2016-09-28 21:54:25 -06:00
/* jslint node: true */
'use strict';
2016-10-06 21:03:04 -06:00
const fileDb = require('./database.js').dbs.file;
const Errors = require('./enig_error.js').Errors;
2016-10-24 21:49:45 -06:00
const getISOTimestampString = require('./database.js').getISOTimestampString;
const Config = require('./config.js').config;
2016-09-28 21:54:25 -06:00
// deps
2016-10-06 21:03:04 -06:00
const async = require('async');
const _ = require('lodash');
2016-10-24 21:49:45 -06:00
const paths = require('path');
2016-09-28 21:54:25 -06:00
2017-01-21 22:09:29 -07:00
'file_id', 'area_tag', 'file_sha256', 'file_name', 'storage_tag',
2016-10-06 21:03:04 -06:00
'desc', 'desc_long', 'upload_timestamp'
2016-09-28 21:54:25 -06:00
2016-09-28 22:26:06 -06:00
// name -> *read* converter, if any
upload_by_username : null,
2017-02-12 00:22:53 -07:00
upload_by_user_id : (u) => parseInt(u) || 0,
2016-09-28 22:26:06 -06:00
file_md5 : null,
2017-01-21 22:09:29 -07:00
file_sha1 : null,
2016-09-28 22:26:06 -06:00
file_crc32 : null,
2016-10-01 13:25:32 -06:00
est_release_year : (y) => parseInt(y) || new Date().getFullYear(),
dl_count : (d) => parseInt(d) || 0,
byte_size : (b) => parseInt(b) || 0,
2016-10-12 22:07:22 -06:00
archive_type : null,
2016-09-28 22:26:06 -06:00
2016-09-28 21:54:25 -06:00
module.exports = class FileEntry {
constructor(options) {
options = options || {};
this.fileId = options.fileId || 0;
this.areaTag = options.areaTag || '';
2016-10-12 22:07:22 -06:00
this.meta = options.meta || {
// values we always want
dl_count : 0,
2017-02-07 20:20:10 -07:00
2016-10-12 22:07:22 -06:00
this.hashTags = options.hashTags || new Set();
2016-10-06 21:03:04 -06:00
this.fileName = options.fileName;
2016-12-06 18:58:56 -07:00
this.storageTag = options.storageTag;
2016-09-28 21:54:25 -06:00
2017-02-07 20:20:10 -07:00
static loadBasicEntry(fileId, dest, cb) {
if(!cb && _.isFunction(dest)) {
cb = dest;
dest = this;
FROM file
WHERE file_id=?
LIMIT 1;`,
[ fileId ],
(err, file) => {
if(err) {
return cb(err);
if(!file) {
return cb(Errors.DoesNotExist('No file is available by that ID'));
// assign props from |file|
FILE_TABLE_MEMBERS.forEach(prop => {
dest[_.camelCase(prop)] = file[prop];
return cb(null);
2016-09-28 21:54:25 -06:00
load(fileId, cb) {
const self = this;
function loadBasicEntry(callback) {
2017-02-07 20:20:10 -07:00
FileEntry.loadBasicEntry(fileId, self, callback);
2016-09-28 21:54:25 -06:00
function loadMeta(callback) {
return self.loadMeta(callback);
function loadHashTags(callback) {
return self.loadHashTags(callback);
2017-02-07 20:20:10 -07:00
function loadUserRating(callback) {
return self.loadRating(callback);
2016-09-28 21:54:25 -06:00
err => {
return cb(err);
2016-10-06 21:03:04 -06:00
persist(cb) {
const self = this;
function startTrans(callback) {
return fileDb.run('BEGIN;', callback);
function storeEntry(callback) {
2017-01-21 22:09:29 -07:00
`REPLACE INTO file (area_tag, file_sha256, file_name, storage_tag, desc, desc_long, upload_timestamp)
2016-12-06 18:58:56 -07:00
VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);`,
2017-01-21 22:09:29 -07:00
