
492 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* jslint node: true */
'use strict';
// ENiGMA½
const Config = require('./config.js').config;
const FileDb = require('./database.js').dbs.file;
const getISOTimestampString = require('./database.js').getISOTimestampString;
const FileEntry = require('./file_entry.js');
const getServer = require('./listening_server.js').getServer;
const Errors = require('./enig_error.js').Errors;
const ErrNotEnabled = require('./enig_error.js').ErrorReasons.NotEnabled;
const StatLog = require('./stat_log.js');
const User = require('./user.js');
const Log = require('./logger.js').log;
const getConnectionByUserId = require('./client_connections.js').getConnectionByUserId;
const webServerPackageName = require('./servers/content/web.js').moduleInfo.packageName;
// deps
const hashids = require('hashids');
const moment = require('moment');
const paths = require('path');
const async = require('async');
const fs = require('graceful-fs');
const mimeTypes = require('mime-types');
const yazl = require('yazl');
function notEnabledError() {
return Errors.General('Web server is not enabled', ErrNotEnabled);
class FileAreaWebAccess {
constructor() {
this.hashids = new hashids(Config.general.boardName);
this.expireTimers = {}; // hashId->timer
startup(cb) {
const self = this;
function initFromDb(callback) {
return self.load(callback);
function addWebRoute(callback) {
self.webServer = getServer(webServerPackageName);
if(!self.webServer) {
return callback(Errors.DoesNotExist(`Server with package name "${webServerPackageName}" does not exist`));
if(self.isEnabled()) {
const routeAdded = self.webServer.instance.addRoute({
method : 'GET',
path : Config.fileBase.web.routePath,
handler : self.routeWebRequest.bind(self),
return callback(routeAdded ? null : Errors.General('Failed adding route'));
} else {
return callback(null); // not enabled, but no error
err => {
return cb(err);
shutdown(cb) {
return cb(null);
isEnabled() {
return this.webServer.instance.isEnabled();
static getHashIdTypes() {
return {
SingleFile : 0,
BatchArchive : 1,
load(cb) {
// Load entries, register expiration timers
`SELECT hash_id, expire_timestamp
FROM file_web_serve;`,
(err, row) => {
if(row) {
this.scheduleExpire(row.hash_id, moment(row.expire_timestamp));
err => {
return cb(err);
removeEntry(hashId) {
// Delete record from DB, and our timer
`DELETE FROM file_web_serve
WHERE hash_id = ?;`,
[ hashId ]
delete this.expireTimers[hashId];
scheduleExpire(hashId, expireTime) {
// remove any previous entry for this hashId
const previous = this.expireTimers[hashId];
if(previous) {
delete this.expireTimers[hashId];
const timeoutMs = expireTime.diff(moment());
if(timeoutMs <= 0) {
setImmediate( () => {
} else {
this.expireTimers[hashId] = setTimeout( () => {
}, timeoutMs);
loadServedHashId(hashId, cb) {
`SELECT expire_timestamp FROM
WHERE hash_id = ?`,
[ hashId ],
(err, result) => {
if(err || !result) {
return cb(err ? err : Errors.DoesNotExist('Invalid or missing hash ID'));
const decoded = this.hashids.decode(hashId);
// decode() should provide an array of [ userId, hashIdType, id, ... ]
if(!Array.isArray(decoded) || decoded.length < 3) {
return cb(Errors.Invalid('Invalid or unknown hash ID'));
2018-01-12 04:12:07 +00:00
const servedItem = {
hashId : hashId,
userId : decoded[0],
hashIdType : decoded[1],
expireTimestamp : moment(result.expire_timestamp),
if(FileAreaWebAccess.getHashIdTypes().SingleFile === servedItem.hashIdType) {
servedItem.fileIds = decoded.slice(2);
return cb(null, servedItem);
getSingleFileHashId(client, fileEntry) {
return this.getHashId(client, FileAreaWebAccess.getHashIdTypes().SingleFile, [ fileEntry.fileId ] );
getBatchArchiveHashId(client, batchId) {
return this.getHashId(client, FileAreaWebAccess.getHashIdTypes().BatchArchive, batchId);
getHashId(client, hashIdType, identifier) {
return this.hashids.encode(client.user.userId, hashIdType, identifier);
buildSingleFileTempDownloadLink(client, fileEntry, hashId) {
hashId = hashId || this.getSingleFileHashId(client, fileEntry);
