2018-01-14 17:09:23 -07:00
/* jslint node: true */
'use strict';
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
// ENiGMA½
const MenuModule = require('./menu_module.js').MenuModule;
const ViewController = require('./view_controller.js').ViewController;
const Errors = require('./enig_error.js').Errors;
const FileEntry = require('./file_entry.js');
const FileBaseFilters = require('./file_base_filter.js');
const { getAvailableFileAreaTags } = require('./file_base_area.js');
2018-01-14 17:09:23 -07:00
const {
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
} = require('./message_area.js');
const stringFormat = require('./string_format.js');
2018-01-14 17:09:23 -07:00
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
// deps
const async = require('async');
const moment = require('moment');
const _ = require('lodash');
2018-01-14 17:09:23 -07:00
exports.moduleInfo = {
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
name : 'Set New Scan Date',
desc : 'Sets new scan date for applicable scans',
author : 'NuSkooler',
2018-01-14 17:09:23 -07:00
const MciViewIds = {
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
main : {
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
scanDate : 1,
targetSelection : 2,
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
2018-01-14 17:09:23 -07:00
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
// :TODO: for messages, we could insert "conf - all areas" into targets, and allow such
2018-01-14 17:09:23 -07:00
exports.getModule = class SetNewScanDate extends MenuModule {
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
constructor(options) {
const config = this.menuConfig.config;
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
this.target = config.target || 'message';
this.scanDateFormat = config.scanDateFormat || 'YYYYMMDD';
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
this.menuMethods = {
scanDateSubmit : (formData, extraArgs, cb) => {
let scanDate = _.get(formData, 'value.scanDate');
if(!scanDate) {
return cb(Errors.MissingParam('"scanDate" missing from form data'));
scanDate = moment(scanDate, this.scanDateFormat);
if(!scanDate.isValid()) {
return cb(Errors.Invalid(`"${_.get(formData, 'value.scanDate')}" is not a valid date`));
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
const targetSelection = _.get(formData, 'value.targetSelection'); // may be undefined if N/A
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
this[`setNewScanDateFor${_.capitalize(this.target)}Base`](targetSelection, scanDate, () => {
return this.prevMenu(cb);
setNewScanDateForMessageBase(targetSelection, scanDate, cb) {
const target = this.targetSelections[targetSelection];
if(!target) {
return cb(Errors.UnexpectedState('Unable to get target in which to set new scan'));
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
// selected area, or all of 'em
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
let updateAreaTags;
if('' === target.area.areaTag) {
updateAreaTags = this.targetSelections
.map( targetSelection => targetSelection.area.areaTag )
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
.filter( areaTag => areaTag ); // remove the blank 'all' entry
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
} else {
updateAreaTags = [ target.area.areaTag ];
async.each(updateAreaTags, (areaTag, nextAreaTag) => {
getMessageIdNewerThanTimestampByArea(areaTag, scanDate, (err, messageId) => {
if(err) {
return nextAreaTag(err);
if(!messageId) {
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
return nextAreaTag(null); // nothing to do
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
messageId = Math.max(messageId - 1, 0);
return updateMessageAreaLastReadId(
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
true, // allowOlder
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
}, err => {
return cb(err);
setNewScanDateForFileBase(targetSelection, scanDate, cb) {
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
// ENiGMA doesn't currently have the concept of per-area
// scan pointers for users, so we use all areas avail
// to the user.
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
const filterCriteria = {
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
areaTag : getAvailableFileAreaTags(this.client),
newerThanTimestamp : scanDate,
limit : 1,
orderBy : 'upload_timestamp',
order : 'ascending',
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
FileEntry.findFiles(filterCriteria, (err, fileIds) => {
if(err) {
return cb(err);
if(!fileIds || 0 === fileIds.length) {
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
// nothing to do
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
return cb(null);
const pointerFileId = Math.max(fileIds[0] - 1, 0);
return FileBaseFilters.setFileBaseLastViewedFileIdForUser(
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
true, // allowOlder
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
loadAvailMessageBaseSelections(cb) {
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
// Create an array of objects with conf/area information per entry,
// sorted naturally or via the 'sort' member in config
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
const selections = [];
getSortedAvailMessageConferences(this.client).forEach(conf => {
getSortedAvailMessageAreasByConfTag(conf.confTag, { client : this.client } ).forEach(area => {
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
conf : {
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
confTag : conf.confTag,
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
name : conf.conf.name,
desc : conf.conf.desc,
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
area : {
areaTag : area.areaTag,
name : area.area.name,
desc : area.area.desc,
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
conf : {
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
confTag : '',
name : 'All conferences',
desc : 'All conferences',
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
area : {
areaTag : '',
name : 'All areas',
desc : 'All areas',
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
// Find current conf/area & move it directly under "All"
const currConfTag = this.client.user.properties.message_conf_tag;
const currAreaTag = this.client.user.properties.message_area_tag;
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
if(currConfTag && currAreaTag) {
const confAreaIndex = selections.findIndex( confArea => {
return confArea.conf.confTag === currConfTag && confArea.area.areaTag === currAreaTag;
if(confAreaIndex > -1) {
selections.splice(1, 0, selections.splice(confAreaIndex, 1)[0]);
this.targetSelections = selections;
return cb(null);
mciReady(mciData, cb) {
super.mciReady(mciData, err => {
if(err) {
return cb(err);
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
const self = this;
const vc = self.addViewController( 'main', new ViewController( { client : this.client } ) );
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
function validateConfig(callback) {
if(![ 'message', 'file' ].includes(self.target)) {
return callback(Errors.Invalid(`Invalid "target" in config: ${self.target}`));
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
// :TOD0: validate scanDateFormat
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
return callback(null);
function loadFromConfig(callback) {
return vc.loadFromMenuConfig( { callingMenu : self, mciMap : mciData.menu }, callback);
function loadAvailSelections(callback) {
switch(self.target) {
case 'message' :
return self.loadAvailMessageBaseSelections(callback);
default :
return callback(null);
function populateForm(callback) {
const today = moment();
const scanDateView = vc.getView(MciViewIds.main.scanDate);
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
// :TODO: MaskTextEditView needs some love: If setText() with input that matches the mask, we should ignore the non-mask chars! Hack in place for now
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
const scanDateFormat = self.scanDateFormat.replace(/[/\-. ]/g, '');
if('message' === self.target) {
2018-06-22 21:26:46 -06:00
const messageSelectionsFormat = self.menuConfig.config.messageSelectionsFormat || '{conf.name} - {area.name}';
const messageSelectionFocusFormat = self.menuConfig.config.messageSelectionFocusFormat || messageSelectionsFormat;
2018-06-21 23:15:04 -06:00
const targetSelectionView = vc.getView(MciViewIds.main.targetSelection);
targetSelectionView.setItems(self.targetSelections.map(targetSelection => stringFormat(messageSelectionFocusFormat, targetSelection)));
targetSelectionView.setFocusItems(self.targetSelections.map(targetSelection => stringFormat(messageSelectionFocusFormat, targetSelection)));
return callback(null);
err => {
return cb(err);
2018-01-14 17:09:23 -07:00