* Split out oputil stuff into modules based on <command>

* oputil: better syntax
* oputil: allow areaTag@storageTag for scan, e.g. oputil fb scan <args> retro_pc@some_specific_storage
This commit is contained in:
Bryan Ashby 2017-02-15 20:27:16 -07:00
parent d41fbf6911
commit d0511d5d74
10 changed files with 725 additions and 553 deletions

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Upgrading from GitHub is easy:
cd /path/to/enigma-bbs
git pull
rm -rf npm_modules # do this any time you update Node.js itself
npm install

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ exports.isInternalArea = isInternalArea;
exports.getAvailableFileAreas = getAvailableFileAreas;
exports.getSortedAvailableFileAreas = getSortedAvailableFileAreas;
exports.getAreaDefaultStorageDirectory = getAreaDefaultStorageDirectory;
exports.getAreaStorageLocations = getAreaStorageLocations;
exports.getDefaultFileAreaTag = getDefaultFileAreaTag;
exports.getFileAreaByTag = getFileAreaByTag;
exports.getFileEntryPath = getFileEntryPath;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
/* jslint node: true */
/* eslint-disable no-console */
'use strict';
const resolvePath = require('../misc_util.js').resolvePath;
const config = require('../../core/config.js');
const db = require('../../core/database.js');
const _ = require('lodash');
const async = require('async');
exports.printUsageAndSetExitCode = printUsageAndSetExitCode;
exports.getDefaultConfigPath = getDefaultConfigPath;
exports.initConfigAndDatabases = initConfigAndDatabases;
exports.getAreaAndStorage = getAreaAndStorage;
const exitCodes = exports.ExitCodes = {
ERROR : -1,
BAD_ARGS : -3,
const argv = exports.argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));
function printUsageAndSetExitCode(errMsg, exitCode) {
if(_.isUndefined(exitCode)) {
exitCode = exitCodes.ERROR;
process.exitCode = exitCode;
if(errMsg) {
function getDefaultConfigPath() {
return resolvePath('~/.config/enigma-bbs/config.hjson');
function initConfig(cb) {
const configPath = argv.config ? argv.config : config.getDefaultPath();
config.init(configPath, cb);
function initConfigAndDatabases(cb) {
function init(callback) {
function initDb(callback) {
err => {
return cb(err);
function getAreaAndStorage(tags) {
return tags.map(tag => {
const parts = tag.split('@');
const entry = {
areaTag : parts[0],
if(parts[1]) {
entry.storageTag = parts[1];
return entry;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
/* jslint node: true */
/* eslint-disable no-console */
'use strict';
// ENiGMA½
const resolvePath = require('../../core/misc_util.js').resolvePath;
const printUsageAndSetExitCode = require('./oputil_common.js').printUsageAndSetExitCode;
const ExitCodes = require('./oputil_common.js').ExitCodes;
const argv = require('./oputil_common.js').argv;
const getDefaultConfigPath = require('./oputil_common.js').getDefaultConfigPath;
const getHelpFor = require('./oputil_help.js').getHelpFor;
// deps
const async = require('async');
const inq = require('inquirer');
const mkdirsSync = require('fs-extra').mkdirsSync;
const fs = require('fs');
const hjson = require('hjson');
const paths = require('path');
exports.handleConfigCommand = handleConfigCommand;
function getAnswers(questions, cb) {
inq.prompt(questions).then( answers => {
return cb(answers);
const QUESTIONS = {
Intro : [
name : 'createNewConfig',
message : 'Create a new configuration?',
type : 'confirm',
default : false,
name : 'configPath',
message : 'Configuration path:',
default : argv.config ? argv.config : getDefaultConfigPath(),
when : answers => answers.createNewConfig
OverwriteConfig : [
name : 'overwriteConfig',
message : 'Config file exists. Overwrite?',
type : 'confirm',
default : false,
Basic : [
name : 'boardName',
message : 'BBS name:',
default : 'New ENiGMA½ BBS',
Misc : [
name : 'loggingLevel',
message : 'Logging level:',
type : 'list',
choices : [ 'Error', 'Warn', 'Info', 'Debug', 'Trace' ],
default : 2,
filter : s => s.toLowerCase(),
name : 'sevenZipExe',
message : '7-Zip executable:',
type : 'list',
choices : [ '7z', '7za', 'None' ]
MessageConfAndArea : [
name : 'msgConfName',
message : 'First message conference:',
default : 'Local',
name : 'msgConfDesc',
message : 'Conference description:',
default : 'Local Areas',
name : 'msgAreaName',
message : 'First area in message conference:',
default : 'General',
name : 'msgAreaDesc',
message : 'Area description:',
