import { Conf } from '@/config.ts'; import { db } from '@/db.ts'; import { type Kysely } from '@/deps.ts'; import { signAdminEvent } from '@/sign.ts'; import { eventsDB } from '@/storages.ts'; interface DB { users: { pubkey: string; username: string; inserted_at: Date; admin: 0 | 1; }; } switch (Deno.args[0]) { case 'users-to-events': await usersToEvents(); break; default: console.log('Usage: deno run -A scripts/db.ts '); } async function usersToEvents() { const { origin, host } = Conf.url; for (const row of await (db as unknown as Kysely).selectFrom('users').selectAll().execute()) { const event = await signAdminEvent({ kind: 30361, tags: [ ['d', row.pubkey], ['name', row.username], ['role', row.admin ? 'admin' : 'user'], ['origin', origin], // NIP-31: ['alt', `@${row.username}@${host}'s account was updated by the admins of ${host}`], ], content: '', created_at: Math.floor(new Date(row.inserted_at).getTime() / 1000), }); await eventsDB.add(event); } }