+ oputil.js config cat

* Many updates to config gen
This commit is contained in:
Bryan Ashby 2018-11-10 23:59:26 -07:00
parent 82cfdc978f
commit c24695e998
5 changed files with 337 additions and 254 deletions

View File

@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ This document attempts to track **major** changes and additions in ENiGMA½. For
* Any module may now register for a system startup intiialization via the `initializeModules(initInfo, cb)` export.
* User event log is now functional. Various events a user performs will be persisted to the `system.db` `user_event_log` table for up to 90 days. An example usage can be found in the updated `last_callers` module where events are turned into Ami/X style actions. Please see `UPGRADE.md`!
* New MCI codes including general purpose movement codes. See [MCI codes](docs/art/mci.md)
* `install.sh` will now attempt to use NPM's `--build-from-source` option when ARM is detected.
* `oputil.js config new` will now generate a much more complete configuration file with comments, examples, etc. `oputil.js config cat` dumps your current config to stdout.
## 0.0.8-alpha

View File

@ -346,6 +346,19 @@ function getDefaultConfig() {
certPem : paths.join(__dirname, './../config/https_cert.pem'),
keyPem : paths.join(__dirname, './../config/https_cert_key.pem'),
gopher : {
enabled : false,
port : 8070,
publicHostname : 'another-fine-enigma-bbs.org',
publicPort : 8080, // adjust if behind NAT/etc.
bannerFile : 'gopher_banner.asc',
// Set messageConferences{} to maps of confTag -> [ areaTag1, areaTag2, ... ]
// to export message confs/areas

View File

@ -4,12 +4,14 @@
// ENiGMA½
const resolvePath = require('../../core/misc_util.js').resolvePath;
const printUsageAndSetExitCode = require('./oputil_common.js').printUsageAndSetExitCode;
const ExitCodes = require('./oputil_common.js').ExitCodes;
const argv = require('./oputil_common.js').argv;
const getConfigPath = require('./oputil_common.js').getConfigPath;
const {
} = require('./oputil_common.js');
const getHelpFor = require('./oputil_help.js').getHelpFor;
const initConfigAndDatabases = require('./oputil_common.js').initConfigAndDatabases;
const Errors = require('../../core/enig_error.js').Errors;
// deps
@ -21,6 +23,8 @@ const hjson = require('hjson');
const paths = require('path');
const _ = require('lodash');
const packageJson = require('../../package.json');
exports.handleConfigCommand = handleConfigCommand;
@ -37,6 +41,15 @@ const ConfigIncludeKeys = [
const HJSONStringifyComonOpts = {
emitRootBraces : true,
bracesSameLine : true,
space : 4,
keepWsc : true,
quotes : 'min',
eol : '\n',
const QUESTIONS = {
Intro : [
@ -214,7 +227,10 @@ function askNewConfigQuestions(cb) {
function writeConfig(config, path) {
config = hjson.stringify(config, { bracesSameLine : true, space : '\t', keepWsc : true, quotes : 'strings' } );
config = hjson.stringify(config, HJSONStringifyComonOpts)
.replace(/%ENIG_VERSION%/g, packageJson.version)
.replace(/%HJSON_VERSION%/g, hjson.version)
try {
fs.writeFileSync(path, config, 'utf8');
@ -522,6 +538,24 @@ function getImportEntries(importType, importData) {
return importEntries;
function catCurrentConfig() {
try {
const config = hjson.rt.parse(fs.readFileSync(getConfigPath(), 'utf8'));
const hjsonOpts = Object.assign({}, HJSONStringifyComonOpts, {
colors : false === argv.colors ? false : true,
keepWsc : false === argv.comments ? false : true,
console.log(hjson.stringify(config, hjsonOpts));
} catch(e) {
if('ENOENT' == e.code) {
console.error(`File not found: ${getConfigPath()}`);
} else {
function handleConfigCommand() {
if(true === argv.help) {
return printUsageAndSetExitCode(getHelpFor('Config'), ExitCodes.ERROR);
@ -532,6 +566,7 @@ function handleConfigCommand() {
switch(action) {
case 'new' : return buildNewConfig();
case 'import-areas' : return importAreas();
case 'cat' : return catCurrentConfig();
default : return printUsageAndSetExitCode(getHelpFor('Config'), ExitCodes.ERROR);

View File

@ -39,12 +39,17 @@ actions:
new generate a new/initial configuration
import-areas PATH import areas using fidonet *.NA or AREAS.BBS file from PATH
cat cat current configuration to stdout
import-areas args:
--conf CONF_TAG specify conference tag in which to import areas
--network NETWORK specify network name/key to associate FTN areas
--uplinks UL1,UL2,... specify one or more comma separated uplinks
--type TYPE specifies area import type. valid options are "bbs" and "na"
cat args:
--no-color disable color
--no-comments strip any comments
FileBase :
`usage: oputil.js fb <action> [<args>]

