
151 lines
4.4 KiB

import { type Event, type EventTemplate, getEventHash, nip19, z } from '@/deps.ts';
import { getAuthor } from '@/queries.ts';
import { lookupNip05Cached } from '@/utils/nip05.ts';
import { nostrIdSchema } from '@/schemas/nostr.ts';
/** Get the current time in Nostr format. */
const nostrNow = (): number => Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);
/** Convenience function to convert Nostr dates into native Date objects. */
const nostrDate = (seconds: number): Date => new Date(seconds * 1000);
/** Pass to sort() to sort events by date. */
const eventDateComparator = (a: Event, b: Event): number => b.created_at - a.created_at;
/** Get pubkey from bech32 string, if applicable. */
function bech32ToPubkey(bech32: string): string | undefined {
try {
const decoded = nip19.decode(bech32);
switch (decoded.type) {
case 'nprofile':
return decoded.data.pubkey;
case 'npub':
return decoded.data;
} catch (_) {
interface Nip05 {
/** Localpart of the nip05, eg `alex` in `alex@alexgleason.me`. */
local: string | undefined;
/** Domain of the nip05, eg `alexgleason.me` in `alex@alexgleason.me`. */
domain: string;
/** Value with underscore removed, eg `_@fiatjaf.com` becomes `fiatjaf.com`, but `alex@alexgleason.me` stays the same. */
handle: string;
/** The localpart, if available and not `_`. Otherwise the domain. */
nickname: string;
* Parse a NIP-05 identifier and return an object with metadata about it.
* Throws if the value is not a valid NIP-05 identifier.
function parseNip05(value: string): Nip05 {
const match = value.match(/^(?:([\w.+-]+)@)?([\w.-]+)$/i);
if (!match) throw new Error(`nip05: failed to parse ${value}`);
const [_, local, domain] = match;
return {
handle: local === '_' ? domain : value,
nickname: (local && local !== '_') ? local : domain,
/** Resolve a bech32 or NIP-05 identifier to an account. */
async function lookupAccount(value: string): Promise<Event<0> | undefined> {
console.log(`Looking up ${value}`);
const pubkey = bech32ToPubkey(value) || await lookupNip05Cached(value);
if (pubkey) {
return getAuthor(pubkey);
/** Return the event's age in milliseconds. */
function eventAge(event: Event): number {
return Date.now() - nostrDate(event.created_at).getTime();
function findTag(tags: string[][], name: string): string[] | undefined {
return tags.find((tag) => tag[0] === name);
* Get sha256 hash (hex) of some text.
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/SubtleCrypto/digest#converting_a_digest_to_a_hex_string
async function sha256(message: string): Promise<string> {
const msgUint8 = new TextEncoder().encode(message);
const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', msgUint8);
const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer));
const hashHex = hashArray
.map((b) => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0'))
return hashHex;
/** Schema to parse a relay URL. */
const relaySchema = z.string().max(255).startsWith('wss://').url();
/** Check whether the value is a valid relay URL. */
const isRelay = (relay: string): relay is `wss://${string}` => relaySchema.safeParse(relay).success;
/** Check whether source is following target. */
function isFollowing(source: Event<3>, targetPubkey: string): boolean {
return Boolean(
source.tags.find(([tagName, tagValue]) => tagName === 'p' && tagValue === targetPubkey),
/** Deduplicate events by ID. */
function dedupeEvents<K extends number>(events: Event<K>[]): Event<K>[] {
return [...new Map(events.map((event) => [event.id, event])).values()];
/** Ensure the template and event match on their shared keys. */
function eventMatchesTemplate(event: Event, template: EventTemplate): boolean {
return getEventHash(event) === getEventHash({ pubkey: event.pubkey, ...template });
/** Test whether the value is a Nostr ID. */
function isNostrId(value: unknown): boolean {
return nostrIdSchema.safeParse(value).success;
/** Test whether the value is a URL. */
function isURL(value: unknown): boolean {
try {
new URL(value as string);
return true;
} catch (_) {
return false;
export {
type Nip05,
export { Time } from './utils/time.ts';