The scanner/tosser module `ftn_bso` provides **B**inkley **S**tyle **O**utbound (BSO) import/toss and scan/export of messages EchoMail and NetMail messages. Configuration is supplied in `config.hjson` under `scannerTossers.ftn_bso`.
:information_source: ENiGMA½'s `ftn_bso` module is not a mailer and **makes no attempts** to perfrom packet transport! An external [mailer]( such as [Binkd]( is required for this!
| `schedule` | :+1: | Sets `import` and `export` schedules. [Later style text parsing]( supported. `import` also can utilize a `@watch:<path/to/file>` syntax while `export` additionally supports `@immediate`. |
| `defaultNetwork` | :-1: | Explicitly set default network (by tag in `messageNetworks.ftn.networks`). If not set, the first found is used. |
| `nodes` | :+1: | Per-node settings. Entries (keys) here support wildcards for a portion of the FTN-style address (e.g.: `21:1/*`). `archiveType` may be set to a FTN supported archive extention that the system supports (TODO); if unset, only .PKT files are produced. `encoding` may be set to override `packetMsgEncoding` on a per-node basis. If the node requires a packet password, set `packetPassword` |
| `paths` | :-1: | An optional configuration block that can set a `retain` path and/or a `reject` path. These will be used for archiving processed packets. You may additionally override the default `outbound`, `inbound`, and `secInbound` (secure inbound) *base* paths for packet processing. |
| `packetTargetByteSize` | :-1: | Overrides the system *target* packet (.pkt) size of 512000 bytes (512k) |
| `bundleTargetByteSize` | :-1: | Overrides the system *target* ArcMail bundle size of 2048000 bytes (2M) |
Schedules can be defined for importing and exporting via `import` and `export` under `schedule`. Each entry is allowed a "free form" text and/or special indicators for immediate export or watch file triggers.
*`@immediate`: A message will be immediately exported if this trigger is defined in a schedule. Only used for `export`.
*`@watch:/path/to/file`: This trigger watches the path specified for changes and will trigger an import or export when such events occur. Only used for `import`.
* Free form text can be things like `at 5:00 pm` or `every 2 hours`.
See [Later text parsing documentation]( for more information.
A node entry starts with a FTN style address (up to 5D) **as a key** in `config.hjson`. This key may contain wildcard(s) for net/zone/node/point/domain.
* [Blog entry on setting up ENiGMA + Binkd on CentOS7]( Note that this references an **older version**, so be wary of the `config.hjson` refernces!