2020-06-07 15:26:11 -06:00
const paths = require ( 'path' ) ;
module . exports = ( ) => {
return {
general : {
boardName : 'Another Fine ENiGMA½ BBS' ,
prettyBoardName : '|08A|07nother |07F|08ine |07E|08NiGMA|07½ B|08BS' ,
telnetHostname : '' ,
sshHostname : '' ,
website : 'https://enigma-bbs.github.io' ,
description : 'An ENiGMA½ BBS' ,
// :TODO: closedSystem prob belongs under users{}?
closedSystem : false , // is the system closed to new users?
menuFile : 'menu.hjson' , // 'oputil.js config new' will set this appropriately in config.hjson; may be full path
achievementFile : 'achievements.hjson' ,
} ,
users : {
usernameMin : 2 ,
usernameMax : 16 , // Note that FidoNet wants 36 max
usernamePattern : '^[A-Za-z0-9~!@#$%^&*()\\-\\_+ .]+$' ,
passwordMin : 6 ,
passwordMax : 128 ,
// The bad password list is a text file containing a password per line.
// Entries in this list are not allowed to be used on the system as they
// are known to be too common.
// A great resource can be found at https://github.com/danielmiessler/SecLists
// Current list source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/danielmiessler/SecLists/master/Passwords/probable-v2-top12000.txt
badPassFile : paths . join ( _ _dirname , '../misc/bad_passwords.txt' ) ,
realNameMax : 32 ,
locationMax : 32 ,
affilsMax : 32 ,
emailMax : 255 ,
webMax : 255 ,
requireActivation : false , // require SysOp activation? false = auto-activate
groups : [ 'users' , 'sysops' ] , // built in groups
defaultGroups : [ 'users' ] , // default groups new users belong to
newUserNames : [ 'new' , 'apply' ] , // Names reserved for applying
badUserNames : [
'sysop' , 'admin' , 'administrator' , 'root' , 'all' ,
'areamgr' , 'filemgr' , 'filefix' , 'areafix' , 'allfix' ,
'server' , 'client' , 'notme'
] ,
preAuthIdleLogoutSeconds : 60 * 3 , // 3m
idleLogoutSeconds : 60 * 6 , // 6m
failedLogin : {
disconnect : 3 , // 0=disabled
lockAccount : 9 , // 0=disabled; Mark user status as "locked" if >= N
autoUnlockMinutes : 60 * 6 , // 0=disabled; Auto unlock after N minutes.
} ,
unlockAtEmailPwReset : true , // if true, password reset via email will unlock locked accounts
twoFactorAuth : {
method : 'googleAuth' ,
otp : {
registerEmailText : paths . join ( _ _dirname , '../misc/otp_register_email.template.txt' ) ,
registerEmailHtml : paths . join ( _ _dirname , '../misc/otp_register_email.template.html' ) ,
registerPageTemplate : paths . join ( _ _dirname , '../www/otp_register.template.html' ) ,
} ,
theme : {
default : 'luciano_blocktronics' ,
preLogin : 'luciano_blocktronics' ,
passwordChar : '*' ,
dateFormat : {
short : 'MM/DD/YYYY' ,
long : 'ddd, MMMM Do, YYYY' ,
} ,
timeFormat : {
short : 'h:mm a' ,
} ,
dateTimeFormat : {
short : 'MM/DD/YYYY h:mm a' ,
long : 'ddd, MMMM Do, YYYY, h:mm a' ,
} ,
menus : {
cls : true , // Clear screen before each menu by default?
} ,
paths : {
config : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../config/' ) ,
security : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../config/security' ) , // certs, keys, etc.
mods : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../mods/' ) ,
loginServers : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './servers/login/' ) ,
contentServers : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './servers/content/' ) ,
chatServers : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './servers/chat/' ) ,
scannerTossers : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './scanner_tossers/' ) ,
mailers : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './mailers/' ) ,
art : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../art/general/' ) ,
themes : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../art/themes/' ) ,
logs : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../logs/' ) ,
db : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../db/' ) ,
modsDb : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../db/mods/' ) ,
dropFiles : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../drop/' ) , // + "/node<x>/
misc : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../misc/' ) ,
} ,
loginServers : {
telnet : {
port : 8888 ,
enabled : true ,
firstMenu : 'telnetConnected' ,
} ,
ssh : {
port : 8889 ,
enabled : false , // default to false as PK/pass in config.hjson are required
// To enable SSH, perform the following steps:
// 1 - Generate a Private Key (PK):
// Currently ENiGMA 1/2 requires a PKCS#1 PEM formatted PK.
