* Add terminal warning pre-nua preamble

* Merge in menu chagnes for file area/etc. to menu.hjson
* Missing luciano art
This commit is contained in:
Bryan Ashby 2017-02-12 14:03:29 -07:00
parent 8e39f3ec3d
commit 29d572c04c
4 changed files with 689 additions and 7 deletions

mods/art/NEWUSER1.ANS Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,11 +1,29 @@
{ {
/* /*
ENiGMA½ Menu Configuration ./\/\.' ENiGMA½ Menu Configuration -/--/-------- - -- -
This configuration is in HJSON format. Strict to-spec JSON is also _____________________ _____ ____________________ __________\_ /
perfectly valid. The hjson npm can be used to convert to/from JSON. \__ ____/\_ ____ \ /____/ / _____ __ \ / ______/ // /___jp!
// __|___// | \// |// | \// | | \// \ /___ /_____
/____ _____| __________ ___|__| ____| \ / _____ \
---- \______\ -- |______\ ------ /______/ ---- |______\ - |______\ /__/ // ___/
/__ _\
This configuration is in HJSON (http://hjson.org/) format. Strict to-spec
JSON is also perfectly valid. Use 'hjson' from npm to convert to/from JSON.
See http://hjson.org/ for more information and syntax. See http://hjson.org/ for more information and syntax.
If you haven't yet, copy the conents of this file to something like
sick_board.hjson. Point to it via config.hjson using the
'general.menuFile' key:
general: { menuFile: "sick_board.hjson" }
*/ */
menus: { menus: {
// //
@ -162,12 +180,24 @@
desc: Logging Off desc: Logging Off
next: @systemMethod:logoff next: @systemMethod:logoff
} }
TODO: display PRINT before this (Obv/2) or NEWUSER1 (Mystic) // A quick preamble - defaults to warning about broken terminals
*/ newUserApplicationPre: {
next: newUserApplication
desc: Applying
options: {
pause: true
cls: true
newUserApplication: { newUserApplication: {
module: nua module: nua
art: NUA art: NUA
options: {
menuFlags: [ "noHistory" ]
next: [ next: [
{ {
// Initial SysOp does not send feedback to themselves // Initial SysOp does not send feedback to themselves
@ -268,6 +298,17 @@
} }
} }
// A quick preamble - defaults to warning about broken terminals (SSH version)
newUserApplicationPreSsh: {
next: newUserApplicationSsh
desc: Applying
options: {
pause: true
cls: true
// //
// SSH specialization of NUA // SSH specialization of NUA
// Canceling this form logs off vs falling back to matrix // Canceling this form logs off vs falling back to matrix
@ -275,6 +316,9 @@
newUserApplicationSsh: { newUserApplicationSsh: {
art: NUA art: NUA
fallback: logoff fallback: logoff
options: {
menuFlags: [ "noHistory" ]
next: newUserFeedbackToSysOpPreamble next: newUserFeedbackToSysOpPreamble
form: { form: {
0: { 0: {
@ -708,6 +752,10 @@
value: { command: "D" } value: { command: "D" }
action: @menu:doorMenu action: @menu:doorMenu
} }
value: { command: "F" }
action: @menu:fileArea
{ {
value: { command: "U" } value: { command: "U" }
action: @menu:mainMenuUserList action: @menu:mainMenuUserList
@ -1696,6 +1744,7 @@
HM1: { HM1: {
// :TODO: (#)Jump/(L)Index (msg list)/Last // :TODO: (#)Jump/(L)Index (msg list)/Last
items: [ "prev", "next", "reply", "quit", "help" ] items: [ "prev", "next", "reply", "quit", "help" ]
focusItemIndex: 1
} }
} }
submit: { submit: {
@ -2226,6 +2275,639 @@
} }
} }
// File Area
fileArea: {
desc: File Area
art: FMENU
prompt: fileMenuCommand
submit: [
value: { menuOption: "B" }
action: @menu:fileBaseListEntries
value: { menuOption: "F" }
action: @menu:fileAreaFilterEditor
