import { z } from 'zod'; /** Validates individual items in an array, dropping any that aren't valid. */ function filteredArray(schema: T) { return z.any().array().catch([]) .transform((arr) => ( => { const parsed = schema.safeParse(item); return parsed.success ? : undefined; }).filter((item): item is z.infer => Boolean(item)) )); } /** Parses a JSON string into its native type. */ const jsonSchema = z.string().transform((value, ctx) => { try { return JSON.parse(value) as unknown; } catch (_e) { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: 'Invalid JSON' }); return z.NEVER; } }); /** */ const decode64Schema = z.string().transform((value, ctx) => { try { const binString = atob(value); const bytes = Uint8Array.from(binString, (m) => m.codePointAt(0)!); return new TextDecoder().decode(bytes); } catch (_e) { ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: 'Invalid base64', fatal: true }); return z.NEVER; } }); /** Parses a hashtag, eg `#yolo`. */ const hashtagSchema = z.string().regex(/^\w{1,30}$/); /** * Limits the length before trying to parse the URL. * */ const safeUrlSchema = z.string().max(2048).url(); /** */ const booleanParamSchema = z.enum(['true', 'false']).transform((value) => value === 'true'); /** Schema for `File` objects. */ const fileSchema = z.custom((value) => value instanceof File); export { booleanParamSchema, decode64Schema, fileSchema, filteredArray, hashtagSchema, jsonSchema, safeUrlSchema };