
762 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Menu Configuration
Some concept/ideas:
"mci" : {
"BT1" : {
"draw" : "@script:blah.js/drawButton"
// @method:scriptName[.js]/methodName (foreign .js)
// @art:artName
// @method:/methodName (local to module.js)
// ... pass isFocused/etc. into draw method
NOte that @draw & @art should check theme first.
@draw:myMethod -> theme/draw.js::myMethod(opts)
@draw:location.js/myMethod -> outside of theme
@draw:myMethod -> checks theme -> local first
-OR- just inside themes for customization...
"myTheme" {
"views" : {
"VerticalMenuView" : {
"draw" : "@method:location.js/myMethod"
"menus" : {
"connected" : {
"art" : "CONNECT",
"next" : "matrix",
"options" : {
"cls" : true,
"nextTimeout" : 1500
"matrix" : {
"art" : "matrix",
"form" : {
"0" : { // :TODO: Make form "0" the default if missing (e.g. optional)... not sure how with current structure though
"VM" : {
"mci" : {
"VM1" : {
"submit" : true,
"focus" : true,
// :TODO: need a good way to localize these ... Standard Orig->Lookup seems good.
"items" : [ "Login", "Apply", "Log Off" ]//,
"submit" : {
"*" : [
"value" : { "1" : 0 },
"action" : "@menu:login"
"value" : { "1" : 1 },
"action" : "@menu:apply"
"value" : { "1" : 2 },
"action" : "@menu:logoff"
"options" : {
"cls" : true
"login" : {
// :TODO: may want { "prompt" : { "name" : "blah", "action" : ... }}
"prompt" : "userCredentials",
"fallback" : "matrix",
"next" : "newUserActive",
"action" : "@systemMethod:login",
// :TODO: support alt submit method for prompts
// if present, standard filters apply. No need for multiple submit ID's
// since a prompt can only utilize one:
"submit" : [
"value" : { "1" : "thing" },
"action" : "@method:doThings"
"options" : {
"cls" : true
"logoff" : {
"art" : "LOGOFF",
//"module" : "logoff",
"action" : "@systemMethod:logoff",
"options" : { "cls" : true }
"apply" : {
"art" : "APPLY",
"next" : "newUserActive",
"form" : {
"0" : {
"mci" : {
"ET1" : {
"focus" : true,
"argName" : "username",
"maxLength" : "@config:users.usernameMax"
"ET2" : {
"argName" : "realName",
"maxLength" : 32
"ME3" : {
"argName" : "birthdate",
"maskPattern" : "####/##/##"
"ET4" : {
"argName" : "sex",
"maxLength" : 1
"ET5" : {
"argName" : "location",
"maxLength" : 32
"ET6" : {
"argName" : "affils",
"maxLength" : 32
"ET7" : {
"argName" : "email",
"maxLength" : 255
"ET8" : {
"argName" : "web",
"maxLength" : 255
"ET9" : {
"argName" : "password",
"password" : true,
"maxLength" : "@config:users.passwordMax"
"ET10" : {
"argName" : "passwordConfirm",
"password" : true,
"maxLength" : "@config:users.passwordMax"
"BT12" : {
"submit" : true,
"text" : "Apply"
"BT13" : {
"submit" : [ "escape" ],
"text" : "Cancel"
"submit" : {
"12" : [ // Apply
"value" : 12, // :TODO: better, this should be optional; if not present it's a any match
"action" : "@method:apply/submitApplication",
"extraArgs" : {
"inactive" : "userNeedsActivated",
"error" : "newUserCreateError"
"13" : [ // Cancel
"value" : 13,
"action" : "@menu:matrix"
"options" : {
"cls" : true
"newUserActive" : {
2015-07-23 05:08:08 +00:00
"art" : "SO-CC1.ANS",
"options" : { "cls" : true, "pause" : true },
"action" : "@menu:currentUserStats"
2015-07-23 05:08:08 +00:00
"currentUserStats" : {
"art" : "userstats",
"options" : { "cls" : true, "pause" : true },
2015-07-26 06:20:07 +00:00
"action" : "@menu:lastCallers"
"lastCallers" :{
"module" : "last_callers",
"art" : "LASTCALL.ANS",
"options" : { "cls" : true, "pause" : true },
"config" : {
"dateTimeFormat" : "ddd MMM Do H:mm a"
"form" : {
"0" : {
"mci" : {
// :TODO: Bug: Without any keys here, theme customization does not apply!!!!