return this.webServer.instance.buildUrl(`${Config.fileBase.web.path}${hashId}`);
buildBatchArchiveTempDownloadLink(client, hashId) {
return this.webServer.instance.buildUrl(`${Config.fileBase.web.path}${hashId}`);
getExistingTempDownloadServeItem(client, fileEntry, cb) {
if(!this.isEnabled()) {
return cb(notEnabledError());
const hashId = this.getSingleFileHashId(client, fileEntry);
this.loadServedHashId(hashId, (err, servedItem) => {
if(err) {
return cb(err);
servedItem.url = this.buildSingleFileTempDownloadLink(client, fileEntry);
return cb(null, servedItem);
_addOrUpdateHashIdRecord(dbOrTrans, hashId, expireTime, cb) {
// add/update rec with hash id and (latest) timestamp
`REPLACE INTO file_web_serve (hash_id, expire_timestamp)
VALUES (?, ?);`,
[ hashId, getISOTimestampString(expireTime) ],
err => {
if(err) {
return cb(err);
this.scheduleExpire(hashId, expireTime);
return cb(null);
createAndServeTempDownload(client, fileEntry, options, cb) {
if(!this.isEnabled()) {
return cb(notEnabledError());
const hashId = this.getSingleFileHashId(client, fileEntry);
const url = this.buildSingleFileTempDownloadLink(client, fileEntry, hashId);
options.expireTime = options.expireTime || moment().add(2, 'days');
this._addOrUpdateHashIdRecord(FileDb, hashId, options.expireTime, err => {
return cb(err, url);
createAndServeTempBatchDownload(client, fileEntries, options, cb) {
if(!this.isEnabled()) {
return cb(notEnabledError());
const batchId = moment().utc().unix();
const hashId = this.getBatchArchiveHashId(client, batchId);
const url = this.buildBatchArchiveTempDownloadLink(client, hashId);
options.expireTime = options.expireTime || moment().add(2, 'days');
FileDb.beginTransaction( (err, trans) => {
if(err) {
return cb(err);
this._addOrUpdateHashIdRecord(trans, hashId, options.expireTime, err => {
if(err) {
return trans.rollback( () => {
return cb(err);
async.eachSeries(fileEntries, (entry, nextEntry) => {
`INSERT INTO file_web_serve_batch (hash_id, file_id)
VALUES (?, ?);`,
[ hashId, entry.fileId ],
err => {
return nextEntry(err);
}, err => {
trans[err ? 'rollback' : 'commit']( () => {
return cb(err, url);
fileNotFound(resp) {
return this.webServer.instance.fileNotFound(resp);
routeWebRequest(req, resp) {
const hashId = paths.basename(req.url);
2018-01-10 01:43:04 +00:00
Log.debug( { hashId : hashId, url : req.url }, 'File area web request');
this.loadServedHashId(hashId, (err, servedItem) => {
if(err) {
return this.fileNotFound(resp);
const hashIdTypes = FileAreaWebAccess.getHashIdTypes();
switch(servedItem.hashIdType) {
case hashIdTypes.SingleFile :
return this.routeWebRequestForSingleFile(servedItem, req, resp);
case hashIdTypes.BatchArchive :
return this.routeWebRequestForBatchArchive(servedItem, req, resp);
default :
return this.fileNotFound(resp);
routeWebRequestForSingleFile(servedItem, req, resp) {
2018-01-10 01:43:04 +00:00
Log.debug( { servedItem : servedItem }, 'Single file web request');
const fileEntry = new FileEntry();
servedItem.fileId = servedItem.fileIds[0];
fileEntry.load(servedItem.fileId, err => {
if(err) {
return this.fileNotFound(resp);
const filePath = fileEntry.filePath;
if(!filePath) {
return this.fileNotFound(resp);
fs.stat(filePath, (err, stats) => {
if(err) {
return this.fileNotFound(resp);
resp.on('close', () => {
// connection closed *before* the response was fully sent
// :TODO: Log and such
resp.on('finish', () => {
// transfer completed fully
this.updateDownloadStatsForUserIdAndSystem(servedItem.userId, stats.size);
const headers = {
'Content-Type' : mimeTypes.contentType(filePath) || mimeTypes.contentType('.bin'),
'Content-Length' : stats.size,
'Content-Disposition' : `attachment; filename="${fileEntry.fileName}"`,
const readStream = fs.createReadStream(filePath);
resp.writeHead(200, headers);
return readStream.pipe(resp);
routeWebRequestForBatchArchive(servedItem, req, resp) {
2018-01-10 01:43:04 +00:00
Log.debug( { servedItem : servedItem }, 'Batch file web request');
// We are going to build an on-the-fly zip file stream of 1:n
// files in the batch.
