import { Sqlite } from '@/deps.ts'; import { hashtagSchema } from '@/schema.ts'; import { nostrIdSchema } from '@/schemas/nostr.ts'; import { Time } from '@/utils.ts'; import { generateDateRange } from '@/utils/time.ts'; interface GetTrendingTagsOpts { since: Date; until: Date; limit?: number; threshold?: number; } interface GetTagHistoryOpts { tag: string; since: Date; until: Date; limit?: number; offset?: number; } class TrendsDB { #db: Sqlite; constructor(db: Sqlite) { this.#db = db; this.#db.execute(` CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tag_usages ( tag TEXT NOT NULL COLLATE NOCASE, pubkey8 TEXT NOT NULL, inserted_at DATETIME NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_time_tag ON tag_usages(inserted_at, tag); `); const cleanup = () => {'Cleaning up old tag usages...'); const lastWeek = new Date(new Date().getTime() - Time.days(7)); this.cleanupTagUsages(lastWeek); }; setInterval(cleanup, Time.hours(1)); cleanup(); } /** Gets the most used hashtags between the date range. */ getTrendingTags({ since, until, limit = 10, threshold = 3 }: GetTrendingTagsOpts) { return this.#db.query( ` SELECT tag, COUNT(DISTINCT pubkey8), COUNT(*) FROM tag_usages WHERE inserted_at >= ? AND inserted_at < ? GROUP BY tag HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT pubkey8) >= ? ORDER BY COUNT(DISTINCT pubkey8) DESC LIMIT ?; `, [since, until, threshold, limit], ).map((row) => ({ name: row[0], accounts: Number(row[1]), uses: Number(row[2]), })); } /** * Gets the tag usage count for a specific tag. * It returns an array with counts for each date between the range. */ getTagHistory({ tag, since, until, limit = 7, offset = 0 }: GetTagHistoryOpts) { const result = this.#db.query( ` SELECT date(inserted_at), COUNT(DISTINCT pubkey8), COUNT(*) FROM tag_usages WHERE tag = ? AND inserted_at >= ? AND inserted_at < ? GROUP BY date(inserted_at) ORDER BY date(inserted_at) DESC LIMIT ? OFFSET ?; `, [tag, since, until, limit, offset], ).map((row) => ({ day: new Date(row[0]), accounts: Number(row[1]), uses: Number(row[2]), })); /** Full date range between `since` and `until`. */ const dateRange = generateDateRange( new Date(since.getTime() + Time.days(1)), new Date(until.getTime() - Time.days(offset)), ).reverse(); // Fill in missing dates with 0 usages. return => { const data = result.find((item) => === day.getTime()); return data || { day, accounts: 0, uses: 0 }; }); } addTagUsages(pubkey: string, hashtags: string[], date = new Date()): void { const pubkey8 = nostrIdSchema.parse(pubkey).substring(0, 8); const tags = hashtagSchema.array().min(1).parse(hashtags); this.#db.query( 'INSERT INTO tag_usages (tag, pubkey8, inserted_at) VALUES ' + => '(?, ?, ?)').join(', '), => [tag, pubkey8, date]).flat(), ); } cleanupTagUsages(until: Date): void { this.#db.query( 'DELETE FROM tag_usages WHERE inserted_at < ?', [until], ); } } const trends = new TrendsDB( new Sqlite('data/trends.sqlite3'), ); export { trends, TrendsDB };