* Implement some missing placeholder ACS checks

* Add some new ACS checks
* Add documentation on new ACS
This commit is contained in:
Bryan Ashby 2018-02-07 20:26:29 -07:00
parent 1dd3c0bfcd
commit 8c7c20862c
3 changed files with 150 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -844,11 +844,10 @@ function peg$parse(input, options) {
var client = options.client;
var user = options.client.user;
const client = options.client;
const user = options.client.user;
var _ = require('lodash');
var assert = require('assert');
const moment = require('moment');
function checkAccess(acsCode, value) {
try {
@ -860,41 +859,85 @@ function peg$parse(input, options) {
return !isNaN(value) && user.getAge() >= value;
AS : function accountStatus() {
if(!_.isArray(value)) {
if(!Array.isArray(value)) {
value = [ value ];
const userAccountStatus = parseInt(user.properties.account_status, 10);
value = value.map(n => parseInt(n, 10)); // ensure we have integers
return value.indexOf(userAccountStatus) > -1;
return value.map(n => parseInt(n, 10)).includes(userAccountStatus);
EC : function isEncoding() {
const encoding = client.term.outputEncoding.toLowerCase();
switch(value) {
case 0 : return 'cp437' === client.term.outputEncoding.toLowerCase();
case 1 : return 'utf-8' === client.term.outputEncoding.toLowerCase();
case 0 : return 'cp437' === encoding;
case 1 : return 'utf-8' === encoding;
default : return false;
GM : function isOneOfGroups() {
if(!_.isArray(value)) {
if(!Array.isArray(value)) {
return false;
return _.findIndex(value, function cmp(groupName) {
return user.isGroupMember(groupName);
}) > - 1;
return value.some(groupName => user.isGroupMember(groupName));
NN : function isNode() {
return client.node === value;
if(!Array.isArray(value)) {
value = [ value ];
return value.map(n => parseInt(n, 10)).includes(client.node);
NP : function numberOfPosts() {
const postCount = parseInt(user.properties.post_count, 10);
const postCount = parseInt(user.properties.post_count, 10) || 0;
return !isNaN(value) && postCount >= value;
NC : function numberOfCalls() {
const loginCount = parseInt(user.properties.login_count, 10);
return !isNaN(value) && loginCount >= value;
AA : function accountAge() {
const accountCreated = moment(user.properties.account_created);
const now = moment();
const daysOld = accountCreated.diff(moment(), 'days');
return !isNaN(value) &&
accountCreated.isValid() &&
now.isAfter(accountCreated) &&
daysOld >= value;
BU : function bytesUploaded() {
const bytesUp = parseInt(user.properties.ul_total_bytes, 10) || 0;
return !isNaN(value) && bytesUp >= value;
UP : function uploads() {
const uls = parseInt(user.properties.ul_total_count, 10) || 0;
return !isNaN(value) && uls >= value;
BD : function bytesDownloaded() {
const bytesDown = parseInt(user.properties.dl_total_bytes, 10) || 0;
return !isNaN(value) && bytesDown >= value;
DL : function downloads() {
const dls = parseInt(user.properties.dl_total_count, 10) || 0;
return !isNaN(value) && dls >= value;
NR : function uploadDownloadRatioGreaterThan() {
const ulCount = parseInt(user.properties.ul_total_count, 10) || 0;
const dlCount = parseInt(user.properties.dl_total_count, 10) || 0;
const ratio = ~~((ulCount / dlCount) * 100);
return !isNaN(value) && ratio >= value;
KR : function uploadDownloadByteRatioGreaterThan() {
const ulBytes = parseInt(user.properties.ul_total_bytes, 10) || 0;
const dlBytes = parseInt(user.properties.dl_total_bytes, 10) || 0;
const ratio = ~~((ulBytes / dlBytes) * 100);
return !isNaN(value) && ratio >= value;
