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title: BSO Import / Export
The scanner/tosser module `ftn_bso` provides **B**inkley **S**tyle **O**utbound (BSO) import/toss and scan/export of messages EchoMail and NetMail messages. Configuration is supplied in `config.hjson` under `scannerTossers.ftn_bso`.
:information_source: ENiGMA½'s `ftn_bso` module is not a mailer and **makes no attempts** to perfrom packet transport! An external [mailer](http://www.filegate.net/bbsmailers.htm) such as [Binkd](https://github.com/pgul/binkd) is required for this!
Let's look at some of the basic configuration:
| Config Item | Required | Description |
| `schedule` | :+1: | Sets `import` and `export` schedules. [Later style text parsing](https://bunkat.github.io/later/parsers.html#text) supported. `import` also can utilize a `@watch:<path/to/file>` syntax while `export` additionally supports `@immediate`. |
| `packetMsgEncoding` | :-1: | Override default `utf8` encoding.
| `defaultNetwork` | :-1: | Explicitly set default network (by tag in `messageNetworks.ftn.networks`). If not set, the first found is used. |
| `nodes` | :+1: | Per-node settings. Entries (keys) here support wildcards for a portion of the FTN-style address (e.g.: `21:1/*`). `archiveType` may be set to a FTN supported archive extention that the system supports (TODO); if unset, only .PKT files are produced. `encoding` may be set to override `packetMsgEncoding` on a per-node basis. If the node requires a packet password, set `packetPassword` |
| `paths` | :-1: | An optional configuration block that can set a `retain` path and/or a `reject` path. These will be used for archiving processed packets. You may additionally override the default `outbound`, `inbound`, and `secInbound` (secure inbound) *base* paths for packet processing. |
| `packetTargetByteSize` | :-1: | Overrides the system *target* packet (.pkt) size of 512000 bytes (512k) |
| `bundleTargetByteSize` | :-1: | Overrides the system *target* ArcMail bundle size of 2048000 bytes (2M) |
## Scheduling
Schedules can be defined for importing and exporting via `import` and `export` under `schedule`. Each entry is allowed a "free form" text and/or special indicators for immediate export or watch file triggers.
* `@immediate`: A message will be immediately exported if this trigger is defined in a schedule. Only used for `export`.
* `@watch:/path/to/file`: This trigger watches the path specified for changes and will trigger an import or export when such events occur. Only used for `import`.
2018-11-16 04:38:19 +00:00
* Free form [Later style](https://bunkat.github.io/later/parsers.html#text) text — can be things like `at 5:00 pm` or `every 2 hours`.
See [Later text parsing documentation](http://bunkat.github.io/later/parsers.html#text) for more information.
### Example Schedule Configuration
scannerTossers: {
ftn_bso: {
schedule: {
import: every 1 hours or @watch:/path/to/watchfile.ext
export: every 1 hours or @immediate
## Nodes
The `nodes` section defines how to export messages for one or more uplinks.
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A node entry starts with a [FTN address](http://ftsc.org/docs/old/fsp-1028.001) (up to 5D) **as a key** in `config.hjson`. This key may contain wildcard(s) for net/zone/node/point/domain.
| Config Item | Required | Description |
2018-11-16 04:38:19 +00:00
| `packetType` | :-1: | `2`, `2.2`, or `2+`. Defaults to `2+` for modern mailer compatiability. |
| `packetPassword` | :-1: | Optional password for the packet |
| `encoding` | :-1: | Encoding to use for message bodies; Defaults to `utf-8`. |
| `archiveType` | :-1: | Specifies the archive type (by extension) for ArcMail bundles. This should be `zip` for most setups. Other valid examples include `arc`, `arj`, `lhz`, `pak`, `sqz`, or `zoo`. See docs on archiver configuration for more information. |
scannerTossers: {
ftn_bso: {
nodes: {
2018-11-16 04:38:19 +00:00
"21:*": { // wildcard address
packetType: 2+
2018-11-16 04:38:19 +00:00
packetPassword: D@TP4SS
encoding: cp437
archiveType: zip
## A More Complete Example
Below is a more complete example showing the sections described above.
scannerTossers: {
ftn_bso: {
schedule: {
// Check every 30m, or whenever the "toss!.now" file is touched (ie: by Binkd)
import: every 30 minutes or @watch:/enigma-bbs/mail/ftn_in/toss!.now
// Export immediately, but also check every 15m to be sure
export: every 15 minutes or @immediate
// optional
paths: {
reject: /path/to/store/bad/packets/
retain: /path/to/store/good/packets/
// Override default FTN/BSO packet encoding. Defaults to 'utf8'
packetMsgEncoding: utf8
defaultNetwork: fsxnet
nodes: {
"21:1/100" : { // May also contain wildcards, ie: "21:1/*"
archiveType: ZIP // By-ext archive type: ZIP, ARJ, ..., optional.
encoding: utf8 // Encoding for exported messages
packetPassword: MUHPA55 // FTN .PKT password, optional
tic: {
// See TIC docs
netMail: {
// See NetMail docs
ticAreas: {
// See TIC docs
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## Binkd
Since Binkd is a very common mailer, a few tips on integrating it with ENiGMA½:
### Scheduling Polls
Binkd does not have it's own scheduler. Instead, you'll need to set up an Event Scheduler entry or perhaps a cron job:
First, create a script that runs through all of your uplinks. For example:
UPLINKS=("21:1/100@fsxnet" "80:774/1@retronet" "10:101/0@araknet")
for uplink in "${UPLINKS[@]}"
/usr/local/sbin/binkd -p -P $uplink /home/enigma/xibalba/misc/binkd_xibalba.conf
Now, create an Event Scheuler entry in your `config.hjson`. As an example:
eventScheduler: {
events: {
pollWithBink: {
// execute the script above very 1 hours
schedule: every 1 hours
action: @execute:/path/to/poll_bink.sh
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## Additional Resources
2018-11-15 05:15:19 +00:00
* [Blog entry on setting up ENiGMA + Binkd on CentOS7](https://l33t.codes/enigma-12-binkd-on-centos-7/). Note that this references an **older version**, so be wary of the `config.hjson` refernces!