View File

@ -1,281 +1,308 @@
./\/\.' ENiGMA½ System Configuration -/--/-------- - -- -
./\/\.' ENiGMA½ System Configuration -/--/-------- - -- -
_____________________ _____ ____________________ __________\_ /
\__ ____/\_ ____ \ /____/ / _____ __ \ / ______/ // /___jp!
// __|___// | \// |// | \// | | \// \ /___ /_____
/____ _____| __________ ___|__| ____| \ / _____ \
---- \______\ -- |______\ ------ /______/ ---- |______\ - |______\ /__/ // ___/
/__ _\
_____________________ _____ ____________________ __________\_ /
\__ ____/\_ ____ \ /____/ / _____ __ \ / ______/ // /___jp!
// __|___// | \// |// | \// | | \// \ /___ /_____
/____ _____| __________ ___|__| ____| \ / _____ \
---- \______\ -- |______\ ------ /______/ ---- |______\ - |______\ /__/ // ___/
/__ _\
Generated by ENiGMA½ v%ENIG_VERSION% / hjson v%HJSON_VERSION%
General Information
This configuration is in HJSON (http://hjson.org/) format. Strict to-spec
JSON is also perfectly valid. Use 'hjson' from npm to convert to/from JSON.
See http://hjson.org/ for more information and syntax.
Various editors and IDEs have plugins for the HJSON format which can be
very useful.
------------------------------- -- - -
General Information
------------------------------- - -
This configuration is in HJSON (http://hjson.org/) format. Strict to-spec
JSON is also perfectly valid. Use 'hjson' from npm to convert to/from JSON.
Available Configuration
ENiGMA½ is highly configurable! By default, this file contains common
configuration elements, examples, etc. To see a full list of settings
available to this file, don't be afraid to open up core/config.js and
look around. Do not make changes there however, you may override any
of the configuration from within this file!
See http://hjson.org/ for more information and syntax.
See the documentation for more information, and don't be shy to ask
for help!
Various editors and IDEs such as Sublime Text 3, Visual Studio Code, and so
on have syntax highlighting for the HJSON format which are highly recommended.
general: {
// Your BBS Name!
boardName: XXXXX
logging: {
// By default, the system will rotate logs.
// Remember you can pipe logs through bunyan to pretty-print:
// > tail -F enigma/logs/enigma-bbs.log | enigma/node_modules/bunyan/bin/bunyan
rotatingFile: {
// If you're having trouble, try setting this to "trace"
level: XXXXX
------------------------------- -- - -
------------------------------- - -
ENiGMA½ is *highly* configurable, and thus can be overwhelming at first!
theme: {
// Default theme applied to new users. "*" indicates random.
default: XXXXX
By default, this file contains common configuration elements, examples, etc.
To see a more complete view of settings available to the system, don't be
afraid to open up core/config.js and look around. Do not make changes there
however! All system configuration can be extended and defaults overridden
via this file!
// Theme applied before a user has logged in. "*" indicates random.
preLogin: XXXXX
Please see RTFM ...er, uh... see the documentation for more information, and
don't be shy to ask for help:
// dateFormat, timeFormat, and dateTimeFormat blocks configure
// moment.js (https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/) style formats
// for dates and times. Short and long versions are available.
// Note that themes may override these settings.
BBS : Xibalba @ xibalba.l33t.codes
FTN : BBS Discussion on fsxNet
IRC : #enigma-bbs / FreeNode
Email : bryan@leet.codes
// Login servers represent available servers (or protocols) in which
// users are permitted to access your system.
loginServers: {
// Remember kids, Telnet is insecure!
telnet: {
// It's best to use non-privileged ports and NAT/foward to them
port: XXXXX
general: {
// Your BBS Name!
boardName: XXXXX
// ...but SSH *is* secure!
ssh: {
port: XXXXX
logging: {
// By default, the system will rotate logs.
// Remember you can pipe logs through bunyan to pretty-print:
// > tail -F enigma/logs/enigma-bbs.log | enigma/node_modules/bunyan/bin/bunyan
rotatingFile: {
// If you're having trouble, try setting this to "trace"
level: XXXXX
// To enable SSH:
// 1) Generate a Private Key (PK):
// > openssl genrsa -des3 -out ./config/ssh_private_key.pem 2048
// 2) Set "privateKeyPass" below
enabled: XXXXX
theme: {
// Default theme applied to new users. "*" indicates random.
default: XXXXX
// Theme applied before a user has logged in. "*" indicates random.
preLogin: XXXXX
// set this to your PK's password, generated in step #1 above
privateKeyPass: SuperSecretPasswordChangeMe!
// dateFormat, timeFormat, and dateTimeFormat blocks configure
// moment.js (https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/) style formats
// for dates and times. Short and long versions are available.
// Note that themes may override these settings.
