* A recent copy of Visual Studio ([Visual Studio Express](https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/products/visual-studio-express-vs.aspx) editions OK). Note that you **should only need Visual C++**.
If you're new to Node.js and/or do not care about Node itself and just want to get ENiGMA½ running these steps should get you going on most \*nix type enviornments:
The main system configuration is handled via `~/.config/enigma-bbs/config.hjson`. This is a [HJSON](http://hjson.org/) file (compiliant JSON is also OK). See [Configuration](config.md) for more information.
Logs are produced by Bunyan which outputs each entry as a JSON object. To tail logs in a colorized and pretty pretty format, issue the following command:
ENiGMA½ does not produce much to standard out. See below for tailing the log file to see what's going on.
### Points of Interest
* Default ports are 8888 (Telnet) and 8889 (SSH)
* Note that on *nix systems port such as telnet/23 are privileged (e.g. require root). See [this SO article](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16573668/best-practices-when-running-node-js-with-port-80-ubuntu-linode) for some tips on using these ports on your system ifdesired.
If you've become convinced you would like a "production" BBS running ENiGMA½ a more advanced installation may be in order.
[PM2](https://github.com/Unitech/pm2) is an excellent choice for managing your running ENiGMA½ instances. Additionally, it is suggested that you run as a specific more locked down user (e.g. 'enigma').