PC : function postCallRatio() {
const postCount = parseInt(user.properties.post_count, 10) || 0;
const loginCount = parseInt(user.properties.login_count, 10);
const ratio = ~~((postCount / loginCount) * 100);
return !isNaN(value) && ratio >= value;
SC : function isSecureConnection() {
return client.session.isSecure;
@ -906,41 +949,41 @@ function peg$parse(input, options) {
return !isNaN(value) && client.term.termHeight >= value;
TM : function isOneOfThemes() {
if(!_.isArray(value)) {
if(!Array.isArray(value)) {
return false;
return value.indexOf(client.currentTheme.name) > -1;
return value.includes(client.currentTheme.name);
TT : function isOneOfTermTypes() {
if(!_.isArray(value)) {
if(!Array.isArray(value)) {
return false;
return value.indexOf(client.term.termType) > -1;
return value.includes(client.term.termType);
TW : function termWidth() {
return !isNaN(value) && client.term.termWidth >= value;
ID : function isUserId(value) {
if(!_.isArray(value)) {
if(!Array.isArray(value)) {
value = [ value ];
value = value.map(n => parseInt(n, 10)); // ensure we have integers
return value.indexOf(user.userId) > -1;
return value.map(n => parseInt(n, 10)).includes(user.userId);
WD : function isOneOfDayOfWeek() {
if(!_.isArray(value)) {
if(!Array.isArray(value)) {
value = [ value ];
value = value.map(n => parseInt(n, 10)); // ensure we have integers
return value.indexOf(new Date().getDay()) > -1;
return value.map(n => parseInt(n, 10)).includes(new Date().getDay());
MM : function isMinutesPastMidnight() {
// :TODO: return true if value is >= minutes past midnight sys time
return false;
const now = moment();
const midnight = now.clone().startOf('day')
const minutesPastMidnight = now.diff(midnight, 'minutes');
return !isNaN(value) && minutesPastMidnight >= value;
} catch (e) {

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ The following are ACS codes available as of this writing:
| AS<i>status</i>, AS[_status_,...] | User's account status is _group_ or one of [_group_,...] |
| EC<i>encoding</i> | Terminal encoding is set to _encoding_ where `0` is `CP437` and `1` is `UTF-8` |
| GM[_group_,...] | User belongs to one of [_group_,...] |
| NN<i>node</i> | Current node is _node_ |
| NN<i>node</i>, NN[_node_,...] | Current node is _node_ or one of [_node_,...] |
| NP<i>posts</i> | User's number of message posts is >= _posts_ |
| NC<i>calls</i> | User's number of calls is >= _calls_ |
| SC | Connection is considered secure (SSL, secure WebSockets, etc.) |
@ -26,6 +26,15 @@ The following are ACS codes available as of this writing:
| TT[_termType_,...] | User's current terminal type is one of [_termType_,...] (`ANSI-BBS`, `utf8`, `xterm`, etc.) |
| ID<i>id</i>, ID[_id_,...] | User's ID is _id_ or oen of [_id_,...] |
| WD<i>weekDay</i>, WD[_weekDay_,...] | Current day of week is _weekDay_ or one of [_weekDay_,...] where `0` is Sunday, `1` is Monday, and so on. |
| AA<i>days</i> | Account is >= _days_ old |
| BU<i>bytes</i> | User has uploaded >= _bytes_ |
| UP<i>uploads</i> | User has uploaded >= _uploads_ files |
| BD<i>bytes</i> | User has downloaded >= _bytes_ |
| DL<i>downloads</i> | User has downloaded >= _downloads_ files |
| NR<i>ratio</i> | User has upload/download count ratio >= _ratio_ |
| KR<i>ratio</i> | User has a upload/download byte ratio >= _ratio_ |
| PC<i>ratio</i> | User has a post/call ratio >= _ratio_ |
| MM<i>minutes</i> | It is currently >= _minutes_ past midnight (system time)
\* Many more ACS codes are planned for the near future.