// It's possible to lock down various algorithms available to
// SSH, but be aware this may limit the clients that can connect!
algorithms: {}
// Login servers represent available servers (or protocols) in which
// users are permitted to access your system.
loginServers: {
// Remember kids, Telnet is insecure!
telnet: {
// It's best to use non-privileged ports and NAT/foward to them
port: XXXXX
webSocket: {
// Setting "proxied" to true allows non-secure (ws://) WebSockets
// to be considered secure when the X-Fowarded-Proto HTTP header
// is set to "https". This is helpful when ENiGMA is running behind
// another web server doing SSL/TLS termination.
proxied: false
// ...but SSH *is* secure!
ssh: {
port: XXXXX
// Non-secure WebSockets, or ws://
ws: {
port: XXXXX
// To enable SSH:
// 1) Generate a Private Key (PK):
// > openssl genrsa -des3 -out ./config/ssh_private_key.pem 2048
// 2) Set "privateKeyPass" below
enabled: XXXXX
// Secure WebSockets, or wss://
wss: {
port: XXXXX
enabled: XXXXX
// set this to your PK's password, generated in step #1 above
privateKeyPass: SuperSecretPasswordChangeMe!
// Certificate and Key in PEM format.
// Note that web browsers will not trust self-signed certs. Look
// into Let's Encrypt and perhaps running ENiGMA behind another
// web server such as Caddy.
certPem: XXXXX
keyPem: XXXXX
// It's possible to lock down various algorithms available to
// SSH, but be aware this may limit the clients that can connect!
algorithms: {}
// Content Servers expose content from the system
contentServers: {
// The Web Content Server can expose content over HTTP (http://) and
// HTTPS (https://) for (but not limited to) the following purposes:
// * Static content
// * Web downloads from the file base
// * Password reset forms (sent to users in PW reset emails; see
// "email" block below)
web: {
// Set to your public FQDN
domain: XXXXX
webSocket: {
// Setting "proxied" to true allows non-secure (ws://) WebSockets
// to be considered secure when the X-Fowarded-Proto HTTP header
// is set to "https". This is helpful when ENiGMA is running behind
// another web server doing SSL/TLS termination.
proxied: false
// Currently, ENiGMA½ can use external email to mail
// users for password resets. Additional functionality will
// be added in the future.
email: {
// Set the following keys to configure:
// * "defaultFrom" to the reply address
// * "transport" to a configuration block that meets the
// requirements of Nodemailer (https://nodemailer.com/)
// Example:
// transport: {
// service: Zoho
// auth: {
// user: myuser@myhost.com
// pass: supersecretpassword
// }
// }
// Non-secure WebSockets, or ws://
ws: {
port: XXXXX
// Message conferences and areas are within this block
messageConferences: {
// An entry here prepresents a conference taka aka confTag
another_sample_conf: {
name: "Another Sample Conference"
desc: "Another conf sample. Change me!"
areas: {
// Similar to confTags, this is a areaTag
another_sample_area: {
name: "Another Sample Area"
desc: "Another area example. Change me!"
// The 'sort' key can override natural sort order and can live at the conference and area levels
sort: 2
// Secure WebSockets, or wss://
wss: {
port: XXXXX
enabled: XXXXX
// ENiGMA½ comes with a very powerful File Base, but may be a bit strange
// until you get used to it. Please see the documentation!
fileBase: {
// Storage tags with relative paths (that is, paths that do not start
// with a "/") are relative to the following path:
areaStoragePrefix: XXXXX
// Certificate and Key in PEM format.
// Note that web browsers will not trust self-signed certs. Look
// into Let's Encrypt and perhaps running ENiGMA behind another
// web server such as Caddy.
certPem: XXXXX
keyPem: XXXXX
// Storage tags create a tag -> directory (relative or full path)
// that can be used in areas.
storageTags: {
// Example storage tag: "super_l33t_warez":
// super_l33t_warez: "/path/to/super/l33t/warez"
// Content Servers expose content from the system
contentServers: {
// The Web Content Server can expose content over HTTP (http://) and
// HTTPS (https://) for (but not limited to) the following purposes:
// * Static content
// * Web downloads from the file base
// * Password reset forms (sent to users in PW reset emails; see
// "email" block below)
web: {
// Set to your public FQDN
domain: XXXXX
areas: {
// Example area with the areaTag of "an_example_area":
// an_example_area: {
// name: "Example File Area"
// desc: "It's just an example, yo!"
// storageTags: [
// "super_l33t_warez"
// ]
// }
// File Base Areas are read-only (ie: download only) by default.
// To make a uploadable area, set ACS as you like. For example,
// to allow all users to upload to an area:
// an_example_area: {
// // ...
// acs: {
// write: GM[users]
// }
// }
// Ladies and gentlemen, a Gopher server!