default : 'General chit-chat',
function makeMsgConfAreaName(s) {
return s.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '_');
function askNewConfigQuestions(cb) {
const ui = new inq.ui.BottomBar();
let configPath;
let config;
function intro(callback) {
getAnswers(QUESTIONS.Intro, answers => {
if(!answers.createNewConfig) {
return callback('exit');
// adjust for ~ and the like
configPath = resolvePath(answers.configPath);
const configDir = paths.dirname(configPath);
// Check if the file exists and can be written to
fs.access(configPath, fs.F_OK | fs.W_OK, err => {
if(err) {
if('EACCES' === err.code) {
ui.log.write(`${configPath} cannot be written to`);
} else if('ENOENT' === err.code) {
callback(null, false);
} else {
callback(null, true); // exists + writable
function promptOverwrite(needPrompt, callback) {
if(needPrompt) {
getAnswers(QUESTIONS.OverwriteConfig, answers => {
callback(answers.overwriteConfig ? null : 'exit');
} else {
function basic(callback) {
getAnswers(QUESTIONS.Basic, answers => {
config = {
general : {
boardName : answers.boardName,
function msgConfAndArea(callback) {
getAnswers(QUESTIONS.MessageConfAndArea, answers => {
config.messageConferences = {};
const confName = makeMsgConfAreaName(answers.msgConfName);
const areaName = makeMsgConfAreaName(answers.msgAreaName);
config.messageConferences[confName] = {
name : answers.msgConfName,
desc : answers.msgConfDesc,
sort : 1,
default : true,
config.messageConferences.another_sample_conf = {
name : 'Another Sample Conference',
desc : 'Another conference example. Change me!',
sort : 2,
config.messageConferences[confName].areas = {};
config.messageConferences[confName].areas[areaName] = {
name : answers.msgAreaName,
desc : answers.msgAreaDesc,
sort : 1,
default : true,
config.messageConferences.another_sample_conf = {
name : 'Another Sample Conference',
desc : 'Another conf sample. Change me!',
areas : {
another_sample_area : {
name : 'Another Sample Area',
desc : 'Another area example. Change me!',
sort : 2
function misc(callback) {
getAnswers(QUESTIONS.Misc, answers => {
if('None' !== answers.sevenZipExe) {
config.archivers = {
zip : {
compressCmd : answers.sevenZipExe,
decompressCmd : answers.sevenZipExe,
config.logging = {
level : answers.loggingLevel,
err => {
cb(err, configPath, config);
function handleConfigCommand() {
if(true === argv.help) {
return printUsageAndSetExitCode(getHelpFor('Config'), ExitCodes.ERROR);
if(argv.new) {
askNewConfigQuestions( (err, configPath, config) => {
if(err) {
config = hjson.stringify(config, { bracesSameLine : true, spaces : '\t' } );
try {
fs.writeFileSync(configPath, config, 'utf8');
console.info('Configuration generated');
} catch(e) {
console.error('Exception attempting to create config: ' + e.toString());
} else {
return printUsageAndSetExitCode(getHelpFor('Config'), ExitCodes.ERROR);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
/* jslint node: true */
/* eslint-disable no-console */
'use strict';
const printUsageAndSetExitCode = require('./oputil_common.js').printUsageAndSetExitCode;
const ExitCodes = require('./oputil_common.js').ExitCodes;
const argv = require('./oputil_common.js').argv;
const initConfigAndDatabases = require('./oputil_common.js').initConfigAndDatabases;
const getHelpFor = require('./oputil_help.js').getHelpFor;
const getAreaAndStorage = require('./oputil_common.js').getAreaAndStorage;
const async = require('async');
const fs = require('fs');
const paths = require('path');
exports.handleFileBaseCommand = handleFileBaseCommand;
Global options:
--yes: assume yes
--no-prompt: try to avoid user input
Prompt for import and description before scan
* Only after finding duplicate-by-path
* Default to filename -> desc if auto import
let fileArea; // required during init
function scanFileAreaForChanges(areaInfo, options, cb) {
const storageLocations = fileArea.getAreaStorageLocations(areaInfo).filter(sl => {
return options.areaAndStorageInfo.find(asi => {
return !asi.storageTag || sl.storageTag === asi.storageTag;
async.eachSeries(storageLocations, (storageLoc, nextLocation) => {
function scanPhysFiles(callback) {
const physDir = storageLoc.dir;
fs.readdir(physDir, (err, files) => {
if(err) {
return callback(err);
async.eachSeries(files, (fileName, nextFile) => {
const fullPath = paths.join(physDir, fileName);
fs.stat(fullPath, (err, stats) => {
if(err) {
// :TODO: Log me!