"TL1" : {
"styleSGR1" : "|00|24"
"TL2" : {
"styleSGR1" : "|00|24"
"TL3" : {
"styleSGR1" : "|00|24"
"TL4" : {
"styleSGR1" : "|00|24"
"demoMain" : {
"art" : "demo_selection_vm.ans",
"options" : { "cls" : true },
"form" : {
"0" : {
"VM" : {
"mci" : {
"VM1" : {
"items" : [
"Single Line Text Editing Views",
"Spinner & Toggle Views",
"Mask Edit Views",
"Multi Line Text Editor",
"Vertical Menu Views",
"Horizontal Menu Views",
"Art Display",
2015-06-25 22:33:17 +00:00
"Full Screen Editor",
"Some More Stuff",
"height" : 10,
"itemSpacing" : 1,
"justify" : "center",
"focusTextStyle" : "small i"
"submit" : {
"*" : [
"value" : { "1" : 0 },
"action" : "@menu:demoEditTextView"
"value" : { "1" : 1 },
"action" : "@menu:demoSpinAndToggleView"
"value" : { "1" : 2 },
"action" : "@menu:demoMaskEditView"
"value" : { "1" : 3 },
"action" : "@menu:demoMultiLineEditTextView"
"value" : { "1" : 5 },
"action" : "@menu:demoHorizontalMenuView"
"value" : { "1" : 6 },
"action" : "@menu:demoArtDisplay"
"value" : { "1" : 7 },
2015-06-25 22:33:17 +00:00
"action" : "@menu:demoFullScreenEditor"
2015-04-07 04:29:45 +00:00
"demoEditTextView" : {
"art" : "demo_edit_text_view1.ans",
"options" : { "cls" : true },
"form" : {
"0" : {
"mci" : {
"ET1" : {
"width" : 20,
"maxLength" : 20
"ET2" : {
"width" : 20,
"maxLength" : 40,
"textOverflow" : "..."
2015-04-29 03:15:36 +00:00
"ET3" : {
"width" : 20,
"fillChar" : "-",
"styleSGR1" : "|00|36",
"maxLength" : 20
"ET4" : {
"width" : 20,
"maxLength" : 20,
"password" : true
"BT5" : {
"width" : 8,
"text" : "< Back"
2015-04-25 20:44:48 +00:00
"submit" : {
"*" : [
"value" : 5,
"action" : "@menu:demoMain"
"actionKeys" : [
"keys" : [ "escape" ],
"viewId" : 5
2015-04-29 03:15:36 +00:00
"demoSpinAndToggleView" : {
"art" : "demo_spin_and_toggle.ans",
"options" : { "cls" : true },
"form" : {
"0" : {
"mci" : {
"SM1" : {
"items" : [ "Henry Morgan", "François l'Ollonais", "Roche Braziliano", "Black Bart", "Blackbeard" ]
"SM2" : {
"items" : [ "Razor 1911", "DrinkOrDie", "TRSI" ]
"TM3" : {
"items" : [ "Yarly", "Nowaii" ],
"styleSGR1" : "|00|30|01",
"hotKeys" : { "Y" : 0, "N" : 1 }
"BT8" : {
"text" : "< Back"
2015-04-29 03:15:36 +00:00
"submit" : {
"*" : [
"value" : 8,
"action" : "@menu:demoMain"
"actionKeys" : [
"keys" : [ "escape" ],
"viewId" : 8
"demoMaskEditView" : {
"art" : "demo_mask_edit_text_view1.ans",
"options" : { "cls" : true },
"form" : {
"0" : {
"BTMEME" : {
"mci" : {
"ME1" : {
"maskPattern" : "##/##/##",
"styleSGR1" : "|00|30|01",
//"styleSGR2" : "|00|45|01",
"styleSGR3" : "|00|30|35",
"fillChar" : "#"
"BT5" : {
"text" : "< Back"
"submit" : {
"*" : [
"value" : 5,
"action" : "@menu:demoMain"
"actionKeys" : [
"keys" : [ "escape" ],
"viewId" : 5
"demoMultiLineEditTextView" : {
"art" : "demo_multi_line_edit_text_view1.ans",
"options" : { "cls" : true },
"form" : {
"0" : {
"BTMT" : {
"mci" : {
"MT1" : {
"width" : 70,
"height" : 17,
//"text" : "@art:demo_multi_line_edit_text_view_text.txt",
// "text" : "@systemMethod:textFromFile"