value: { menuOption: "Q" }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
value: { menuOption: "G" }
action: @menu:fullLogoffSequence
value: { menuOption: "D" }
action: @menu:fileBaseDownloadManager
value: { menuOption: "U" }
action: @menu:fileBaseUploadFiles
value: { menuOption: "S" }
action: @menu:fileBaseSearch
fileBaseListEntries: {
module: file_area_list
desc: Browsing Files
config: {
art: {
browse: FBRWSE
details: FDETAIL
detailsGeneral: FDETGEN
detailsNfo: FDETNFO
detailsFileList: FDETLST
help: FBHELP
form: {
0: {
mci: {
MT1: {
mode: preview
HM2: {
focus: true
submit: true
argName: navSelect
items: [
"prev", "next", "details", "toggle queue", "rate", "change filter", "help", "quit"
focusItemIndex: 1
submit: {
*: [
value: { navSelect: 0 }
action: @method:prevFile
value: { navSelect: 1 }
action: @method:nextFile
value: { navSelect: 2 }
action: @method:viewDetails
value: { navSelect: 3 }
action: @method:toggleQueue
value: { navSelect: 4 }
action: @menu:fileBaseGetRatingForSelectedEntry
value: { navSelect: 5 }
action: @menu:fileAreaFilterEditor
value: { navSelect: 6 }
action: @method:displayHelp
value: { navSelect: 7 }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "w", "shift + w" ]
action: @method:showWebDownloadLink
keys: [ "escape", "q", "shift + q" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
keys: [ "t", "shift + t" ]
action: @method:toggleQueue
keys: [ "f", "shift + f" ]
action: @menu:fileAreaFilterEditor
keys: [ "v", "shift + v" ]
action: @method:viewDetails
keys: [ "r", "shift + r" ]
action: @menu:fileBaseGetRatingForSelectedEntry
keys: [ "?" ]
action: @method:displayHelp
1: {
mci: {
HM1: {
focus: true
submit: true
argName: navSelect
items: [
"general", "nfo/readme", "file listing"
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape", "q", "shift + q" ]
action: @method:detailsQuit
2: {
// details - general
mci: {}
3: {
// details - nfo/readme
mci: {
MT1: {
mode: preview
4: {
// details - file listing
mci: {
VM1: {
fileBaseGetRatingForSelectedEntry: {
desc: Rating a File
prompt: fileBaseRateEntryPrompt
options: {
cls: true
submit: [
// :TODO: handle esc/q
// pass data back to caller
value: { rating: null }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
fileBaseListEntriesNoResults: {
desc: Browsing Files
options: {
pause: true
menuFlags: [ "noHistory" ]
fileBaseSearch: {
module: file_base_search
desc: Searching Files
form: {
0: {
mci: {
ET1: {
focus: true
argName: searchTerms
BT2: {
argName: search
text: search
submit: true
ET3: {
maxLength: 64
argName: tags
SM4: {
maxLength: 64
argName: areaIndex
SM5: {
items: [
"upload date",
"uploaded by",
"estimated year",
argName: sortByIndex
SM6: {
items: [
argName: orderByIndex
BT7: {
argName: advancedSearch
text: advanced search
submit: true
submit: {
*: [
value: { search: null }
action: @method:search
value: { advancedSearch: null }
action: @method:search
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
fileAreaFilterEditor: {
desc: File Filter Editor
module: file_area_filter_edit
form: {
0: {
mci: {
ET1: {
argName: searchTerms
ET2: {
maxLength: 64
argName: tags
SM3: {
maxLength: 64
argName: areaIndex
SM4: {
items: [
"upload date",
"uploaded by",
"estimated year",
argName: sortByIndex
SM5: {
items: [
argName: orderByIndex
ET6: {
maxLength: 64
argName: name
validate: @systemMethod:validateNonEmpty
HM7: {
focus: true
items: [
"prev", "next", "make active", "save", "new", "delete"