// First, collect all file IDs
const self = this;
function fetchFileIds(callback) {
`SELECT file_id
FROM file_web_serve_batch
WHERE hash_id = ?;`,
[ servedItem.hashId ],
(err, fileIdRows) => {
if(err || !Array.isArray(fileIdRows) || 0 === fileIdRows.length) {
return callback(Errors.DoesNotExist('Could not get file IDs for batch'));
return callback(null, fileIdRows.map(r => r.file_id));
function loadFileEntries(fileIds, callback) {
const filePaths = [];
async.eachSeries(fileIds, (fileId, nextFileId) => {
const fileEntry = new FileEntry();
fileEntry.load(fileId, err => {
if(!err) {
return nextFileId(err);
}, err => {
if(err) {
return callback(Errors.DoesNotExist('Coudl not load file IDs for batch'));
return callback(null, filePaths);
function createAndServeStream(filePaths, callback) {
2018-01-10 01:43:04 +00:00
Log.trace( { filePaths : filePaths }, 'Creating zip archive for batch web request');
const zipFile = new yazl.ZipFile();
2018-01-10 01:43:04 +00:00
zipFile.on('error', err => {
Log.warn( { error : err.message }, 'Error adding file to batch web request archive');
filePaths.forEach(fp => {
fp, // path to physical file
paths.basename(fp), // filename/path *stored in archive*
compress : false, // :TODO: do this smartly - if ext is in set = false, else true via isArchive() or such... mimeDB has this for us.
zipFile.end( finalZipSize => {
if(-1 === finalZipSize) {
return callback(Errors.UnexpectedState('Unable to acquire final zip size'));
resp.on('close', () => {
// connection closed *before* the response was fully sent
// :TODO: Log and such
resp.on('finish', () => {
// transfer completed fully
self.updateDownloadStatsForUserIdAndSystem(servedItem.userId, finalZipSize);
const batchFileName = `batch_${servedItem.hashId}.zip`;
const headers = {
'Content-Type' : mimeTypes.contentType(batchFileName) || mimeTypes.contentType('.bin'),
'Content-Length' : finalZipSize,
'Content-Disposition' : `attachment; filename="${batchFileName}"`,
resp.writeHead(200, headers);
return zipFile.outputStream.pipe(resp);
err => {
if(err) {
// :TODO: Log me!
return this.fileNotFound(resp);
// ...otherwise, we would have called resp() already.
updateDownloadStatsForUserIdAndSystem(userId, dlBytes, cb) {
function fetchActiveUser(callback) {
const clientForUserId = getConnectionByUserId(userId);
if(clientForUserId) {
return callback(null, clientForUserId.user);
// not online now - look 'em up
User.getUser(userId, (err, assocUser) => {
return callback(err, assocUser);
function updateStats(user, callback) {
StatLog.incrementUserStat(user, 'dl_total_count', 1);
StatLog.incrementUserStat(user, 'dl_total_bytes', dlBytes);
StatLog.incrementSystemStat('dl_total_count', 1);
StatLog.incrementSystemStat('dl_total_bytes', dlBytes);
return callback(null);
err => {
if(cb) {
return cb(err);
module.exports = new FileAreaWebAccess();