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/* jslint node: true */
'use strict';
let MenuModule = require('../core/menu_module.js').MenuModule;
let DropFile = require('../core/dropfile.js').DropFile;
let door = require('../core/door.js');
let theme = require('../core/theme.js');
let ansi = require('../core/ansi_term.js');
let async = require('async');
let assert = require('assert');
let paths = require('path');
let _ = require('lodash');
let net = require('net');
let mkdirs = require('fs-extra').mkdirs;
// :TODO: This should really be a system module... needs a little work to allow for such
exports.getModule = AbracadabraModule;
let activeDoorNodeInstances = {};
let doorInstances = {}; // name -> { count : <instCount>, { <nodeNum> : <inst> } }
exports.moduleInfo = {
name : 'Abracadabra',
desc : 'External BBS Door Module',
author : 'NuSkooler',
Example configuration for LORD under DOSEMU:
config: {
name: PimpWars
dropFileType: DORINFO
cmd: qemu-system-i386
args: [
io: socket
listen: socket | stdio
"config" : {
"name" : "LORD",
"dropFileType" : "DOOR",
"cmd" : "/usr/bin/dosemu",
"args" : [ "-quiet", "-f", "/etc/dosemu/dosemu.conf", "X:\\PW\\START.BAT {dropfile} {node}" ] ],
"nodeMax" : 32,
"tooManyArt" : "toomany-lord.ans"
:TODO: See Mystic & others for other arg options that we may need to support
function AbracadabraModule(options) {
MenuModule.call(this, options);
let self = this;
this.config = options.menuConfig.config;
// :TODO: MenuModule.validateConfig(cb) -- validate config section gracefully instead of asserts!
assert(_.isString(this.config.name, 'Config \'name\' is required'));
assert(_.isString(this.config.dropFileType, 'Config \'dropFileType\' is required'));
assert(_.isString(this.config.cmd, 'Config \'cmd\' is required'));
this.config.nodeMax = this.config.nodeMax || 0;
this.config.args = this.config.args || [];
* disconnecting wile door is open leaves dosemu
* http://bbslink.net/sysop.php support
* Font support ala all other menus... or does this just work?
this.initSequence = function() {
function validateNodeCount(callback) {
if(self.config.nodeMax > 0 &&
_.isNumber(activeDoorNodeInstances[self.config.name]) &&
activeDoorNodeInstances[self.config.name] + 1 > self.config.nodeMax)
name : self.config.name,
activeCount : activeDoorNodeInstances[self.config.name]
'Too many active instances');
if(_.isString(self.config.tooManyArt)) {
theme.displayThemeArt( { client : self.client, name : self.config.tooManyArt }, function displayed() {
2015-08-04 05:21:23 +00:00
theme.displayThemedPause( { client : self.client }, function keyPressed() {
callback(new Error('Too many active instances'));
} else {
self.client.term.write('\nToo many active instances. Try again later.\n');
2015-08-04 05:21:23 +00:00
theme.displayThemedPause( { client : self.client }, function keyPressed() {
callback(new Error('Too many active instances'));
2015-08-04 05:21:23 +00:00
} else {
// :TODO: JS elegant way to do this?
if(activeDoorNodeInstances[self.config.name]) {
activeDoorNodeInstances[self.config.name] += 1;
} else {
activeDoorNodeInstances[self.config.name] = 1;
function generateDropfile(callback) {
self.dropFile = new DropFile(self.client, self.config.dropFileType);
var fullPath = self.dropFile.fullPath;
mkdirs(paths.dirname(fullPath), function dirCreated(err) {
if(err) {
} else {
self.dropFile.createFile(function created(err) {
function complete(err) {
if(err) {
self.client.log.warn( { error : err.toString() }, 'Could not start door');
2015-08-04 05:21:23 +00:00
self.lastError = err;
} else {
this.runDoor = function() {
const exeInfo = {
cmd : self.config.cmd,
args : self.config.args,
io : self.config.io || 'stdio',
encoding : self.config.encoding || self.client.term.outputEncoding,
dropFile : self.dropFile.fileName,
node : self.client.node,
//inhSocket : self.client.output._handle.fd,
const doorInstance = new door.Door(self.client, exeInfo);
doorInstance.on('finished', () => {
require('util').inherits(AbracadabraModule, MenuModule);
AbracadabraModule.prototype.leave = function() {
2015-08-04 05:21:23 +00:00
if(!this.lastError) {
activeDoorNodeInstances[this.config.name] -= 1;
AbracadabraModule.prototype.finishedLoading = function() {