173 lines
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173 lines
5.1 KiB
import { Author, type Filter, findReplyTag, matchFilter, RelayPool, TTLCache } from '@/deps.ts';
import { type Event, type SignedEvent } from '@/event.ts';
import { Conf } from './config.ts';
import { eventDateComparator, type PaginationParams, Time } from './utils.ts';
const db = await Deno.openKv();
type Pool = InstanceType<typeof RelayPool>;
/** HACK: Websockets in Deno are finnicky... get a new pool every 30 minutes. */
const poolCache = new TTLCache<0, Pool>({
ttl: Time.minutes(30),
max: 2,
dispose: (pool) => {
console.log('Closing pool.');
function getPool(): Pool {
const cached = poolCache.get(0);
if (cached !== undefined) return cached;
console.log('Creating new pool.');
const pool = new RelayPool(Conf.poolRelays);
poolCache.set(0, pool);
return pool;
interface GetFilterOpts {
timeout?: number;
/** Get events from a NIP-01 filter. */
function getFilter<K extends number>(filter: Filter<K>, opts: GetFilterOpts = {}): Promise<SignedEvent<K>[]> {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
let tid: number;
const results: SignedEvent[] = [];
const unsub = getPool().subscribe(
(event: SignedEvent | null) => {
if (event && matchFilter(filter, event)) {
id: event.id,
kind: event.kind,
pubkey: event.pubkey,
content: event.content,
tags: event.tags,
created_at: event.created_at,
sig: event.sig,
if (filter.limit && results.length >= filter.limit) {
resolve(results as SignedEvent<K>[]);
() => {
resolve(results as SignedEvent<K>[]);
if (typeof opts.timeout === 'number') {
tid = setTimeout(() => {
resolve(results as SignedEvent<K>[]);
}, opts.timeout);
/** Get a Nostr event by its ID. */
const getEvent = async <K extends number = number>(id: string, kind?: K): Promise<SignedEvent<K> | undefined> => {
const event = await (getPool().getEventById(id, Conf.poolRelays, 0) as Promise<SignedEvent>);
if (event) {
if (event.id !== id) return undefined;
if (kind && event.kind !== kind) return undefined;
return event as SignedEvent<K>;
/** Get a Nostr `set_medatadata` event for a user's pubkey. */
const getAuthor = async (pubkey: string, timeout = 1000): Promise<SignedEvent<0> | undefined> => {
const author = new Author(getPool(), Conf.poolRelays, pubkey);
const event: SignedEvent<0> | null = await new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(resolve, timeout, null);
return author.metaData(resolve, 0);
return event?.pubkey === pubkey ? event : undefined;
/** Get users the given pubkey follows. */
const getFollows = async (pubkey: string): Promise<SignedEvent<3> | undefined> => {
const [event] = await getFilter({ authors: [pubkey], kinds: [3] }, { timeout: 5000 });
// TODO: figure out a better, more generic & flexible way to handle event cache (and timeouts?)
// Prewarm cache in GET `/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials`
if (event) {
await db.set(['event3', pubkey], event);
return event;
} else {
return (await db.get<SignedEvent<3>>(['event3', pubkey])).value || undefined;
/** Get events from people the user follows. */
async function getFeed(event3: Event<3>, params: PaginationParams): Promise<SignedEvent<1>[]> {
const authors = event3.tags
.filter((tag) => tag[0] === 'p')
.map((tag) => tag[1]);
authors.push(event3.pubkey); // see own events in feed
const filter: Filter = {
kinds: [1],
const results = await getFilter(filter, { timeout: 5000 }) as SignedEvent<1>[];
return results.sort(eventDateComparator);
/** Get a feed of all known text notes. */
async function getPublicFeed(params: PaginationParams): Promise<SignedEvent<1>[]> {
const results = await getFilter({ kinds: [1], ...params }, { timeout: 5000 });
return results.sort(eventDateComparator);
async function getAncestors(event: Event<1>, result = [] as Event<1>[]): Promise<Event<1>[]> {
if (result.length < 100) {
const replyTag = findReplyTag(event);
const inReplyTo = replyTag ? replyTag[1] : undefined;
if (inReplyTo) {
const parentEvent = await getEvent(inReplyTo, 1);
if (parentEvent) {
return getAncestors(parentEvent, result);
return result.reverse();
function getDescendants(eventId: string): Promise<SignedEvent<1>[]> {
return getFilter({ kinds: [1], '#e': [eventId], limit: 200 }, { timeout: 2000 }) as Promise<SignedEvent<1>[]>;
/** Publish an event to the Nostr relay. */
function publish(event: SignedEvent, relays = Conf.publishRelays): void {
console.log('Publishing event', event, relays);
try {
getPool().publish(event, relays);
} catch (e) {
export { getAncestors, getAuthor, getDescendants, getEvent, getFeed, getFilter, getFollows, getPublicFeed, publish };