View File

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
var client = options.client;
var user = options.client.user;
const client = options.client;
const user = options.client.user;
var _ = require('lodash');
var assert = require('assert');
const moment = require('moment');
function checkAccess(acsCode, value) {
try {
@ -16,41 +15,85 @@
return !isNaN(value) && user.getAge() >= value;
AS : function accountStatus() {
if(!_.isArray(value)) {
if(!Array.isArray(value)) {
value = [ value ];
const userAccountStatus = parseInt(user.properties.account_status, 10);
value = value.map(n => parseInt(n, 10)); // ensure we have integers
return value.indexOf(userAccountStatus) > -1;
return value.map(n => parseInt(n, 10)).includes(userAccountStatus);
EC : function isEncoding() {
const encoding = client.term.outputEncoding.toLowerCase();
switch(value) {
case 0 : return 'cp437' === client.term.outputEncoding.toLowerCase();
case 1 : return 'utf-8' === client.term.outputEncoding.toLowerCase();
case 0 : return 'cp437' === encoding;
case 1 : return 'utf-8' === encoding;
default : return false;
GM : function isOneOfGroups() {
if(!_.isArray(value)) {
if(!Array.isArray(value)) {
return false;
return _.findIndex(value, function cmp(groupName) {
return user.isGroupMember(groupName);
}) > - 1;
return value.some(groupName => user.isGroupMember(groupName));
NN : function isNode() {
return client.node === value;
if(!Array.isArray(value)) {
value = [ value ];
return value.map(n => parseInt(n, 10)).includes(client.node);
NP : function numberOfPosts() {
const postCount = parseInt(user.properties.post_count, 10);
const postCount = parseInt(user.properties.post_count, 10) || 0;
return !isNaN(value) && postCount >= value;
NC : function numberOfCalls() {
const loginCount = parseInt(user.properties.login_count, 10);
return !isNaN(value) && loginCount >= value;
AA : function accountAge() {
const accountCreated = moment(user.properties.account_created);
const now = moment();
const daysOld = accountCreated.diff(moment(), 'days');
return !isNaN(value) &&
accountCreated.isValid() &&
now.isAfter(accountCreated) &&
daysOld >= value;
BU : function bytesUploaded() {
const bytesUp = parseInt(user.properties.ul_total_bytes, 10) || 0;
return !isNaN(value) && bytesUp >= value;
UP : function uploads() {
const uls = parseInt(user.properties.ul_total_count, 10) || 0;
return !isNaN(value) && uls >= value;
BD : function bytesDownloaded() {
const bytesDown = parseInt(user.properties.dl_total_bytes, 10) || 0;
return !isNaN(value) && bytesDown >= value;
DL : function downloads() {
const dls = parseInt(user.properties.dl_total_count, 10) || 0;
return !isNaN(value) && dls >= value;
NR : function uploadDownloadRatioGreaterThan() {
const ulCount = parseInt(user.properties.ul_total_count, 10) || 0;
const dlCount = parseInt(user.properties.dl_total_count, 10) || 0;
const ratio = ~~((ulCount / dlCount) * 100);
return !isNaN(value) && ratio >= value;
KR : function uploadDownloadByteRatioGreaterThan() {
const ulBytes = parseInt(user.properties.ul_total_bytes, 10) || 0;
const dlBytes = parseInt(user.properties.dl_total_bytes, 10) || 0;
const ratio = ~~((ulBytes / dlBytes) * 100);
return !isNaN(value) && ratio >= value;
PC : function postCallRatio() {
const postCount = parseInt(user.properties.post_count, 10) || 0;
const loginCount = parseInt(user.properties.login_count, 10);
const ratio = ~~((postCount / loginCount) * 100);
return !isNaN(value) && ratio >= value;
SC : function isSecureConnection() {
return client.session.isSecure;
@ -62,41 +105,41 @@
return !isNaN(value) && client.term.termHeight >= value;
TM : function isOneOfThemes() {
if(!_.isArray(value)) {
if(!Array.isArray(value)) {
return false;
return value.indexOf(client.currentTheme.name) > -1;
return value.includes(client.currentTheme.name);
TT : function isOneOfTermTypes() {
if(!_.isArray(value)) {
if(!Array.isArray(value)) {
return false;
return value.indexOf(client.term.termType) > -1;
return value.includes(client.term.termType);
TW : function termWidth() {
return !isNaN(value) && client.term.termWidth >= value;
ID : function isUserId(value) {
if(!_.isArray(value)) {
if(!Array.isArray(value)) {
value = [ value ];
value = value.map(n => parseInt(n, 10)); // ensure we have integers
return value.indexOf(user.userId) > -1;
return value.map(n => parseInt(n, 10)).includes(user.userId);
WD : function isOneOfDayOfWeek() {
if(!_.isArray(value)) {
if(!Array.isArray(value)) {
value = [ value ];
value = value.map(n => parseInt(n, 10)); // ensure we have integers
return value.indexOf(new Date().getDay()) > -1;
return value.map(n => parseInt(n, 10)).includes(new Date().getDay());
MM : function isMinutesPastMidnight() {
// :TODO: return true if value is >= minutes past midnight sys time
return false;
const now = moment();
const midnight = now.clone().startOf('day')
const minutesPastMidnight = now.diff(midnight, 'minutes');
return !isNaN(value) && minutesPastMidnight >= value;
} catch (e) {