[ self.areaTag, self.fileSha256, self.fileName, self.storageTag, self.desc, self.descLong, getISOTimestampString() ],
2016-10-06 21:03:04 -06:00
function inserted(err) { // use non-arrow func for 'this' scope / lastID
if(!err) {
self.fileId = this.lastID;
return callback(err);
function storeMeta(callback) {
async.each(Object.keys(self.meta), (n, next) => {
const v = self.meta[n];
return FileEntry.persistMetaValue(self.fileId, n, v, next);
err => {
return callback(err);
function storeHashTags(callback) {
2017-01-18 22:23:53 -07:00
const hashTagsArray = Array.from(self.hashTags);
async.each(hashTagsArray, (hashTag, next) => {
return FileEntry.persistHashTag(self.fileId, hashTag, next);
err => {
return callback(err);
2016-10-06 21:03:04 -06:00
err => {
// :TODO: Log orig err
fileDb.run(err ? 'ROLLBACK;' : 'COMMIT;', err => {
return cb(err);
2016-12-06 18:58:56 -07:00
static getAreaStorageDirectoryByTag(storageTag) {
const storageLocation = (storageTag && Config.fileBase.storageTags[storageTag]);
// absolute paths as-is
if(storageLocation && '/' === storageLocation.charAt(0)) {
return storageLocation;
2016-10-24 21:49:45 -06:00
2016-12-06 18:58:56 -07:00
// relative to |areaStoragePrefix|
return paths.join(Config.fileBase.areaStoragePrefix, storageLocation || '');
get filePath() {
const storageDir = FileEntry.getAreaStorageDirectoryByTag(this.storageTag);
return paths.join(storageDir, this.fileName);
2016-10-24 21:49:45 -06:00
2017-02-07 20:20:10 -07:00
static persistUserRating(fileId, userId, rating, cb) {
return fileDb.run(
`REPLACE INTO file_user_rating (file_id, user_id, rating)
VALUES (?, ?, ?);`,
[ fileId, userId, rating ],
2016-10-06 21:03:04 -06:00
static persistMetaValue(fileId, name, value, cb) {
2017-02-07 20:20:10 -07:00
return fileDb.run(
2016-10-06 21:03:04 -06:00
`REPLACE INTO file_meta (file_id, meta_name, meta_value)
2017-02-07 20:20:10 -07:00
VALUES (?, ?, ?);`,
2016-10-06 21:03:04 -06:00
[ fileId, name, value ],
2016-12-31 14:50:29 -07:00
static incrementAndPersistMetaValue(fileId, name, incrementBy, cb) {
incrementBy = incrementBy || 1;
`UPDATE file_meta
SET meta_value = meta_value + ?
WHERE file_id = ? AND meta_name = ?;`,
[ incrementBy, fileId, name ],
err => {
if(cb) {
return cb(err);
2016-09-28 21:54:25 -06:00
loadMeta(cb) {
`SELECT meta_name, meta_value
FROM file_meta
WHERE file_id=?;`,
[ this.fileId ],
(err, meta) => {
if(meta) {
2016-09-28 22:26:06 -06:00
const conv = FILE_WELL_KNOWN_META[meta.meta_name];
this.meta[meta.meta_name] = conv ? conv(meta.meta_value) : meta.meta_value;
2016-09-28 21:54:25 -06:00
err => {
return cb(err);
2017-01-18 22:23:53 -07:00
static persistHashTag(fileId, hashTag, cb) {
fileDb.serialize( () => {
`INSERT OR IGNORE INTO hash_tag (hash_tag)
VALUES (?);`,
[ hashTag ]
`REPLACE INTO file_hash_tag (hash_tag_id, file_id)
(SELECT hash_tag_id
FROM hash_tag
WHERE hash_tag = ?),
[ hashTag, fileId ],
err => {
return cb(err);
2016-09-28 21:54:25 -06:00
loadHashTags(cb) {
`SELECT ht.hash_tag_id, ht.hash_tag
FROM hash_tag ht
WHERE ht.hash_tag_id IN (
SELECT hash_tag_id
FROM file_hash_tag
WHERE file_id=?