// To generate a secure PK, issue the following command:
// > openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048 \
// -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_pubexp:65537 | openssl rsa \
// -out ./config/security/ssh_private_key.pem -aes128
// (The above is a more modern equivalent of the following):
// > openssl genrsa -aes128 -out ./config/security/ssh_private_key.pem 2048
// 2 - Set 'privateKeyPass' to the password you used in step #1
// 3 - Finally, set 'enabled' to 'true'
// Additional reading:
// - https://blog.sleeplessbeastie.eu/2017/12/28/how-to-generate-private-key/
// - https://gist.github.com/briansmith/2ee42439923d8e65a266994d0f70180b
privateKeyPem : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../config/security/ssh_private_key.pem' ) ,
firstMenu : 'sshConnected' ,
firstMenuNewUser : 'sshConnectedNewUser' ,
// SSH details that can affect security. Stronger ciphers are better for example,
// but terminals such as SyncTERM require KEX diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,
// cipher 3des-cbc, etc.
// See https://github.com/mscdex/ssh2-streams for the full list of supported
// algorithms.
algorithms : {
kex : [
'ecdh-sha2-nistp256' ,
'ecdh-sha2-nistp384' ,
'ecdh-sha2-nistp521' ,
'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256' ,
'diffie-hellman-group14-sha1' ,
'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1' ,
'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1' ,
] ,
cipher : [
'aes128-ctr' ,
'aes192-ctr' ,
'aes256-ctr' ,
'aes128-gcm' ,
'aes128-gcm@openssh.com' ,
'aes256-gcm' ,
'aes256-gcm@openssh.com' ,
'aes256-cbc' ,
'aes192-cbc' ,
'aes128-cbc' ,
'blowfish-cbc' ,
'3des-cbc' ,
'arcfour256' ,
'arcfour128' ,
'cast128-cbc' ,
'arcfour' ,
] ,
hmac : [
'hmac-sha2-256' ,
'hmac-sha2-512' ,
'hmac-sha1' ,
'hmac-md5' ,
'hmac-sha2-256-96' ,
'hmac-sha2-512-96' ,
'hmac-ripemd160' ,
'hmac-sha1-96' ,
'hmac-md5-96' ,
] ,
// note that we disable compression by default due to issues with many clients. YMMV.
compress : [ 'none' ]
} ,
} ,
webSocket : {
ws : {
// non-secure ws://
enabled : false ,
port : 8810 ,
} ,
wss : {
// secure ws://
// must provide valid certPem and keyPem
enabled : false ,
port : 8811 ,
certPem : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../config/https_cert.pem' ) ,
keyPem : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../config/https_cert_key.pem' ) ,
} ,
} ,
} ,
contentServers : {
web : {
domain : 'another-fine-enigma-bbs.org' ,
staticRoot : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../www' ) ,
resetPassword : {
// The following templates have these variables available to them:
// * %BOARDNAME% : Name of BBS
// * %USERNAME% : Username of whom to reset password
// * %TOKEN% : Reset token
// * %RESET_URL% : In case of email, the link to follow for reset. In case of landing page,
// URL to POST submit reset form.
