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title: ENiGMA½ BBS Software
email: your-email@example.com
description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
ENiGMA½ BBS is modern open source BBS software with a nostalgic flair, written in Node.js.
logo: /assets/images/enigma-logo.png
# Build settings
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baseurl: /enigma-bbs
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- installation/installation-methods.md
- installation/install-script.md
- installation/docker.md
- installation/manual.md
- installation/hardware/rpi.md
- installation/hardware/windows.md
2022-02-04 14:51:03 +00:00
- installation/network.md
- installation/testing.md
- installation/production.md
- configuration/creating-config.md
- configuration/sysop-setup.md
- configuration/config-files.md
- configuration/config-hjson.md
- configuration/hjson.md
- configuration/menu-hjson.md
- configuration/directory-structure.md
- configuration/external-binaries.md
- configuration/archivers.md
- configuration/file-transfer-protocols.md
- configuration/email.md
- configuration/colour-codes.md
- configuration/event-scheduler.md
- configuration/acs.md
- configuration/security.md
- misc/user-interrupt.md
- filebase/index.md
- filebase/first-file-area.md
- filebase/acs.md
- filebase/uploads.md
- filebase/web-access.md
- filebase/tic-support.md
- filebase/network-mounts-and-symlinks.md
- messageareas/configuring-a-message-area.md
- messageareas/message-networks.md
- messageareas/bso-import-export.md
- messageareas/netmail.md
- messageareas/qwk.md
- messageareas/ftn.md
- art/general.md
- art/themes.md
- art/mci.md
- art/views/button_view.md
- art/views/edit_text_view.md
- art/views/full_menu_view.md
- art/views/horizontal_menu_view.md
- art/views/mask_edit_text_view.md
- art/views/multi_line_edit_text_view.md
- art/views/predefined_label_view.md
- art/views/spinner_menu_view.md
- art/views/text_view.md
- art/views/toggle_menu_view.md
- art/views/vertical_menu_view.md
- servers/loginservers/telnet.md
- servers/loginservers/ssh.md
- servers/loginservers/websocket.md
- servers/contentservers/web-server.md
- servers/contentservers/gopher.md
- servers/contentservers/nntp.md
2022-02-04 14:51:03 +00:00
- modding/local-doors.md
- modding/door-servers.md
- modding/telnet-bridge.md
- modding/existing-mods.md
- modding/file-area-list.md
- modding/last-callers.md
- modding/whos-online.md
- modding/user-list.md
- modding/msg-conf-list.md
- modding/msg-area-list.md
- modding/bbs-list.md
- modding/rumorz.md
- modding/file-transfer-protocol-select.md
- modding/onelinerz.md
- modding/show-art.md
- modding/file-base-download-manager.md
- modding/file-base-web-download-manager.md
- modding/set-newscan-date.md
- modding/node-msg.md
- modding/top-x.md
- modding/user-2fa-otp-config.md
- modding/autosig-edit.md
- modding/menu-modules.md
- admin/administration.md
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- modding/wfc.md
2022-02-04 14:51:03 +00:00
- admin/oputil.md
- admin/updating.md
- troubleshooting/monitoring-logs.md