A vertical menu view supports displaying a list of times on a screen vertically in a single column, similar to a lightbar. This type of control is often useful for lists of items or menu controls.
## General Information
Items can be selected on a menu via the cursor keys, Page Up, Page Down, Home, and End, or by selecting them via a `hotKey` - see ***Hot Keys*** below.
> :information_source: A vertical menu view is defined with a percent (%) and the characters VM, followed by the view number (if used.) For example: `%VM1`.
The `textOverflow` option is used to specify what happens when a text string is too long to fit in the `width` defined. If an entry is too long to display in the width specified
> :information_source: If `textOverflow` is not specified at all, a menu can become wider than the `width` if needed to display a single column.
> :information_source: Setting `textOverflow` to an empty string `textOverflow: ""` will cause the item to be truncated if necessary without any characters displayed
> :information_source: Otherwise, setting `textOverflow` to one or more characters will truncate the value if necessary and display those characters at the end. i.e. `textOverflow: ...`