argName: navSelect
focusItemIndex: 1
submit: {
*: [
value: { navSelect: 0 }
action: @method:prevFilter
value: { navSelect: 1 }
action: @method:nextFilter
value: { navSelect: 2 }
action: @method:makeFilterActive
value: { navSelect: 3 }
action: @method:saveFilter
value: { navSelect: 4 }
action: @method:newFilter
value: { navSelect: 5 }
action: @method:deleteFilter
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
fileBaseDownloadManager: {
desc: Download Manager
module: file_base_download_manager
config: {
art: {
queueManager: FDLMGR
details: FDLDET
emptyQueueMenu: fileBaseDownloadManagerEmptyQueue
form: {
0: {
mci: {
VM1: {
argName: queueItem
HM2: {
focus: true
items: [ "download all", "quit" ]
argName: navSelect
submit: {
*: [
value: { navSelect: 0 }
action: @method:downloadAll
value: { navSelect: 1 }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "a", "shift + a" ]
action: @method:downloadAll
keys: [ "delete", "r", "shift + r" ]
action: @method:removeItem
keys: [ "c", "shift + c" ]
action: @method:clearQueue
keys: [ "escape", "q", "shift + q" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
fileBaseDownloadManagerEmptyQueue: {
desc: Empty Download Queue
options: {
pause: true
menuFlags: [ "noHistory" ]
fileTransferProtocolSelection: {
desc: Protocol selection
module: file_transfer_protocol_select
form: {
0: {
mci: {
VM1: {
focus: true
argName: protocol
submit: {
*: [
value: { protocol: null }
action: @method:selectProtocol
actionKeys: [
keys: [ "escape" ]
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
fileBaseUploadFiles: {
desc: Uploading
module: upload
config: {
art: {
options: ULOPTS
fileDetails: ULDETAIL
processing: ULCHECK
dupes: ULDUPES
form: {
// options
0: {
mci: {
SM1: {
argName: areaSelect
focus: true
TM2: {
argName: uploadType
items: [ "blind", "supply filename" ]
ET3: {
argName: fileName
maxLength: 255
validate: @method:validateNonBlindFileName
HM4: {
argName: navSelect
items: [ "continue", "cancel" ]
submit: true
submit: {
*: [
value: { navSelect: 0 }
action: @method:optionsNavContinue
value: { navSelect: 1 }
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
"actionKeys" : [
"keys" : [ "escape" ],
action: @systemMethod:prevMenu
1: {
mci: {
TL1: {}
TL2: {}
TL3: {}
MT4: {}
TL10: {}
// file details entry
2: {
mci: {
MT1: {
argName: shortDesc
tabSwitchesView: true
focus: true
ET2: {
argName: tags
ME3: {
argName: estYear
maskPattern: "####"
BT4: {
argName: continue
text: continue
submit: true
submit: {
*: [
value: { continue: null }
action: @method:fileDetailsContinue
// dupes
3: {
mci: {
VM1: {
Use 'dupeInfoFormat' to custom format:
mode: preview
fileBaseNoUploadAreasAvail: {
desc: File Base
options: {
pause: true
menuFlags: [ "noHistory" ]
sendFilesToUser: {
desc: Downloading
module: @systemModule:file_transfer
config: {
// defaults - generally use extraArgs
protocol: zmodem8kSexyz
direction: send
recvFilesFromUser: {
desc: Uploading
module: @systemModule:file_transfer
config: {
// defaults - generally use extraArgs
protocol: zmodem8kSexyz
direction: recv
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Required entries // Required entries
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -793,7 +793,7 @@
fileMenuCommand: { fileMenuCommand: {
mci: { mci: {
TL1: { TL1: {
text: "|00|15|MD|08: |03active filter|08: |10|FN" text: "|00|15|MD|08 >> |03active filter|08: |10|FN"
} }
} }
} }