return nextFile(null); // always try next file
if(!stats.isFile()) {
return nextFile(null);
process.stdout.write(`* Scanning ${fullPath}... `);
areaTag : areaInfo.areaTag,
storageTag : storageLoc.storageTag
(err, fileEntry, dupeEntries) => {
if(err) {
// :TODO: Log me!!!
console.info(`Error: ${err.message}`);
return nextFile(null); // try next anyway
if(dupeEntries.length > 0) {
// :TODO: Handle duplidates -- what to do here???
return nextFile(null);
} else {
if(Array.isArray(options.tags)) {
options.tags.forEach(tag => {
fileEntry.persist( err => {
return nextFile(err);
}, err => {
return callback(err);
function scanDbEntries(callback) {
// :TODO: Look @ db entries for area that were *not* processed above
return callback(null);
err => {
return nextLocation(err);
err => {
return cb(err);
function scanFileAreas() {
const options = {};
const tags = argv.tags;
if(tags) {
options.tags = tags.split(',');
options.areaAndStorageInfo = getAreaAndStorage(argv._.slice(2));
function init(callback) {
return initConfigAndDatabases(callback);
function scanAreas(callback) {
fileArea = require('../../core/file_base_area.js');
async.eachSeries(options.areaAndStorageInfo, (areaAndStorage, nextAreaTag) => {
const areaInfo = fileArea.getFileAreaByTag(areaAndStorage.areaTag);
if(!areaInfo) {
return nextAreaTag(new Error(`Invalid file base area tag: ${areaAndStorage.areaTag}`));
console.info(`Processing area "${areaInfo.name}":`);
scanFileAreaForChanges(areaInfo, options, err => {
return callback(err);
}, err => {
return callback(err);
err => {
if(err) {
process.exitCode = ExitCodes.ERROR;
function handleFileBaseCommand() {
if(true === argv.help) {
return printUsageAndSetExitCode(getHelpFor('FileBase'), ExitCodes.ERROR);
const action = argv._[1];
switch(action) {
case 'scan' : return scanFileAreas();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
/* jslint node: true */
/* eslint-disable no-console */
'use strict';
const getDefaultConfigPath = require('./oputil_common.js').getDefaultConfigPath;
exports.getHelpFor = getHelpFor;
const usageHelp = exports.USAGE_HELP = {
General :
`usage: optutil.js [--version] [--help]
<command> [<args>]
global args:
--config PATH : specify config path (${getDefaultConfigPath()})
where <command> is one of:
user : user utilities
config : config file management
fb : file base management
User :
`usage: optutil.js user --user USERNAME <args>
valid args:
--user USERNAME : specify username for further actions
--password PASS : set new password
--delete : delete user
--activate : activate user
--deactivate : deactivate user
Config :
`usage: optutil.js config <args>
valid args:
--new : generate a new/initial configuration
FileBase :
`usage: oputil.js file-base <action> [<args>] [<action_specific>]
where <action> is one of:
scan <args> AREA_TAG : (re)scan area specified by AREA_TAG for new files
multiple area tags can be specified in form of AREA_TAG1 AREA_TAG2 ...