"text" : "Hints:\n\t* Insert / CTRL-V toggles overtype mode\n\t* CTRL-Y deletes the current line\n\t* Try Page Up / Page Down\n\t* Home goes to the start of line text\n\t* End goes to the end of a line\n\n\nTab handling:\n-------------------------------------------------\n\tA\tB\tC\tD\tE\tF\nA\tB\tC\tD\tE\tF\tG\tH\n\tA\tB\tC\tD\tE\tF\nA\tB\tC\tD\tE\tF\tG\tH\nA0\tBB\t1\tCCC\t2\tDDD\t3EEEE\nW\t\tX\t\tY\t\tZ\n\nAn excerpt from A Clockwork Orange:\n\"What sloochatted then, of course, was that my cellmates woke up and started joining in, tolchocking a bit wild in the near-dark, and the shoom seemed to wake up the whole tier, so that you could slooshy a lot of creeching and banging about with tin mugs on the wall, as though all the plennies in all the cells thought a big break was about to commence, O my brothers.\n",
"focus" : true
"BT5" : {
"text" : "< Back"
"submit" : {
"*" : [
"value" : 5,
"action" : "@menu:demoMain"
"actionKeys" : [
"keys" : [ "escape" ],
"viewId" : 5
"demoHorizontalMenuView" : {
"art" : "demo_horizontal_menu_view1.ans",
"options" : { "cls" : true },
"form" : {
"0" : {
"BTHMHM" : {
"mci" : {
"HM1" : {
"items" : [ "One", "Two", "Three" ],
"hotKeys" : { "1" : 0, "2" : 1, "3" : 2 }
"HM2" : {
"items" : [ "Uno", "Dos", "Tres" ],
"hotKeys" : { "U" : 0, "D" : 1, "T" : 2 }
"BT5" : {
"text" : "< Back"
"submit" : {
"*" : [
"value" : 5,
"action" : "@menu:demoMain"
"actionKeys" : [
"keys" : [ "escape" ],
"viewId" : 5
"demoArtDisplay" : {
"art" : "demo_selection_vm.ans",
"options" : { "cls" : true },
"form" : {
"0" : {
"VM" : {
"mci" : {
"VM1" : {
"items" : [
"Defaults - DOS ANSI",
"bw_mindgames.ans - DOS",
"test.ans - DOS",
"Defaults - Amiga",
"Pause at Term Height"
// :TODO: justify not working??
"focusTextStyle" : "small i"
"submit" : {
"*" : [
"value" : { "1" : 0 },
"action" : "@menu:demoDefaultsDosAnsi"
"value" : { "1" : 1 },
"action" : "@menu:demoDefaultsDosAnsi_bw_mindgames"
"value" : { "1" : 2 },
"action" : "@menu:demoDefaultsDosAnsi_test"
"demoDefaultsDosAnsi" : {
"art" : "DM-ENIG2.ANS",
"options" : { "cls" : true }
"demoDefaultsDosAnsi_bw_mindgames" : {
"art" : "bw_mindgames.ans",
"options" : { "cls" : true }
"demoDefaultsDosAnsi_test" : {
"art" : "test.ans",
"options" : { "cls" : true }
2015-06-25 22:33:17 +00:00
"demoFullScreenEditor" : {
"module" : "fse",
2015-06-26 04:34:33 +00:00
"art" : "demo_fse_local_user.ans",
"options" : { "cls" : true },
2015-06-26 04:34:33 +00:00
"config" : {
"editorType" : "netMail",
"art" : {
"header" : "demo_fse_netmail_header.ans",
"body" : "demo_fse_netmail_body.ans",
"footerEdit" : "demo_fse_netmail_footer_edit.ans",
"footerEditMenu" : "demo_fse_netmail_footer_edit_menu.ans",
"footerView" : "demo_fse_netmail_footer_view.ans",
"help" : "demo_fse_netmail_help.ans"
"form" : {
"0" : {
"ETETET" : {
"mci" : {
"ET1" : {
// :TODO: from/to may be set by args
// :TODO: focus may change dep on view vs edit
"width" : 36,
"focus" : true,
"argName" : "to"
"ET2" : {
"width" : 36,
"argName" : "from"
"ET3" : {
"width" : 65,
"maxLength" : 72,
"submit" : [ "enter" ],
"argName" : "subject"
"submit" : {
"3" : [
"value" : { "subject" : null },
"action" : "@method:headerSubmit"
"1" : {
"MT" : {
"mci" : {
"MT1" : {
"width" : 79,
"height" : 17,
"text" : "", // :TODO: should not be req.