// templates for pw reset *email*
resetPassEmailText : paths . join ( _ _dirname , '../misc/reset_password_email.template.txt' ) , // plain text version
resetPassEmailHtml : paths . join ( _ _dirname , '../misc/reset_password_email.template.html' ) , // HTML version
// tempalte for pw reset *landing page*
resetPageTemplate : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../www/reset_password.template.html' ) ,
} ,
http : {
enabled : false ,
port : 8080 ,
} ,
https : {
enabled : false ,
port : 8443 ,
certPem : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../config/https_cert.pem' ) ,
keyPem : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../config/https_cert_key.pem' ) ,
} ,
gopher : {
enabled : false ,
port : 8070 ,
publicHostname : 'another-fine-enigma-bbs.org' ,
publicPort : 8070 , // adjust if behind NAT/etc.
2020-11-27 00:54:56 -07:00
staticRoot : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../gopher' ) ,
2020-06-07 15:26:11 -06:00
// Set messageConferences{} to maps of confTag -> [ areaTag1, areaTag2, ... ]
// to export message confs/areas
} ,
nntp : {
// internal caching of groups, message lists, etc.
cache : {
maxItems : 200 ,
maxAge : 1000 * 30 , // 30s
} ,
// Set publicMessageConferences{} to a map of confTag -> [ areaTag1, areaTag2, ... ]
// in order to export *public* conf/areas that are available to anonymous
// NNTP users. Other conf/areas: Standard ACS rules apply.
publicMessageConferences : { } ,
nntp : {
enabled : false ,
port : 8119 ,
} ,
nntps : {
enabled : false ,
port : 8563 ,
certPem : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../config/nntps_cert.pem' ) ,
keyPem : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../config/nntps_key.pem' ) ,
} ,
chatServers : {
mrc : {
enabled : false ,
serverHostname : 'mrc.bottomlessabyss.net' ,
serverPort : 5000 ,
retryDelay : 10000 ,
multiplexerPort : 5000 ,
} ,
infoExtractUtils : {
Exiftool2Desc : {
cmd : ` ${ _ _dirname } /../util/exiftool2desc.js ` , // ensure chmod +x
} ,
Exiftool : {
cmd : 'exiftool' ,
args : [
'-charset' , 'utf8' , '{filePath}' ,
// exclude the following:
'--directory' , '--filepermissions' , '--exiftoolversion' , '--filename' , '--filesize' ,
'--filemodifydate' , '--fileaccessdate' , '--fileinodechangedate' , '--createdate' , '--modifydate' ,
'--metadatadate' , '--xmptoolkit'
} ,
XDMS2Desc : {
// http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/xdms.1.html
cmd : 'xdms' ,
args : [ 'd' , '{filePath}' ]
} ,
XDMS2LongDesc : {
// http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/xdms.1.html
cmd : 'xdms' ,
args : [ 'f' , '{filePath}' ]
} ,
} ,
fileTypes : {
// File types explicitly known to the system. Here we can configure
// information extraction, archive treatment, etc.
// MIME types can be found in mime-db: https://github.com/jshttp/mime-db
// Resources for signature/magic bytes:
// * http://www.garykessler.net/library/file_sigs.html
// :TODO: text/x-ansi -> SAUCE extraction for .ans uploads
// :TODO: textual : bool -- if text, we can view.