valid scan <args>:
--tags TAG1,TAG2,... : specify tag(s) to assign to discovered entries
function getHelpFor(command) {
return usageHelp[command];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
/* jslint node: true */
/* eslint-disable no-console */
'use strict';
const ExitCodes = require('./oputil_common.js').ExitCodes;
const argv = require('./oputil_common.js').argv;
const printUsageAndSetExitCode = require('./oputil_common.js').printUsageAndSetExitCode;
const handleUserCommand = require('./oputil_user.js').handleUserCommand;
const handleFileBaseCommand = require('./oputil_file_base.js').handleFileBaseCommand;
const handleConfigCommand = require('./oputil_config.js').handleConfigCommand;
const getHelpFor = require('./oputil_help.js').getHelpFor;
module.exports = function() {
process.exitCode = ExitCodes.SUCCESS;
if(true === argv.version) {
return console.info(require('../package.json').version);
if(0 === argv._.length ||
'help' === argv._[0])
printUsageAndSetExitCode(getHelpFor('General'), ExitCodes.SUCCESS);
switch(argv._[0]) {
case 'user' :
case 'config' :
case 'file-base' :
case 'fb' :
return printUsageAndSetExitCode('', ExitCodes.BAD_COMMAND);

core/oputil/oputil_user.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
/* jslint node: true */
/* eslint-disable no-console */
'use strict';
const printUsageAndSetExitCode = require('./oputil_common.js').printUsageAndSetExitCode;
const ExitCodes = require('./oputil_common.js').ExitCodes;
const argv = require('./oputil_common.js').argv;
const initConfigAndDatabases = require('./oputil_common.js').initConfigAndDatabases;
const async = require('async');
exports.handleUserCommand = handleUserCommand;
function handleUserCommand() {
if(true === argv.help || !_.isString(argv.user) || 0 === argv.user.length) {
return printUsageAndSetExitCode('User', ExitCodes.ERROR);
if(_.isString(argv.password)) {
if(0 === argv.password.length) {
process.exitCode = ExitCodes.BAD_ARGS;
return console.error('Invalid password');
function init(callback) {
initAndGetUser(argv.user, callback);
function setNewPass(user, callback) {
user.setNewAuthCredentials(argv.password, function credsSet(err) {
if(err) {
process.exitCode = ExitCodes.ERROR;
callback(new Error('Failed setting password'));
} else {
function complete(err) {
if(err) {
} else {
console.info('Password set');
} else if(argv.activate) {
setAccountStatus(argv.user, true);
} else if(argv.deactivate) {
setAccountStatus(argv.user, false);
function getUser(userName, cb) {
const user = require('./core/user.js');
user.getUserIdAndName(argv.user, function userNameAndId(err, userId) {
if(err) {
process.exitCode = ExitCodes.BAD_ARGS;
return cb(new Error('Failed to retrieve user'));
} else {
let u = new user.User();
u.userId = userId;
return cb(null, u);
function initAndGetUser(userName, cb) {
function init(callback) {
function getUserObject(callback) {
getUser(argv.user, (err, user) => {
if(err) {
process.exitCode = ExitCodes.BAD_ARGS;
return callback(err);
return callback(null, user);
(err, user) => {
return cb(err, user);
function setAccountStatus(userName, active) {
function init(callback) {
initAndGetUser(argv.user, callback);
function activateUser(user, callback) {
const AccountStatus = require('./core/user.js').User.AccountStatus;
user.persistProperty('account_status', active ? AccountStatus.active : AccountStatus.inactive, callback);
err => {
if(err) {
} else {
console.info('User ' + ((true === active) ? 'activated' : 'deactivated'));

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ The following archivers are pre-configured in ENiGMA½ as of this writing. Remem
#### Lha
* Formats: <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LHA_(file_format)">LHA</a> files such as .lzh.
* Key: `Lha`
* Homepage/package: `lhasa` on most *nix environments. See also https://fragglet.github.io/lhasa/
* Homepage/package: `lhasa` on most *nix environments. See also https://fragglet.github.io/lhasa/ and http://www2m.biglobe.ne.jp/~dolphin/lha/lha-unix.htm
#### Arj
* Formats: .arj

View File

@ -4,555 +4,4 @@
/* eslint-disable no-console */
'use strict';
// ENiGMA½
const config = require('./core/config.js');
const db = require('./core/database.js');
const resolvePath = require('./core/misc_util.js').resolvePath;
// deps
const _ = require('lodash');
const async = require('async');
const inq = require('inquirer');
const mkdirsSync = require('fs-extra').mkdirsSync;
const fs = require('fs');
const hjson = require('hjson');
const paths = require('path');
const argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));
const ExitCodes = {
ERROR : -1,
BAD_ARGS : -3,
const USAGE_HELP = {
General :
`usage: optutil.js [--version] [--help]
<command> [<args>]
global args:
--config PATH : specify config path (${getDefaultConfigPath()})
where <command> is one of:
user : user utilities
config : config file management
fb : file base management
User :
`usage: optutil.js user --user USERNAME <args>
valid args:
--user USERNAME : specify username for further actions
--password PASS : set new password
--delete : delete user
--activate : activate user
--deactivate : deactivate user
Config :
`usage: optutil.js config <args>
valid args:
--new : generate a new/initial configuration
FileBase :
`usage: oputil.js file-base <action> [<args>] [<action_specific>]
where <action> is one of:
scan AREA_TAG : (re)scan area specified by AREA_TAG for new files
multiple area tags can be specified in form of AREA_TAG1 AREA_TAG2 ...