[ this.fileId ],
(err, hashTag) => {
if(hashTag) {
err => {
return cb(err);
2017-02-07 20:20:10 -07:00
loadRating(cb) {
`SELECT AVG(fur.rating) AS avg_rating
FROM file_user_rating fur
ON f.file_id = fur.file_id
AND f.file_id = ?`,
[ this.fileId ],
(err, result) => {
if(result) {
this.userRating = result.avg_rating;
return cb(err);
2017-01-11 22:51:00 -07:00
setHashTags(hashTags) {
if(_.isString(hashTags)) {
this.hashTags = new Set(hashTags.split(/[\s,]+/));
} else if(Array.isArray(hashTags)) {
this.hashTags = new Set(hashTags);
} else if(hashTags instanceof Set) {
this.hashTags = hashTags;
2016-09-28 22:26:06 -06:00
static getWellKnownMetaValues() { return Object.keys(FILE_WELL_KNOWN_META); }
2016-12-06 18:58:56 -07:00
static findFiles(filter, cb) {
filter = filter || {};
2017-01-18 22:23:53 -07:00
let sql;
2016-09-28 21:54:25 -06:00
let sqlWhere = '';
2017-01-18 22:23:53 -07:00
let sqlOrderBy;
const sqlOrderDir = 'ascending' === filter.order ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
function getOrderByWithCast(ob) {
2017-02-07 20:20:10 -07:00
if( [ 'dl_count', 'est_release_year', 'byte_size' ].indexOf(filter.sort) > -1 ) {
2017-01-18 22:23:53 -07:00
return `ORDER BY CAST(${ob} AS INTEGER)`;
return `ORDER BY ${ob}`;
2016-09-28 21:54:25 -06:00
function appendWhereClause(clause) {
if(sqlWhere) {
sqlWhere += ' AND ';
} else {
sqlWhere += ' WHERE ';
sqlWhere += clause;
2017-01-22 21:30:49 -07:00
if(filter.sort && filter.sort.length > 0) {
2017-01-18 22:23:53 -07:00
if(Object.keys(FILE_WELL_KNOWN_META).indexOf(filter.sort) > -1) { // sorting via a meta value?
sql =
`SELECT f.file_id
FROM file f, file_meta m`;
appendWhereClause(`f.file_id = m.file_id AND m.meta_name="${filter.sort}"`);
sqlOrderBy = `${getOrderByWithCast('m.meta_value')} ${sqlOrderDir}`;
} else {
2017-02-07 20:20:10 -07:00
// additional special treatment for user ratings: we need to average them
if('user_rating' === filter.sort) {
sql =
`SELECT f.file_id,
(SELECT IFNULL(AVG(rating), 0) rating
FROM file_user_rating
WHERE file_id = f.file_id)
AS avg_rating
FROM file f`;
sqlOrderBy = `ORDER BY avg_rating ${sqlOrderDir}`;
} else {
sql =
`SELECT f.file_id, f.${filter.sort}
FROM file f`;
sqlOrderBy = getOrderByWithCast(`f.${filter.sort}`) + ' ' + sqlOrderDir;
2017-01-18 22:23:53 -07:00
} else {
sql =
`SELECT f.file_id
FROM file`;
sqlOrderBy = `${getOrderByWithCast('f.file_id')} ${sqlOrderDir}`;
2017-01-22 21:30:49 -07:00
if(filter.areaTag && filter.areaTag.length > 0) {
2017-01-18 22:23:53 -07:00
2016-09-28 21:54:25 -06:00
2017-01-22 21:30:49 -07:00
if(filter.terms && filter.terms.length > 0) {
2016-09-28 21:54:25 -06:00
2017-01-18 22:23:53 -07:00
`f.file_id IN (
2016-09-28 21:54:25 -06:00
SELECT rowid
FROM file_fts
2016-12-06 18:58:56 -07:00
WHERE file_fts MATCH "${filter.terms.replace(/"/g,'""')}"
2016-09-28 21:54:25 -06:00
2017-01-22 21:30:49 -07:00
if(filter.tags && filter.tags.length > 0) {
2017-01-18 22:23:53 -07:00
// build list of quoted tags; filter.tags comes in as a space separated values
const tags = filter.tags.split(' ').map( tag => `"${tag}"` ).join(',');
2016-12-06 18:58:56 -07:00
2016-09-28 21:54:25 -06:00
2017-01-18 22:23:53 -07:00
`f.file_id IN (
2016-09-28 21:54:25 -06:00
SELECT file_id
FROM file_hash_tag
WHERE hash_tag_id IN (
SELECT hash_tag_id
FROM hash_tag
2017-01-18 22:23:53 -07:00
WHERE hash_tag IN (${tags})
2016-09-28 21:54:25 -06:00
2017-01-18 22:23:53 -07:00
sql += `${sqlWhere} ${sqlOrderBy};`;
2016-09-28 21:54:25 -06:00
const matchingFileIds = [];
fileDb.each(sql, (err, fileId) => {
if(fileId) {
}, err => {
return cb(err, matchingFileIds);