<title>Network Mounts & Symlinks | ENiGMA½ BBS Software</title>
<metaname="generator"content="Jekyll v4.2.1"/>
<metaproperty="og:title"content="Network Mounts & Symlinks"/>
<metaname="description"content="Network Mounts & Symlinks With many Bulletin Board Systems running on small headless boxes such as Raspberry Pis, it may not be practical to have all files you would like to make available in your file base. One solution to this is to utilize network mounts. Add in symbolic links to make things even easier!"/>
<metaproperty="og:description"content="Network Mounts & Symlinks With many Bulletin Board Systems running on small headless boxes such as Raspberry Pis, it may not be practical to have all files you would like to make available in your file base. One solution to this is to utilize network mounts. Add in symbolic links to make things even easier!"/>
{"datePublished":"2022-09-21T14:27:23+00:00","description":"Network Mounts & Symlinks With many Bulletin Board Systems running on small headless boxes such as Raspberry Pis, it may not be practical to have all files you would like to make available in your file base. One solution to this is to utilize network mounts. Add in symbolic links to make things even easier!","mainEntityOfPage":{"@type":"WebPage","@id":"/enigma-bbs/filebase/network-mounts-and-symlinks.html"},"url":"/enigma-bbs/filebase/network-mounts-and-symlinks.html","@type":"BlogPosting","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"/enigma-bbs/assets/images/enigma-logo.png"}},"headline":"Network Mounts & Symlinks","dateModified":"2022-09-21T14:27:23+00:00","@context":"https://schema.org"}</script>
<h2id="network-mounts--symlinks">Network Mounts & Symlinks</h2>
<p>With many Bulletin Board Systems running on small headless boxes such as Raspberry Pis, it may not be practical to have all files you would like to make available in your file base. One solution to this is to utilize network mounts. Add in symbolic links to make things even easier!</p>
<p>The scenario: A Windows box containing a lot of files you’d like in your systems file base. The BBS itself is running on a Raspberry Pi with very limited space.</p>
<p>To solve this problem, we can perform the following steps:</p>
<li>Create a network mount in <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">/mnt/windows_box_share</code>.</li>
<li>Next, we can create a local file base area such as <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">/home/enigma/file_base</code></li>
<li>Within the file base directory above, create some symbolic links to areas within our share:
<divclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge"><divclass="highlight"><preclass="highlight"><code> cd /home/enigma/file_base
<p>What we’ve done here is make <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">/home/enigma/file_base/area1</code> point to the Windows share within some nested directories. Of course we could have just pointed directly to the <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">/mnt/windows_box_share</code> area, but using symbolic links has some advantages:</p>
<li>We can now set <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">/home/enigma/file_base</code> as our <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">areaStoragePrefix</code>. That is, the base path of all of our file base</li>
<li>Since we have <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">areaStoragePrefix</code> set, we can now make storage tags relative to that path. For example, `leet_files1: “area1/leet_files”</li>
<p>There are <strong>many</strong> ways one can achieve the mounts between various operating systems. See your distros documentation.</p>