scan args:
--tags TAG1,TAG2,... : specify tag(s) to assign to discovered entries
function printUsageAndSetExitCode(command, exitCode) {
if(_.isUndefined(exitCode)) {
exitCode = ExitCodes.ERROR;
process.exitCode = exitCode;
const errMsg = USAGE_HELP[command];
if(errMsg) {
function initConfig(cb) {
const configPath = argv.config ? argv.config : config.getDefaultPath();
config.init(configPath, cb);
function initConfigAndDatabases(cb) {
function init(callback) {
function initDb(callback) {
err => {
return cb(err);
function getUser(userName, cb) {
const user = require('./core/user.js');
user.getUserIdAndName(argv.user, function userNameAndId(err, userId) {
if(err) {
process.exitCode = ExitCodes.BAD_ARGS;
return cb(new Error('Failed to retrieve user'));
} else {
let u = new user.User();
u.userId = userId;
return cb(null, u);
function initAndGetUser(userName, cb) {
function init(callback) {
function getUserObject(callback) {
getUser(argv.user, (err, user) => {
if(err) {
process.exitCode = ExitCodes.BAD_ARGS;
return callback(err);
return callback(null, user);
(err, user) => {
return cb(err, user);
function setAccountStatus(userName, active) {
function init(callback) {
initAndGetUser(argv.user, callback);
function activateUser(user, callback) {
const AccountStatus = require('./core/user.js').User.AccountStatus;
user.persistProperty('account_status', active ? AccountStatus.active : AccountStatus.inactive, callback);
err => {
if(err) {
} else {
console.info('User ' + ((true === active) ? 'activated' : 'deactivated'));
function handleUserCommand() {
if(true === argv.help || !_.isString(argv.user) || 0 === argv.user.length) {
return printUsageAndSetExitCode('User', ExitCodes.ERROR);
if(_.isString(argv.password)) {
if(0 === argv.password.length) {
process.exitCode = ExitCodes.BAD_ARGS;
return console.error('Invalid password');
function init(callback) {
initAndGetUser(argv.user, callback);
function setNewPass(user, callback) {
user.setNewAuthCredentials(argv.password, function credsSet(err) {
if(err) {
process.exitCode = ExitCodes.ERROR;
callback(new Error('Failed setting password'));
} else {
function complete(err) {
if(err) {
} else {
console.info('Password set');
} else if(argv.activate) {
setAccountStatus(argv.user, true);
} else if(argv.deactivate) {
setAccountStatus(argv.user, false);
function getAnswers(questions, cb) {
inq.prompt(questions).then( answers => {
return cb(answers);
function getDefaultConfigPath() {
return resolvePath('~/.config/enigma-bbs/config.hjson');
const QUESTIONS = {
Intro : [
name : 'createNewConfig',
message : 'Create a new configuration?',
type : 'confirm',
default : false,
name : 'configPath',
message : 'Configuration path:',
default : argv.config ? argv.config : getDefaultConfigPath(),
when : answers => answers.createNewConfig
OverwriteConfig : [
name : 'overwriteConfig',
message : 'Config file exists. Overwrite?',
type : 'confirm',
default : false,
Basic : [
name : 'boardName',
message : 'BBS name:',
default : 'New ENiGMA½ BBS',
Misc : [
name : 'loggingLevel',
message : 'Logging level:',
type : 'list',
choices : [ 'Error', 'Warn', 'Info', 'Debug', 'Trace' ],
default : 2,
filter : s => s.toLowerCase(),
name : 'sevenZipExe',
message : '7-Zip executable:',
type : 'list',
choices : [ '7z', '7za', 'None' ]
MessageConfAndArea : [
name : 'msgConfName',
message : 'First message conference:',
default : 'Local',
name : 'msgConfDesc',
message : 'Conference description:',
default : 'Local Areas',
name : 'msgAreaName',
message : 'First area in message conference:',
default : 'General',
name : 'msgAreaDesc',
message : 'Area description:',
default : 'General chit-chat',
function makeMsgConfAreaName(s) {
return s.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, '_');
function askNewConfigQuestions(cb) {
const ui = new inq.ui.BottomBar();
let configPath;
let config;
function intro(callback) {
getAnswers(QUESTIONS.Intro, answers => {
if(!answers.createNewConfig) {
return callback('exit');
// adjust for ~ and the like
configPath = resolvePath(answers.configPath);
const configDir = paths.dirname(configPath);
