1. Download and `dd` the Minibian .img file from https://minibianpi.wordpress.com/ to a SDCARD. Cards >= 16GB recommended.
2. After booting Minibian, expand your file system. See http://elinux.org/RPi_Resize_Flash_Partitions#Manually_resizing_the_SD_card_on_Raspberry_Pi for information.
4. It is recommended that you install `sudo` and create an admin user: `apt-get install sudo`, `adduser <yourname>`, `adduser <yourname> sudo` (reboot & login as the user your just created)
5. We want to build dependencies with a updated version of GCC. The following works to install GCC 4.9 on Minibian "wheezy":
a. Update */etc/apt/sources.list* replacing all "wheezy" with "jessie"
b. `sudo apt-get update`
c. `sudo apt-get install gcc-4.9 g++-4.9`
d. Update */etc/apt/sources.list* reverting all "jessie" back to "wheezy"