* Development is now against Node.js 8.x LTS. Follow your standard upgrade path to update to Node 8.x before using 0.0.9-alpha.
* The property `justify` found on various views previously had `left` and `right` values swapped (oops!); you will need to adjust any custom `theme.hjson` that use one or the other and swap them as well.
* Possible breaking changes in FSE: The MCI code `%TL13` for error indicator is now `%TL4`. This is part of a cleanup and standardization on "custom ranges". You may need to update your `theme.hjson` and related artwork.
* The module export `registerEvents` has been deprecated. If you have a module that depends on this, use the new more generic `moduleInitialize` export instead.
* The `system.db``user_event_log` table has been updated to include a unique session ID. Previously this table was not used, but you will need to perform a slight maintenance task before it can be properly used. After updating to `0.0.9-alpha`, please run the following: `sqlite3 db/system.db DROP TABLE user_event_log;`. The new table format will be created and used at startup.
With the change to the `./mods` directory, `@systemModule` is now implied for `module` declarations in `menu.hjson`. To use a user module in `./mods` you must specify `@userModule`!
You will need to upgrade Node.js to [6.x+](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/doc/changelogs/CHANGELOG_V6.md). If using [nvm](https://github.com/creationix/nvm) (you should be!) the process will go something like this:
nvm install 6
nvm alias default 6
### ES6
Newly written code will use ES6 and a lot of code has started the migration process. Of note is the `MenuModule` class. If you have created a mod that inherits from `MenuModule`, you will need to upgrade your class to ES6.
## Manual Database Upgrade
A few upgrades need to be made to your SQLite databases:
rm db/file.sqltie3 # safe to delete this time as it was not used previously
sqlite3 db/message.sqlite
sqlite> INSERT INTO message_fts(message_fts) VALUES('rebuild');
## Archiver Changes
If you have overridden or made additions to archivers in your `config.hjson` you will need to update them. See [Archive Configuration](docs/archive.md) and `core/config.js`
## File Base Configuration
As 0.0.4-alpha contains file bases, you'll want to create a suitable configuration if you wish to use the feature. See [File Base Configuration](docs/file_base.md).