// Check if the file exists and can be written to
fs.access(configPath, fs.F_OK | fs.W_OK, err => {
if(err) {
if('EACCES' === err.code) {
ui.log.write(`${configPath} cannot be written to`);
} else if('ENOENT' === err.code) {
callback(null, false);
} else {
callback(null, true); // exists + writable
function promptOverwrite(needPrompt, callback) {
if(needPrompt) {
getAnswers(QUESTIONS.OverwriteConfig, answers => {
callback(answers.overwriteConfig ? null : 'exit');
} else {
function basic(callback) {
getAnswers(QUESTIONS.Basic, answers => {
config = {
general : {
boardName : answers.boardName,
function msgConfAndArea(callback) {
getAnswers(QUESTIONS.MessageConfAndArea, answers => {
config.messageConferences = {};
const confName = makeMsgConfAreaName(answers.msgConfName);
const areaName = makeMsgConfAreaName(answers.msgAreaName);
config.messageConferences[confName] = {
name : answers.msgConfName,
desc : answers.msgConfDesc,
sort : 1,
default : true,
config.messageConferences.another_sample_conf = {
name : 'Another Sample Conference',
desc : 'Another conference example. Change me!',
sort : 2,
config.messageConferences[confName].areas = {};
config.messageConferences[confName].areas[areaName] = {
name : answers.msgAreaName,
desc : answers.msgAreaDesc,
sort : 1,
default : true,
config.messageConferences.another_sample_conf = {
name : 'Another Sample Conference',
desc : 'Another conf sample. Change me!',
areas : {
another_sample_area : {
name : 'Another Sample Area',
desc : 'Another area example. Change me!',
sort : 2
function misc(callback) {
getAnswers(QUESTIONS.Misc, answers => {
if('None' !== answers.sevenZipExe) {
config.archivers = {
zip : {
compressCmd : answers.sevenZipExe,
decompressCmd : answers.sevenZipExe,
config.logging = {
level : answers.loggingLevel,
err => {
cb(err, configPath, config);
function handleConfigCommand() {
if(true === argv.help) {
return printUsageAndSetExitCode('Config', ExitCodes.ERROR);
if(argv.new) {
askNewConfigQuestions( (err, configPath, config) => {
if(err) {
config = hjson.stringify(config, { bracesSameLine : true, spaces : '\t' } );
try {
fs.writeFileSync(configPath, config, 'utf8');
console.info('Configuration generated');
} catch(e) {
console.error('Exception attempting to create config: ' + e.toString());
} else {
return printUsageAndSetExitCode('Config', ExitCodes.ERROR);
function scanFileBaseArea(areaTag, options, iterator, cb) {
function getFileArea(callback) {
const fileAreaMod = require('./core/file_base_area.js');
const areaInfo = fileAreaMod.getFileAreaByTag(areaTag);
if(!areaInfo) {
return callback(new Error(`Invalid file base area tag: ${areaTag}`));
return callback(null, fileAreaMod, areaInfo);
function performScan(fileAreaMod, areaInfo, callback) {
fileAreaMod.scanFileAreaForChanges(areaInfo, options, iterator, err => {
return callback(err);
err => {
return cb(err);
function fileAreaScan() {
const options = {};
const tags = argv.tags;
if(tags) {
options.tags = tags.split(',');
const areaTags = argv._.slice(2);
function scanFileIterator(stepInfo, nextScanStep) {
if('start' === stepInfo.step) {
console.info(`Scanning ${stepInfo.filePath}...`);
return nextScanStep(null);
// :TODO: add 'finished' step when avail
function init(callback) {
return initConfigAndDatabases(callback);
function scanAreas(callback) {
async.eachSeries(areaTags, (areaTag, nextAreaTag) => {
scanFileBaseArea(areaTag, options, scanFileIterator, err => {
return nextAreaTag(err);
}, err => {
return callback(err);
err => {
if(err) {
process.exitCode = ExitCodes.ERROR;
function handleFileBaseCommand() {
if(true === argv.help) {
return printUsageAndSetExitCode('FileBase', ExitCodes.ERROR);
const action = argv._[1];
switch(action) {
case 'scan' : return fileAreaScan();
function main() {
process.exitCode = ExitCodes.SUCCESS;
if(true === argv.version) {
return console.info(require('./package.json').version);
if(0 === argv._.length ||
'help' === argv._[0])
printUsageAndSetExitCode('General', ExitCodes.SUCCESS);
switch(argv._[0]) {
case 'user' :
case 'config' :
case 'file-base' :
case 'fb' :
printUsageAndSetExitCode('', ExitCodes.BAD_COMMAND);