// :TODO: asText : { cmd, args[] } -> viewable text
// Audio
'audio/mpeg' : {
desc : 'MP3 Audio' ,
shortDescUtil : 'Exiftool2Desc' ,
longDescUtil : 'Exiftool' ,
} ,
'application/pdf' : {
desc : 'Adobe PDF' ,
shortDescUtil : 'Exiftool2Desc' ,
longDescUtil : 'Exiftool' ,
} ,
// Video
'video/mp4' : {
desc : 'MPEG Video' ,
shortDescUtil : 'Exiftool2Desc' ,
longDescUtil : 'Exiftool' ,
} ,
'video/x-matroska ' : {
desc : 'Matroska Video' ,
shortDescUtil : 'Exiftool2Desc' ,
longDescUtil : 'Exiftool' ,
} ,
'video/x-msvideo' : {
desc : 'Audio Video Interleave' ,
shortDescUtil : 'Exiftool2Desc' ,
longDescUtil : 'Exiftool' ,
} ,
// Images
'image/jpeg' : {
desc : 'JPEG Image' ,
shortDescUtil : 'Exiftool2Desc' ,
longDescUtil : 'Exiftool' ,
} ,
'image/png' : {
desc : 'Portable Network Graphic Image' ,
shortDescUtil : 'Exiftool2Desc' ,
longDescUtil : 'Exiftool' ,
} ,
'image/gif' : {
desc : 'Graphics Interchange Format Image' ,
shortDescUtil : 'Exiftool2Desc' ,
longDescUtil : 'Exiftool' ,
} ,
'image/webp' : {
desc : 'WebP Image' ,
shortDescUtil : 'Exiftool2Desc' ,
longDescUtil : 'Exiftool' ,
} ,
// Archives
'application/zip' : {
desc : 'ZIP Archive' ,
sig : '504b0304' ,
offset : 0 ,
archiveHandler : 'InfoZip' ,
} ,
/ *
'application/x-cbr' : {
desc : 'Comic Book Archive' ,
sig : '504b0304' ,
} ,
* /
'application/x-arj' : {
desc : 'ARJ Archive' ,
sig : '60ea' ,
offset : 0 ,
archiveHandler : 'Arj' ,
} ,
'application/x-rar-compressed' : {
desc : 'RAR Archive' ,
sig : '526172211a07' ,
offset : 0 ,
archiveHandler : 'Rar' ,
} ,
'application/gzip' : {
desc : 'Gzip Archive' ,
sig : '1f8b' ,
offset : 0 ,
archiveHandler : 'TarGz' ,
} ,
// :TODO: application/x-bzip
'application/x-bzip2' : {
desc : 'BZip2 Archive' ,
sig : '425a68' ,
offset : 0 ,
archiveHandler : '7Zip' ,
} ,
'application/x-lzh-compressed' : {
desc : 'LHArc Archive' ,
sig : '2d6c68' ,
offset : 2 ,
archiveHandler : 'Lha' ,
} ,
'application/x-lzx' : {
desc : 'LZX Archive' ,
sig : '4c5a5800' ,
offset : 0 ,
archiveHandler : 'Lzx' ,
} ,
'application/x-7z-compressed' : {
desc : '7-Zip Archive' ,
sig : '377abcaf271c' ,
offset : 0 ,
archiveHandler : '7Zip' ,
} ,
// Generics that need further mapping
'application/octet-stream' : [
desc : 'Amiga DISKMASHER' ,
sig : '444d5321' , // DMS!
ext : '.dms' ,
shortDescUtil : 'XDMS2Desc' ,
longDescUtil : 'XDMS2LongDesc' ,
} ,
desc : 'SIO2PC Atari Disk Image' ,
sig : '9602' , // 16bit sum of "NICKATARI"
ext : '.atr' ,
archiveHandler : 'Atr' ,
} ,
archives : {
archivers : {
'7Zip' : { // p7zip package
compress : {
cmd : '7za' ,
args : [ 'a' , '-tzip' , '{archivePath}' , '{fileList}' ] ,
} ,
decompress : {
cmd : '7za' ,
2021-02-13 11:05:14 -07:00
args : [ 'e' , '-y' , '-o{extractPath}' , '{archivePath}' ] // :TODO: should be 'x'?