"argName" : "message"
"submit" : {
"*" : [
"value" : "message",
"action" : "@method:editModeEscPressed"
"actionKeys" : [
"keys" : [ "escape" ],
"viewId" : 1
"2" : {
"TLTL" : {
"mci" : {
"TL1" : {
"width" : 5
"TL2" : {
"width" : 4
2015-07-09 04:07:25 +00:00
"3" : {
"HM" : {
2015-07-09 04:07:25 +00:00
"mci" : {
"HM1" : {
// :TODO: Continue, Save, Discard, Clear, Quote, Help
"items" : [ "Save", "Discard", "Quote", "Help" ]
2015-07-09 04:07:25 +00:00
"submit" : {
"*" : [
2015-07-09 23:06:09 +00:00
"value" : { "1" : 0 },
"action" : "@method:editModeMenuSave"
"value" : { "1" : 1 },
"action" : "@menu:demoMain"
"value" : { "1" : 2 },
"action" : "@method:editModeMenuQuote"
"value" : { "1" : 3 },
"action" : "@method:editModeMenuHelp"
"value" : 1,
"action" : "@method:editModeEscPressed"
"actionKeys" : [ // :TODO: Need better name
"keys" : [ "escape" ],
"action" : "@method:editModeEscPressed"
2015-07-10 21:24:30 +00:00
// :TODO: something like the following for overriding keymap
// this should only override specified entries. others will default
"keyMap" : {
"accept" : [ "return" ]
2015-07-09 04:07:25 +00:00
"form" : {
"0" : {
"ET1ET2MT3" : {
"mci" : {
"ET1" : {
"width" : 20,
"placeholder" : "TODO support this",
"focus" : true
"ET2" : {
"width" : 20
"MT3" : {
"width" : 79,
"height" : 17,
"text" : "",
"submit" : [ "escape" ]
"submit" : {
// :TODO: It may be nice to have a way to submit without data - e.g. we just care about the key press.
"3" : [
"value" : 3,
"action" : "@method:editorEscPressed"
:TODO: conceptual simplified menus -- actions/etc. without forms
2015-04-28 23:18:02 +00:00
"myMenu" : {
"art" : "MENUART",
"mci" : { // lack of "form": direct to form:0 {}
"VM1" : {
"items" : [ "Hello", "Goodbye" ],
"action" : "@method:someMethod" // implies { "submit" : true }
"submit" : {
// alternate form with filters
2015-04-28 23:18:02 +00:00
"demoEditTextView" : {
"art" : "demo_edit_text_view.ans",
"options" : { "cls" : true },
"form" : {
"0" : {
"ET1ET2ET3ET5SM4TM6" : {
"mci" : {
"ET1" : { "maxLength" : 1 },
"ET2" : { "maxLength" : 1 },
"ET3" : { "maxLength" : 1 },
"SM4" : {
"items" : [ "One", "Two", "Three", "Four" ]
"ET5" : {
"password" : true,
"submit" : [ "escape" ],
"fillChar" : "#"
"TM6" : {
"items" : [ "Yes", "No" ],
"hotkeys" : { "Y" : 0, "n" : 1 }
2015-04-25 20:44:48 +00:00