gopher: {
port: XXXXX
enabled: false
// General user configuration
users: {
// ENiGMA½ utilizes user groups similar to Windows and *nix. Built in groups
// include "users" (for regular users) and "sysops" for +ops. You can add other
// groups to the system as well by adding a 'groups' key in this section:
// groups: [ "leet", "lamerz" ]
// The Gopher Content Server can export message base
// conferences and areas via the "messageConferences" key.
// Example:
// messageConferences: {
// some_conf: [ "area_tag1", "area_tag2" ]
// }
// Set default group(s) new users should automatically be assigned to
// defaultGroups : [ "lamerz" ]
// Currently, ENiGMA½ can use external email to mail
// users for password resets. Additional functionality will
// be added in the future.
email: {
// Set the following keys to configure:
// * "defaultFrom" to the reply address
// * "transport" to a configuration block that meets the
// requirements of Nodemailer (https://nodemailer.com/)
// Example:
// transport: {
// service: Zoho
// auth: {
// user: myuser@myhost.com
// pass: supersecretpassword
// }
// }
// Should new users require +op activation?
requireActivation: false,
// Message conferences and areas are within this block
messageConferences: {
// An entry here prepresents a conference taka aka confTag
another_sample_conf: {
name: "Another Sample Conference"
desc: "Another conf sample. Change me!"
areas: {
// Similar to confTags, this is a areaTag
another_sample_area: {
name: "Another Sample Area"
desc: "Another area example. Change me!"
// The 'sort' key can override natural sort order and can live at the conference and area levels
sort: 2
// Archive files and related
archives: {
archivers: {
// Each key in the "archivers" configuration block represents a specific
// external archive utility. ENiGMA½ has sane configuration by default
// for many archivers, but the tools themselves are likely not yet installed
// on your system!
// You'll want to have archivers configured for the many old-school archive
// formats that a BBS may encounter! Please consult the documentation on
// information as to where to find and install these utilities!
// ENiGMA½ comes with a very powerful File Base, but may be a bit strange
// until you get used to it. Please see the documentation!
fileBase: {
// Storage tags with relative paths (that is, paths that do not start
// with a "/") are relative to the following path:
areaStoragePrefix: XXXXX
fileTransferProtocols: {
// Each key in the "fileTransferProtocols" configuration block defines
// an external file transfer utility for legacy protocols such as
// X, Y, and Z-Modem.
// You will want to ensure your system has these external utilities
// installed and/or define new or additional protocols. Please
// see the documentation for more information!
// Storage tags create a tag -> directory (relative or full path)
// that can be used in areas.
storageTags: {
// Example storage tag: "super_l33t_warez":
// super_l33t_warez: "/path/to/super/l33t/warez"
areas: {
// Example area with the areaTag of "an_example_area":
// an_example_area: {
// name: "Example File Area"
// desc: "It's just an example, yo!"
// storageTags: [
// "super_l33t_warez"
// ]
// }
// File Base Areas are read-only (ie: download only) by default.
// To make a uploadable area, set ACS as you like. For example,
// to allow all users to upload to an area:
// an_example_area: {
// // ...
// acs: {
// write: GM[users]
// }
// }
// General user configuration
users: {
// ENiGMA½ utilizes user groups similar to Windows and *nix. Built in groups
// include "users" (for regular users) and "sysops" for +ops. You can add other
// groups to the system as well by adding a 'groups' key in this section:
// groups: [ "leet", "lamerz" ]
// Set default group(s) new users should automatically be assigned to
// defaultGroups : [ "lamerz" ]
// Should new users require +op activation?
requireActivation: false,
// Archive files and related
archives: {
archivers: {
// Each key in the "archivers" configuration block represents a specific
// external archive utility. ENiGMA½ has sane configuration by default
// for many archivers, but the tools themselves are likely not yet installed
// on your system!
// You'll want to have archivers configured for the many old-school archive
// formats that a BBS may encounter! Please consult the documentation on
// information as to where to find and install these utilities!
fileTransferProtocols: {
// Each key in the "fileTransferProtocols" configuration block defines
// an external file transfer utility for legacy protocols such as
// X, Y, and Z-Modem.
// You will want to ensure your system has these external utilities
// installed and/or define new or additional protocols. Please
// see the documentation for more information!