true', 'false']).transform((value) => value === 'true');
const accountStatusesQuerySchema = z.object({
pinned: booleanParamSchema.optional(),
limit: z.coerce.number().positive().transform((v) => Math.min(v, 40)).catch(20),
@ -179,12 +164,34 @@ const updateCredentialsController: AppController = async (c) => {
return c.json(account);
const followController: AppController = async (c) => {
const sourcePubkey = c.get('pubkey')!;
const targetPubkey = c.req.param('pubkey');
const source = await getFollows(sourcePubkey);
if (!source || !isFollowing(source, targetPubkey)) {
await createEvent({
kind: 3,
content: '',
tags: [
...(source?.tags ?? []),
['p', targetPubkey],
}, c);
const relationship = await toRelationship(sourcePubkey, targetPubkey);
return c.json(relationship);
export {
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import { lodash, nip19, uuid62, z } from '@/deps.ts';
import { AppController } from '@/app.ts';
import { nostrNow, parseBody } from '@/utils.ts';
import { nostrNow } from '@/utils.ts';
import { parseBody } from '@/utils/web.ts';
const passwordGrantSchema = z.object({
grant_type: z.literal('password'),
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ import * as pipeline from '@/pipeline.ts';
import { getAncestors, getDescendants, getEvent } from '@/queries.ts';
import { signEvent } from '@/sign.ts';
import { toStatus } from '@/transformers/nostr-to-mastoapi.ts';
import { nostrNow, parseBody } from '@/utils.ts';
import { nostrNow } from '@/utils.ts';
import { parseBody } from '@/utils/web.ts';
const createStatusSchema = z.object({
in_reply_to_id: z.string().regex(/[0-9a-f]{64}/).nullish(),
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { z } from '@/deps.ts';
import { getFeed, getPublicFeed } from '@/queries.ts';
import { booleanParamSchema } from '@/schema.ts';
import { toStatus } from '@/transformers/nostr-to-mastoapi.ts';
import { buildLinkHeader, paginationSchema } from '@/utils.ts';
import { buildLinkHeader, paginationSchema } from '@/utils/web.ts';
import type { AppController } from '@/app.ts';
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import * as eventsDB from '@/db/events.ts';
import { type Event, type Filter, findReplyTag } from '@/deps.ts';
import * as mixer from '@/mixer.ts';
import { type PaginationParams } from '@/utils.ts';
import { type PaginationParams } from '@/utils/web.ts';
interface GetEventOpts<K extends number> {
/** Timeout in milliseconds. */
@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ const getEvent = async <K extends number = number>(
/** Get a Nostr `set_medatadata` event for a user's pubkey. */
const getAuthor = async (pubkey: string, timeout = 1000): Promise<Event<0> | undefined> => {
const [event] = await mixer.getFilters([{ authors: [pubkey], kinds: [0] }], { timeout });
const [event] = await mixer.getFilters([{ authors: [pubkey], kinds: [0], limit: 1 }], { limit: 1, timeout });
return event;
/** Get users the given pubkey follows. */
const getFollows = async (pubkey: string, timeout = 1000): Promise<Event<3> | undefined> => {
const [event] = await mixer.getFilters([{ authors: [pubkey], kinds: [3] }], { timeout });
const [event] = await mixer.getFilters([{ authors: [pubkey], kinds: [3], limit: 1 }], { limit: 1, timeout });
return event;
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ function getDescendants(eventId: string): Promise<Event<1>[]> {
/** Returns whether the pubkey is followed by a local user. */
async function isLocallyFollowed(pubkey: string): Promise<boolean> {
const [event] = await eventsDB.getFilters([{ kinds: [3], '#p': [pubkey], local: true }], { limit: 1 });
const [event] = await eventsDB.getFilters([{ kinds: [3], '#p': [pubkey], local: true, limit: 1 }], { limit: 1 });
return Boolean(event);
@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ import { Conf } from '@/config.ts';
import { type Event, findReplyTag, lodash, nip19, sanitizeHtml, TTLCache, unfurl, z } from '@/deps.ts';
import { verifyNip05Cached } from '@/nip05.ts';
import { getMediaLinks, type MediaLink, parseNoteContent } from '@/note.ts';
import { getAuthor } from '@/queries.ts';
import { getAuthor, getFollows } from '@/queries.ts';
import { emojiTagSchema, filteredArray } from '@/schema.ts';
import { jsonMetaContentSchema } from '@/schemas/nostr.ts';
import { type Nip05, nostrDate, parseNip05, Time } from '@/utils.ts';
import { isFollowing, type Nip05, nostrDate, parseNip05, Time } from '@/utils.ts';
const DEFAULT_AVATAR = '';
const DEFAULT_BANNER = '';
@ -254,4 +254,26 @@ function toEmojis(event: Event) {
export { toAccount, toStatus };
async function toRelationship(sourcePubkey: string, targetPubkey: string) {
const [source, target] = await Promise.all([
return {
id: targetPubkey,
following: source ? isFollowing(source, targetPubkey) : false,
showing_reblogs: true,
notifying: false,
followed_by: target ? isFollowing(target, sourcePubkey) : false,
blocking: false,
blocked_by: false,
muting: false,
muting_notifications: false,
requested: false,
domain_blocking: false,
endorsed: false,
export { toAccount, toRelationship, toStatus };
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import { Conf } from '@/config.ts';
import { type Context, type Event, nip19, parseFormData, z } from '@/deps.ts';
import { type Event, nip19, z } from '@/deps.ts';
import { lookupNip05Cached } from '@/nip05.ts';
import { getAuthor } from '@/queries.ts';
@ -66,40 +65,6 @@ async function lookupAccount(value: string): Promise<Event<0> | undefined> {
