this looks like it does the trick - first time will issue a config procedure (I know we have redundant files in enigma-bbs-pre but that's a price for the enhanced deployment ease)

This commit is contained in:
David Abutbul 2022-01-25 23:30:38 +02:00
parent 234eef7585
commit b791c9e9bb
3 changed files with 74 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -4,20 +4,12 @@ LABEL maintainer=""
ENV NVM_DIR /root/.nvm
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
# enigma storage mounts
VOLUME /enigma-bbs/art
VOLUME /enigma-bbs/config
VOLUME /enigma-bbs/db
VOLUME /enigma-bbs/filebase
VOLUME /enigma-bbs/logs
VOLUME /enigma-bbs/mods
VOLUME /mail
COPY . /enigma-bbs
# Do some installing!
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
# Do some installing! (and alot of cleaning up) keeping it in one step for less docker layers
# - if you need to debug i recommend to break the steps with individual RUNs)
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y \
git \
curl \
build-essential \
@ -29,18 +21,35 @@ RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
lhasa \
unrar-free \
p7zip-full \
&& npm install -g pm2 \
&& cd /enigma-bbs && npm install --only=production \
&& apt-get remove build-essential python libssl-dev git curl -y && apt-get autoremove -y \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* \
&& apt-get clean
&& npm install -g pm2 \
&& cd /enigma-bbs && npm install --only=production \
&& pm2 start main.js \
&& mkdir -p /enigma-bbs-pre/art \
&& mkdir /enigma-bbs-pre/mods \
&& mkdir /enigma-bbs-pre/config \
&& cp -rp art/* ../enigma-bbs-pre/art/ \
&& cp -rp mods/* ../enigma-bbs-pre/mods/ \
&& cp -rp config/* ../enigma-bbs-pre/config/ \
&& apt-get remove build-essential python libssl-dev git curl -y \
&& apt-get autoremove -y \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* \
&& apt-get clean
# sexyz
COPY docker/bin/sexyz /usr/local/bin
# enigma storage mounts
VOLUME /enigma-bbs/art
VOLUME /enigma-bbs/config
VOLUME /enigma-bbs/db
VOLUME /enigma-bbs/filebase
VOLUME /enigma-bbs/logs
VOLUME /enigma-bbs/mods
VOLUME /mail
# Enigma default port
WORKDIR /enigma-bbs
CMD ["pm2-runtime", "main.js"]
ENTRYPOINT ["/enigma-bbs/docker/bin/"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
prepopvols=("config" "mods" "art")
if [[ ! -f $bbspath/config/config.hjson ]]; then
for dir in "${prepopvols[@]}"
if [ -n "$(find "$bbspath/$dir" -maxdepth 0 -type d -empty 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
cp -rp $bbsstgp/$dir/* $bbspath/$dir/
echo "WARN skipped $bbspath/$dir - vol Not empty/not a new setup - possible bad state"
./oputil.js config new
pm2-runtime main.js

View File

@ -6,20 +6,39 @@ title: Docker
for every operating system on the [Docker website](**
## Quick Start
prepare a folder where you are going to save your bbs files.
- Generate some config for your BBS: \
you can perform this step from anywhere - but make sure to consistently run it from the same place to retain your config inside the docker guest
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 \
--name "EnigmaBBS" \
-v "$(pwd)/config:/enigma-bbs/config" \
-v "$(pwd)/db:/enigma-bbs/db" \
-v "$(pwd)/logs:/enigma-bbs/logs" \
-v "$(pwd)/filebase:/enigma-bbs/filebase" \
-v "$(pwd)/art:/enigma-bbs/art" \
-v "$(pwd)/mods:/enigma-bbs/mods" \
-v "$(pwd)/mail:/mail" \
- Run it: \
you can use the same command as above, just daemonize and drop interactiveness (we needed it for config but most of the time docker will run in the background)
docker run -d --rm -p 8888:8888 \
--name "EnigmaBBS" \
-v "$(pwd)/config:/enigma-bbs/config" \
-v "$(pwd)/db:/enigma-bbs/db" \
-v "$(pwd)/logs:/enigma-bbs/logs" \
-v "$(pwd)/filebase:/enigma-bbs/filebase" \
-v "$(pwd)/art:/enigma-bbs/art" \
-v "$(pwd)/mods:/enigma-bbs/mods" \
-v "$(pwd)/mail:/mail" \
- Generate some config for your BBS:
docker run -it -v "${HOME}/enigma-bbs/config:/enigma-bbs/config" enigmabbs/enigma-bbs:latest oputil.js config new
:bulb: Configuration will be stored in `$(pwd)/enigma-bbs/config`.
- Run it:
docker run -p 8888:8888 -v "${HOME}/enigma-bbs/config:/enigma-bbs/config" enigmabbs/enigma-bbs:latest
:bulb: Configuration will be stored in `${HOME}/enigma-bbs/config`.
:bulb: Windows users - you'll need to switch out `${HOME}/enigma-bbs/config` for a Windows-style path.
:bulb: Windows users - you'll need to switch out `$(pwd)/enigma-bbs/config` for a Windows-style path.
## Volumes