import { MockRelay } from '@nostrify/nostrify/test'; import { assertEquals } from '@/deps-test.ts'; import { UserStore } from '@/storages/UserStore.ts'; import userBlack from '~/fixtures/events/kind-0-black.json' with { type: 'json' }; import userMe from '~/fixtures/events/event-0-makes-repost-with-quote-repost.json' with { type: 'json' }; import blockEvent from '~/fixtures/events/kind-10000-black-blocks-user-me.json' with { type: 'json' }; import event1authorUserMe from '~/fixtures/events/event-1-quote-repost-will-be-reposted.json' with { type: 'json' }; Deno.test('query events of users that are not blocked', async () => { const userBlackCopy = structuredClone(userBlack); const userMeCopy = structuredClone(userMe); const blockEventCopy = structuredClone(blockEvent); const event1authorUserMeCopy = structuredClone(event1authorUserMe); const db = new MockRelay(); const store = new UserStore(userBlackCopy.pubkey, db); await store.event(blockEventCopy); await store.event(userBlackCopy); await store.event(userMeCopy); await store.event(event1authorUserMeCopy); assertEquals(await store.query([{ kinds: [1] }], { limit: 1 }), []); });