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title: Archivers
2017-02-01 02:32:42 +00:00
## Archivers
ENiGMA½ can detect and process various archive formats such as zip and arj for a variety of tasks from file upload processing to EchoMail bundle compress/decompression. The `archives` section of `config.hjson` is used to override defaults, add new handlers, and so on.
2018-06-02 01:32:00 +00:00
Archivers are manged via the `archives:archivers` configuration block of `config.hjson`. Each entry in this section defines an **external archiver** that can be referenced in other sections of `config.hjson` as and in code. Entries define how to `compress`, `decompress` (a full archive), `list`, and `extract` (specific files from an archive).
2017-02-01 02:32:42 +00:00
:bulb: Generally you do not need to anything beyond installing supporting binaries. No `config.hjson` editing necessary; Please see [External Binaries](external-binaries.md)!
2017-02-18 05:08:38 +00:00
2017-02-01 02:32:42 +00:00
### Archiver Configuration
Archiver entries in `config.hjson` are mostly self explanatory with the exception of `list` commands that require some additional information. The `args` member for an entry is an array of arguments to pass to `cmd`. Some variables are available to `args` that will be expanded by the system:
* `{archivePath}` (all): Path to the archive
* `{fileList}` (compress, extract): List of file(s) to compress or extract
* `{extractPath}` (decompress, extract): Path to extract *to*
For `list` commands, the `entryMatch` key must be provided. This key should provide a regular expression that matches two sub groups: One for uncompressed file byte sizes (sub group 1) and the other for file names (sub group 2). An optional `entryGroupOrder` can be supplied to change the default sub group order.
#### Example Archiver Configuration
7Zip: {
compress: {
cmd: 7za,
args: [ "a", "-tzip", "{archivePath}", "{fileList}" ]
decompress: {
cmd: 7za,
args: [ "e", "-o{extractPath}", "{archivePath}" ]
list: {
cmd: 7za,
args: [ "l", "{archivePath}" ]
entryMatch: "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}\\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\\s[A-Za-z\\.]{5}\\s+([0-9]+)\\s+[0-9]+\\s+([^\\r\\n]+)$",
extract: {
cmd: 7za,
args [ "e", "-o{extractPath}", "{archivePath}", "{fileList}" ]
## Archive Formats
Archive formats can be defined such that ENiGMA½ can detect them by signature or extension, then utilize the correct *archiver* to process them. Formats are defined in the `archives:formats` key in `config.hjson`. Many differnet types come pre-configured (see `core/config_default.js`).
2017-02-01 02:32:42 +00:00
### Example Archive Format Configuration
zip: {
sig: "504b0304" /* byte signature in HEX */
offset: 0
exts: [ "zip" ]
handler: 7Zip /* points to a defined archiver */
desc: "ZIP Archive"
2020-06-13 12:07:19 +00:00