import { deleteUnattachedMediaByUrl, getUnattachedMedia } from '@/db/unattached-media.ts'; import { cron } from '@/deps.ts'; import { Time } from '@/utils/time.ts'; import { configUploader as uploader } from '@/uploaders/config.ts'; import { cidFromUrl } from '@/utils/ipfs.ts'; /** Delete files that aren't attached to any events. */ async function cleanupMedia() {'Deleting orphaned media files...'); const until = new Date( - Time.minutes(15)); const media = await getUnattachedMedia(until); for (const { url } of media) { const cid = cidFromUrl(new URL(url))!; try { await uploader.delete(cid); await deleteUnattachedMediaByUrl(url); } catch (e) { console.error(`Failed to delete file ${url}`); console.error(e); } }`Removed ${media?.length ?? 0} orphaned media files.`); } await cleanupMedia(); cron.every15Minute(cleanupMedia);