/** Parse request body to JSON, depending on the content-type of the request. */
async function parseBody(req: Request): Promise<unknown> {
switch (req.headers.get('content-type')?.split(';')[0]) {
case 'multipart/form-data':
case 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded':
return parseFormData(await req.formData());
case 'application/json':
return req.json();
const paginationSchema = z.object({
since: z.coerce.number().optional().catch(undefined),
until: z.lazy(() => z.coerce.number().catch(nostrNow())),
limit: z.coerce.number().catch(20).transform((value) => Math.min(Math.max(value, 0), 40)),
type PaginationParams = z.infer<typeof paginationSchema>;
function buildLinkHeader(url: string, events: Event[]): string | undefined {
if (!events.length) return;
const firstEvent = events[0];
const lastEvent = events[events.length - 1];
const { pathname, search } = new URL(url);
const next = new URL(pathname + search, Conf.localDomain);
const prev = new URL(pathname + search, Conf.localDomain);
next.searchParams.set('until', String(lastEvent.created_at));
prev.searchParams.set('since', String(firstEvent.created_at));
return `<${next}>; rel="next", <${prev}>; rel="prev"`;
/** Return the event's age in milliseconds. */
function eventAge(event: Event): number {
return new Date().getTime() - nostrDate(event.created_at).getTime();
@ -123,45 +88,30 @@ async function sha256(message: string): Promise<string> {
return hashHex;
/** JSON-LD context. */
type LDContext = (string | Record<string, string | Record<string, string>>)[];
/** Add a basic JSON-LD context to ActivityStreams object, if it doesn't already exist. */
function maybeAddContext<T>(object: T): T & { '@context': LDContext } {
return {
'@context': [''],
/** Like hono's `c.json()` except returns JSON-LD. */
function activityJson<T, P extends string>(c: Context<any, P>, object: T) {
const response = c.json(maybeAddContext(object));
response.headers.set('content-type', 'application/activity+json; charset=UTF-8');
return response;
/** Schema to parse a relay URL. */
const relaySchema = z.string().max(255).startsWith('wss://').url();
/** Check whether the value is a valid relay URL. */
const isRelay = (relay: string): relay is `wss://${string}` => relaySchema.safeParse(relay).success;
/** Check whether source is following target. */
function isFollowing(source: Event<3>, targetPubkey: string): boolean {
return Boolean(
source.tags.find(([tagName, tagValue]) => tagName === 'p' && tagValue === targetPubkey),
export {
type Nip05,
type PaginationParams,
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
import { Conf } from '@/config.ts';
import { type Context, type Event, EventTemplate, HTTPException, parseFormData, z } from '@/deps.ts';
import * as pipeline from '@/pipeline.ts';
import { signEvent } from '@/sign.ts';
import { nostrNow } from '@/utils.ts';
import type { AppContext } from '@/app.ts';
/** Publish an event through the API, throwing a Hono exception on failure. */
async function createEvent<K extends number>(t: Omit<EventTemplate<K>, 'created_at'>, c: AppContext) {
const pubkey = c.get('pubkey');
if (!pubkey) {
throw new HTTPException(401);
const event = await signEvent({
created_at: nostrNow(),
}, c);
try {
await pipeline.handleEvent(event);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof pipeline.RelayError) {
throw new HTTPException(422, {
res: c.json({ error: e.message }, 422),
return event;
/** Parse request body to JSON, depending on the content-type of the request. */
async function parseBody(req: Request): Promise<unknown> {
switch (req.headers.get('content-type')?.split(';')[0]) {
case 'multipart/form-data':
case 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded':
return parseFormData(await req.formData());
case 'application/json':
return req.json();
/** Schema to parse pagination query params. */
const paginationSchema = z.object({
since: z.coerce.number().optional().catch(undefined),
until: z.lazy(() => z.coerce.number().catch(nostrNow())),
limit: z.coerce.number().catch(20).transform((value) => Math.min(Math.max(value, 0), 40)),
/** Mastodon API pagination query params. */
type PaginationParams = z.infer<typeof paginationSchema>;
/** Build HTTP Link header for Mastodon API pagination. */
function buildLinkHeader(url: string, events: Event[]): string | undefined {
if (!events.length) return;
const firstEvent = events[0];
const lastEvent = events[events.length - 1];
const { pathname, search } = new URL(url);
const next = new URL(pathname + search, Conf.localDomain);
const prev = new URL(pathname + search, Conf.localDomain);
next.searchParams.set('until', String(lastEvent.created_at));
prev.searchParams.set('since', String(firstEvent.created_at));
return `<${next}>; rel="next", <${prev}>; rel="prev"`;
/** JSON-LD context. */
type LDContext = (string | Record<string, string | Record<string, string>>)[];
/** Add a basic JSON-LD context to ActivityStreams object, if it doesn't already exist. */
function maybeAddContext<T>(object: T): T & { '@context': LDContext } {
return {
'@context': [''],
/** Like hono's `c.json()` except returns JSON-LD. */
function activityJson<T, P extends string>(c: Context<any, P>, object: T) {
const response = c.json(maybeAddContext(object));
response.headers.set('content-type', 'application/activity+json; charset=UTF-8');
return response;
export { activityJson, buildLinkHeader, createEvent, type PaginationParams, paginationSchema, parseBody };
Reference in New Issue