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# Introduction
This document covers basic upgrade notes for major ENiGMA½ version updates.
2022-08-13 01:21:45 +00:00
> :information_source: **Be sure to read the version-to-version upgrade notes below** for each upgrade!
2022-06-12 22:28:29 +00:00
# Before Upgrading
2020-11-22 20:46:40 +00:00
* Always back up your system! (See [Administration](./docs/admin/administration.md))
2019-02-15 20:55:11 +00:00
* Seriously, always back up your system!
# General Notes
2019-02-15 20:55:11 +00:00
## Configuration File Updates
2020-07-07 00:16:53 +00:00
In general, look at template menu files in `misc/menu_templates`, and `config_template.in.hjson` as well as the default `luciano_blocktronics/theme.hjson` files when you update. These files may come with new sections you wish to merge into your system!
2019-02-15 20:55:11 +00:00
2020-07-07 00:16:53 +00:00
### Menus & Theme Updates
Upgrades often come with changes to the default menu templates found in `misc/menu_tempaltes`. You can use these as references for changes and additions to the default menu sets. This also applies to the default `luciano_blocktronics` theme and it's `theme.hjson` file.
2019-02-15 20:55:11 +00:00
2020-11-22 20:46:40 +00:00
See [Updating](./docs/admin/updating.md) for details on menu files/etc.
# Upgrading the Code
Upgrading from GitHub is easy:
cd /path/to/enigma-bbs
git pull
rm -rf npm_modules # do this any time you update Node.js itself
2020-07-07 00:16:53 +00:00
npm install # or simply 'yarn'
# Problems
2022-08-13 01:21:45 +00:00
2. Report your issue on Xibalba BBS, hop in #`enigma-bbs` on FreeNode and chat, or [file a issue on GitHub](https://github.com/NuSkooler/enigma-bbs/issues) if you believe you've found a bug or missing feature.
2022-04-05 22:25:50 +00:00
# Version to Version Notes
> :warning: Be sure to inspect these notes during any upgrades!
## 0.0.13-beta to 0.0.14-beta
* Due to changes to supported algorithms in newer versions of openssl, the default list of supported algorithms for the ssh login server has changed. There are both removed ciphers as well as optional new kex algorithms available now. ***NOTE:*** Changes to supported algorithms are only needed to support keys generated with new versions of openssl, if you already have a ssl key in use you should not have to make any changes to your config.
* Removed ciphers: 'blowfish-cbc', 'arcfour256', 'arcfour128', and 'cast128-cbc'
* Added kex: 'curve25519-sha256', 'curve25519-sha256@libssh.org', 'curve25519-sha256', 'curve25519-sha256@libssh.org', 'ecdh-sha2-nistp256', 'ecdh-sha2-nistp384', 'ecdh-sha2-nistp521'
## 0.0.12-beta to 0.0.13-beta
2022-06-12 22:28:29 +00:00
* To enable the new Waiting for Caller (WFC) support, please see [WFC](docs/modding/wfc.md).
* :exclamation: The SSH server's `ssh2` module has gone through a major upgrade. Existing users will need to comment out two SSH KEX algorithms from their `config.hjson` if present else clients such as NetRunner will not be able to connect over SSH. Comment out `diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256` and `diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1`
* Gopher configuration change. See [WHATSNEW](WHATSNEW.md)
2022-04-05 22:25:50 +00:00
* All features and changes are backwards compatible. There are a few new configuration options in a new `term` section in the configuration. These are all optional, but include the following options in case you use them:
2022-06-12 21:22:24 +00:00
2022-04-05 22:25:50 +00:00
term: {
2022-08-13 01:21:45 +00:00
// checkUtf8Encoding requires the use of cursor
// position reports, which are not supported on all terminals.
// Using this with a terminal that does not support cursor
// position reports results in a 2 second delay during the
// connect process, but provides better autoconfiguration of utf-8
2022-04-05 22:25:50 +00:00
checkUtf8Encoding: true
2022-08-13 01:21:45 +00:00
// Checking the ANSI home position also requires the use of
// cursor position reports, which are not supported on all
/// terminals. Using this with a terminal that does not support
// cursor position reports results in a 3 second delay during
// the connect process, but works around positioning problems with
2022-04-05 22:25:50 +00:00
// non-standard terminals.
checkAnsiHomePosition: true
In addition to these, there are also new options for `term.cp437TermList` and `term.utf8TermList`. Under most circumstances these should not need to be changed. If you want to customize these lists, more information is available in `config_default.js`
## 0.0.11-beta to 0.0.12-beta
* Be aware that `master` is now mainline! This means all `git pull`'s will yield the latest version. See [WHATSNEW](WHATSNEW.md) for more information.
2020-07-13 00:33:11 +00:00
* **BREAKING CHANGE** There is no longer a `prompt.hjson` file. Prompts are now simply part of the menu set in the `prompts` section. If you have an existing system you will need to add your `prompt.hjson` to your `menu.hjson`'s `includes` section at a minimum. Example:
// menu.hjson
includes: [
my-prompts.hjson // ref your old prompts here
2020-11-29 23:47:03 +00:00
* A set of database fixes were made that cause some records to be properly cleaned up when e.g. deleting a file. Existing `file.db` databases will need to be updated **manually**. Note that this applies to users upgrading within 0.0.12-beta as well:
1. **Make a backup of your file.db!**
2. Shut down ENiGMA.
3. From the enigma-bbs directory:
sqlite3 db/file.sqlite3 < ./misc/update/tables_update_2020-11-29.sql
## 0.0.10-alpha to 0.0.11-beta
* Node.js 12.x LTS is now in use. Follow standard Node.js upgrade procedures (e.g.: `nvm install 12 && nvm use 12`).