2020-06-07 15:26:11 -06:00
} ,
list : {
cmd : '7za' ,
args : [ 'l' , '{archivePath}' ] ,
entryMatch : '^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}\\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\\s[A-Za-z\\.]{5}\\s+([0-9]+)\\s+[0-9]+\\s+([^\\r\\n]+)$' ,
} ,
extract : {
cmd : '7za' ,
2021-02-13 11:05:14 -07:00
args : [ 'e' , '-y' , '-o{extractPath}' , '{archivePath}' , '{fileList}' ] ,
2020-06-07 15:26:11 -06:00
} ,
} ,
InfoZip : {
compress : {
cmd : 'zip' ,
args : [ '{archivePath}' , '{fileList}' ] ,
} ,
decompress : {
cmd : 'unzip' ,
args : [ '-n' , '{archivePath}' , '-d' , '{extractPath}' ] ,
} ,
list : {
cmd : 'unzip' ,
args : [ '-l' , '{archivePath}' ] ,
// Annoyingly, dates can be in YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD-YYYY format
entryMatch : '^\\s*([0-9]+)\\s+[0-9]{2,4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2,4}\\s+[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\\s+([^\\r\\n]+)$' ,
} ,
extract : {
cmd : 'unzip' ,
args : [ '-n' , '{archivePath}' , '{fileList}' , '-d' , '{extractPath}' ] ,
} ,
Lha : {
// 'lha' command can be obtained from:
// * apt-get: lhasa
// (compress not currently supported)
decompress : {
cmd : 'lha' ,
args : [ '-efw={extractPath}' , '{archivePath}' ] ,
} ,
list : {
cmd : 'lha' ,
args : [ '-l' , '{archivePath}' ] ,
entryMatch : '^[\\[a-z\\]]+(?:\\s+[0-9]+\\s+[0-9]+|\\s+)([0-9]+)\\s+[0-9]{2}\\.[0-9]\\%\\s+[A-Za-z]{3}\\s+[0-9]{1,2}\\s+[0-9]{4}\\s+([^\\r\\n]+)$' ,
} ,
extract : {
cmd : 'lha' ,
args : [ '-efw={extractPath}' , '{archivePath}' , '{fileList}' ]
} ,
Lzx : {
// 'unlzx' command can be obtained from:
// * Debian based: https://launchpad.net/~rzr/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/2486127 (amd64/x86_64)
// * RedHat: https://fedora.pkgs.org/28/rpm-sphere/unlzx-1.1-4.1.x86_64.rpm.html
// * Source: http://xavprods.free.fr/lzx/
decompress : {
cmd : 'unlzx' ,
// unzlx doesn't have a output dir option, but we'll cwd to the temp output dir first
args : [ '-x' , '{archivePath}' ] ,
} ,
list : {
cmd : 'unlzx' ,
args : [ '-v' , '{archivePath}' ] ,
entryMatch : '^\\s+([0-9]+)\\s+[^\\s]+\\s+[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\\s+[0-9]{1,2}-[a-z]{3}-[0-9]{4}\\s+[a-z\\-]+\\s+\\"([^"]+)\\"$' ,
} ,
Arj : {
// 'arj' command can be obtained from:
// * apt-get: arj
decompress : {
cmd : 'arj' ,
args : [ 'x' , '{archivePath}' , '{extractPath}' ] ,
} ,
list : {
cmd : 'arj' ,
args : [ 'l' , '{archivePath}' ] ,
entryMatch : '^([^\\s]+)\\s+([0-9]+)\\s+[0-9]+\\s[0-9\\.]+\\s+[0-9]{2}\\-[0-9]{2}\\-[0-9]{2}\\s[0-9]{2}\\:[0-9]{2}\\:[0-9]{2}\\s+(?:[^\\r\\n]+)$' ,
entryGroupOrder : { // defaults to { byteSize : 1, fileName : 2 }
fileName : 1 ,
byteSize : 2 ,
} ,
extract : {
cmd : 'arj' ,
args : [ 'e' , '{archivePath}' , '{extractPath}' , '{fileList}' ] ,
} ,
Rar : {
decompress : {
cmd : 'unrar' ,
args : [ 'x' , '{archivePath}' , '{extractPath}' ] ,
} ,
list : {
cmd : 'unrar' ,
args : [ 'l' , '{archivePath}' ] ,
entryMatch : '^\\s+[\\.A-Z]+\\s+([\\d]+)\\s{2}[0-9]{2,4}\\-[0-9]{2}\\-[0-9]{2}\\s[0-9]{2}\\:[0-9]{2}\\s{2}([^\\r\\n]+)$' ,
} ,
extract : {
cmd : 'unrar' ,
args : [ 'e' , '{archivePath}' , '{extractPath}' , '{fileList}' ] ,
} ,
TarGz : {
decompress : {
cmd : 'tar' ,
args : [ '-xf' , '{archivePath}' , '-C' , '{extractPath}' , '--strip-components=1' ] ,
} ,
list : {
cmd : 'tar' ,
args : [ '-tvf' , '{archivePath}' ] ,
entryMatch : '^[drwx\\-]{10}\\s[A-Za-z0-9\\/]+\\s+([0-9]+)\\s[0-9]{4}\\-[0-9]{2}\\-[0-9]{2}\\s[0-9]{2}\\:[0-9]{2}\\s([^\\r\\n]+)$' ,
} ,
extract : {
cmd : 'tar' ,
args : [ '-xvf' , '{archivePath}' , '-C' , '{extractPath}' , '{fileList}' ] ,
} ,
Atr : {
decompress : {
cmd : 'atr' ,
args : [ '{archivePath}' , 'x' , '-a' , '-o' , '{extractPath}' ]
} ,
list : {
cmd : 'atr' ,
args : [ '{archivePath}' , 'ls' , '-la1' ] ,
entryMatch : '^[rwxs-]{5}\\s+([0-9]+)\\s\\([0-9\\s]+\\)\\s([^\\r\\n\\s]*)(?:[^\\r\\n]+)?$' ,
} ,
extract : {
cmd : 'atr' ,
// note: -l converts Atari 0x9b line feeds to 0x0a; not ideal if we're dealing with a binary of course.
args : [ '{archivePath}' , 'x' , '-a' , '-l' , '-o' , '{extractPath}' , '{fileList}' ]
} ,
} ,
fileTransferProtocols : {
// See http://www.synchro.net/docs/sexyz.txt for information on SEXYZ
zmodem8kSexyz : {
name : 'ZModem 8k (SEXYZ)' ,
type : 'external' ,
sort : 1 ,
external : {
// :TODO: Look into shipping sexyz binaries or at least hosting them somewhere for common systems
// Linux x86_64 binary: https://l33t.codes/outgoing/sexyz
sendCmd : 'sexyz' ,
sendArgs : [ '-telnet' , '-8' , 'sz' , '@{fileListPath}' ] ,
recvCmd : 'sexyz' ,
recvArgs : [ '-telnet' , '-8' , 'rz' , '{uploadDir}' ] ,
recvArgsNonBatch : [ '-telnet' , '-8' , 'rz' , '{fileName}' ] ,
} ,
xmodemSexyz : {
name : 'XModem (SEXYZ)' ,
type : 'external' ,
sort : 3 ,
external : {
sendCmd : 'sexyz' ,
sendArgs : [ '-telnet' , 'sX' , '@{fileListPath}' ] ,
recvCmd : 'sexyz' ,
recvArgsNonBatch : [ '-telnet' , 'rC' , '{fileName}' ]
} ,
ymodemSexyz : {
name : 'YModem (SEXYZ)' ,
type : 'external' ,
sort : 4 ,
external : {
sendCmd : 'sexyz' ,
sendArgs : [ '-telnet' , 'sY' , '@{fileListPath}' ] ,
recvCmd : 'sexyz' ,
recvArgs : [ '-telnet' , 'ry' , '{uploadDir}' ] ,
} ,
zmodem8kSz : {
name : 'ZModem 8k' ,
type : 'external' ,
sort : 2 ,
external : {
sendCmd : 'sz' , // Avail on Debian/Ubuntu based systems as the package "lrzsz"
sendArgs : [
// :TODO: try -q
'--zmodem' , '--try-8k' , '--binary' , '--restricted' , '{filePaths}'
] ,
recvCmd : 'rz' , // Avail on Debian/Ubuntu based systems as the package "lrzsz"
recvArgs : [
'--zmodem' , '--binary' , '--restricted' , '--keep-uppercase' , // dumps to CWD which is set to {uploadDir}
] ,
processIACs : true , // escape/de-escape IACs (0xff)
} ,
messageAreaDefaults : {
// The following can be override per-area as well
maxMessages : 1024 , // 0 = unlimited
maxAgeDays : 0 , // 0 = unlimited
} ,
messageConferences : {
system _internal : {
name : 'System Internal' ,
desc : 'Built in conference for private messages, bulletins, etc.' ,
areas : {
private _mail : {
name : 'Private Mail' ,
desc : 'Private user to user mail/email' ,
maxExternalSentAgeDays : 30 , // max external "outbox" item age
} ,
local _bulletin : {
name : 'System Bulletins' ,
desc : 'Bulletin messages for all users' ,
} ,
scannerTossers : {
ftn _bso : {
paths : {
outbound : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../mail/ftn_out/' ) ,
inbound : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../mail/ftn_in/' ) ,
secInbound : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../mail/ftn_secin/' ) ,
reject : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../mail/reject/' ) , // bad pkt, bundles, TIC attachments that fail any check, etc.