## 0.0.9-alpha to 0.0.10-alpha
* Security related files such as private keys and certs are now looked for in `config/security` by default.
2019-08-10 17:15:54 +00:00
* Default archive handler for zip files has switched to InfoZip due to a bug in the latest p7Zip packages causing "volume not found" errors. Ensure you have the InfoZip `zip` and `unzip` commands in ENiGMA's path. You can switch back to 7Zip by overriding `archiveHandler` for `application/zip` in your `config.hjson` under `fileTypes` to `7Zip`.
## 0.0.8-alpha to 0.0.9-alpha
2018-11-06 05:49:27 +00:00
* Development is now against Node.js 10.x LTS. Follow your standard upgrade path to update to Node 10.x before using 0.0.9-alpha!
2018-01-16 03:31:37 +00:00
* The property `justify` found on various views previously had `left` and `right` values swapped (oops!); you will need to adjust any custom `theme.hjson` that use one or the other and swap them as well.
2018-01-28 19:56:58 +00:00
* Possible breaking changes in FSE: The MCI code `%TL13` for error indicator is now `%TL4`. This is part of a cleanup and standardization on "custom ranges". You may need to update your `theme.hjson` and related artwork.
2018-07-08 02:13:39 +00:00
* Removed view width auto-size: Some views still can auto-size their height, but in general you should be explicit in your themes
* More standardization using "custom ranges" and `itemFormat` / `focusItemFormat` semantics. Update your themes!
* In addition to using `itemFormat`, the `onelinerz` module uses `userName` vs `username` (note the case) to match other modules
2018-07-10 02:35:37 +00:00
* `loginServers.webSocket` configuration block has changed to be more consistent with other servers. Example:
webSocket: {
ws: {
enabled: true
wss: {
enabled: true
port: 1234
proxied: true // X-Forwarded-Proto: https support
* The module export `registerEvents` has been deprecated. If you have a module that depends on this, use the new more generic `moduleInitialize` export instead.
* The `system.db` `user_event_log` table has been updated to include a unique session ID. Previously this table was not used, but you will need to perform a slight maintenance task before it can be properly used. After updating to `0.0.9-alpha`, please run the following: `sqlite3 db/system.db DROP TABLE user_event_log;`. The new table format will be created and used at startup.
2018-07-23 02:15:41 +00:00
* If you have art configured for message conference or area selection via the `art` configuration value, you will need to include a `show_art` menu reference. Defaulted to `changeMessageConfPreArt` for conferences and `changeMessageAreaPreArt` for areas & included in the example `menu.hjson`.
* Config `defaults` section was theme related and as such, has been renamed to `theme`. `defaults.theme` is now `theme.default`, and `preLoginTheme` is now `theme.preLogin`. See `config.js` if this isn't clear as mud.
2018-11-16 04:38:19 +00:00
* Similar to the last item, `defaults.general.passwordChar` in `theme.hjson` is now just `defaults.passwordChar`.
2018-01-16 03:31:37 +00:00
## 0.0.7-alpha to 0.0.8-alpha
ENiGMA 0.0.8-alpha comes with some structure changes:
* Configuration files are defaulted to `./config`. Related, the `--config` option now points to a configuration **directory**
* `./mods/art` has been moved to `./art/general`
* `./mods` is now reserved for actual user addon modules
* Themes have been moved from `./mods/themes` to `./art/themes`
With the change to the `./mods` directory, `@systemModule` is now implied for `module` declarations in `menu.hjson`. To use a user module in `./mods` you must specify `@userModule`!
With the above changes, you'll need to to at least:
2019-11-20 03:03:35 +00:00
* Move your `~/.config/enigma-bbs/config.hjson` to `./config/config.hjson` or utlize the `--config` option.
* Move your `prompt.hjson` and `menu.hjson` (e.g. `myboardname.hjson`) to `./config`
* Move any non-theme art files, and theme directories to their appropriate locations mentioned above
* Move any module directories such as `message_post_evt` to `./mods/`
* Move any certificates, pub/private keys, etc. from `./misc` to `./config`
* Specify user modules as `@userModule:my_module_name`
## 0.0.6-alpha to 0.0.7-alpha
No issues
## 0.0.5-alpha to 0.0.6-alpha
No issues
## 0.0.4-alpha to 0.0.5-alpha
No issues
## 0.0.1-alpha to 0.0.4-alpha
### Node.js 6.x+ LTS is now **required**
You will need to upgrade Node.js to [6.x+](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/doc/changelogs/CHANGELOG_V6.md). If using [nvm](https://github.com/creationix/nvm) (you should be!) the process will go something like this:
nvm install 6
nvm alias default 6
### ES6
Newly written code will use ES6 and a lot of code has started the migration process. Of note is the `MenuModule` class. If you have created a mod that inherits from `MenuModule`, you will need to upgrade your class to ES6.
### Manual Database Upgrade
A few upgrades need to be made to your SQLite databases:
rm db/file.sqltie3 # safe to delete this time as it was not used previously
sqlite3 db/message.sqlite
sqlite> INSERT INTO message_fts(message_fts) VALUES('rebuild');
### Archiver Changes
If you have overridden or made additions to archivers in your `config.hjson` you will need to update them. See [Archive Configuration](docs/archive.md) and `core/config.js`
### File Base Configuration
As 0.0.4-alpha contains file bases, you'll want to create a suitable configuration if you wish to use the feature. See [File Base Configuration](docs/file_base.md).