//outboundNetMail : paths.join(__dirname, './../mail/ftn_netmail_out/'),
// set 'retain' to a valid path to keep good pkt files
} ,
// Packet and (ArcMail) bundle target sizes are just that: targets.
// Actual sizes may be slightly larger when we must place a full
// PKT contents *somewhere*
packetTargetByteSize : 512000 , // 512k, before placing messages in a new pkt
bundleTargetByteSize : 2048000 , // 2M, before creating another archive
packetMsgEncoding : 'utf8' , // default packet encoding. Override per node if desired.
packetAnsiMsgEncoding : 'cp437' , // packet encoding for *ANSI ART* messages
tic : {
secureInOnly : true , // only bring in from secure inbound (|secInbound| path, password protected)
uploadBy : 'ENiGMA TIC' , // default upload by username (override @ network)
allowReplace : false , // use "Replaces" TIC field
descPriority : 'diz' , // May be diz=.DIZ/etc., or tic=from TIC Ldesc
} ,
fileBase : {
// areas with an explicit |storageDir| will be stored relative to |areaStoragePrefix|:
areaStoragePrefix : paths . join ( _ _dirname , './../file_base/' ) ,
maxDescFileByteSize : 471859 , // ~1/4 MB
maxDescLongFileByteSize : 524288 , // 1/2 MB
fileNamePatterns : {
// These are NOT case sensitive
// FILE_ID.DIZ - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FILE_ID.DIZ
// Some groups include a FILE_ID.ANS. We try to use that over FILE_ID.DIZ if available.
desc : [
'^.*FILE_ID\.ANS$' , '^.*FILE_ID\.DIZ$' , // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
'^.*DESC\.SDI$' , // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
'^.*DESCRIPT\.ION$' , // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
'^.*FILE\.DES$' , // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
'^.*FILE\.SDI$' , // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
'^.*DISK\.ID$' // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
] ,
// common README filename - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/README
descLong : [
'^[^/\]*\.NFO$' , // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
'^.*README\.1ST$' , // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
'^.*README\.NOW$' , // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
'^.*README\.TXT$' , // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
'^.*READ\.ME$' , // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
'^.*README$' , // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
'^.*README\.md$' , // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
'^RELEASE-INFO.ASC$' // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
] ,
} ,
yearEstPatterns : [
// Patterns should produce the year in the first submatch.
// The extracted year may be YY or YYYY
'\\b((?:[1-2][0-9][0-9]{2}))[\\-\\/\\.][0-3]?[0-9][\\-\\/\\.][0-3]?[0-9]\\b' , // yyyy-mm-dd, yyyy/mm/dd, ...
'\\b[0-3]?[0-9][\\-\\/\\.][0-3]?[0-9][\\-\\/\\.]((?:[1-2][0-9][0-9]{2}))\\b' , // mm/dd/yyyy, mm.dd.yyyy, ...
'\\b((?:[1789][0-9]))[\\-\\/\\.][0-3]?[0-9][\\-\\/\\.][0-3]?[0-9]\\b' , // yy-mm-dd, yy-mm-dd, ...
'\\b[0-3]?[0-9][\\-\\/\\.][0-3]?[0-9][\\-\\/\\.]((?:[1789][0-9]))\\b' , // mm-dd-yy, mm/dd/yy, ...
//'\\b((?:[1-2][0-9][0-9]{2}))[\\-\\/\\.][0-3]?[0-9][\\-\\/\\.][0-3]?[0-9]|[0-3]?[0-9][\\-\\/\\.][0-3]?[0-9][\\-\\/\\.]((?:[0-9]{2})?[0-9]{2})\\b', // yyyy-mm-dd, m/d/yyyy, mm-dd-yyyy, etc.
//"\\b('[1789][0-9])\\b", // eslint-disable-line quotes
'\\b[0-3]?[0-9][\\-\\/\\.](?:jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec|january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december)[\\-\\/\\.]((?:[0-9]{2})?[0-9]{2})\\b' ,
'\\b(?:jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec|january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december),?\\s[0-9]+(?:st|nd|rd|th)?,?\\s((?:[0-9]{2})?[0-9]{2})\\b' , // November 29th, 1997
'\\(((?:19|20)[0-9]{2})\\)' , // (19xx) or (20xx) -- with parens -- do this before 19xx 20xx such that this has priority
'\\b((?:19|20)[0-9]{2})\\b' , // simple 19xx or 20xx with word boundaries
'\\b\'([17-9][0-9])\\b' , // '95, '17, ...
] ,
web : {
path : '/f/' ,
routePath : '/f/[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' ,
expireMinutes : 1440 , // 1 day
} ,
// File area storage location tag/value pairs.
// Non-absolute paths are relative to |areaStoragePrefix|.
storageTags : {
sys _msg _attach : 'sys_msg_attach' ,
sys _temp _download : 'sys_temp_download' ,
} ,
areas : {
system _message _attachment : {
name : 'System Message Attachments' ,
desc : 'File attachments to messages' ,
storageTags : [ 'sys_msg_attach' ] ,
} ,
system _temporary _download : {
name : 'System Temporary Downloads' ,
desc : 'Temporary downloadables' ,
storageTags : [ 'sys_temp_download' ] ,
} ,
eventScheduler : {
events : {
dailyMaintenance : {
schedule : 'at 11:59pm' ,
action : '@method:core/misc_scheduled_events.js:dailyMaintenanceScheduledEvent' ,
} ,
trimMessageAreas : {
// may optionally use [or ]@watch:/path/to/file
schedule : 'every 24 hours' ,
// action:
// - @method:path/to/module.js:theMethodName
// (path is relative to ENiGMA base dir)
// - @execute:/path/to/something/executable.sh
action : '@method:core/message_area.js:trimMessageAreasScheduledEvent' ,
} ,
nntpMaintenance : {
schedule : 'every 12 hours' , // should generally be < trimMessageAreas interval
action : '@method:core/servers/content/nntp.js:performMaintenanceTask' ,
} ,
updateFileAreaStats : {
schedule : 'every 1 hours' ,
action : '@method:core/file_base_area.js:updateAreaStatsScheduledEvent' ,
} ,
forgotPasswordMaintenance : {
schedule : 'every 24 hours' ,
action : '@method:core/web_password_reset.js:performMaintenanceTask' ,
args : [ '24 hours' ] // items older than this will be removed
} ,
twoFactorRegisterTokenMaintenance : {
schedule : 'every 24 hours' ,
action : '@method:core/user_temp_token.js:temporaryTokenMaintenanceTask' ,
args : [
'auth_factor2_otp_register' ,
'24 hours' , // expire time
} ,
// Enable the following entry in your config.hjson to periodically create/update
// DESCRIPT.ION files for your file base
/ *
updateDescriptIonFiles : {
schedule : 'on the last day of the week' ,
action : '@method:core/file_base_list_export.js:updateFileBaseDescFilesScheduledEvent' ,
* /
} ,
logging : {
rotatingFile : { // set to 'disabled' or false to disable
type : 'rotating-file' ,
fileName : 'enigma-bbs.log' ,
period : '1d' ,
count : 3 ,
level : 'debug' ,
// :TODO: syslog - https://github.com/mcavage/node-bunyan-syslog
} ,
debug : {
assertsEnabled : false ,
} ,
statLog : {
systemEvents : {
loginHistoryMax : - 1 , // set to -1 for forever
} ,
} ;
} ;