WIP on QWK download support
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ exports.Errors = {
MissingParam : (reason, reasonCode) => new EnigError('Missing paramter(s)', -32008, reason, reasonCode),
MissingMci : (reason, reasonCode) => new EnigError('Missing required MCI code(s)', -32009, reason, reasonCode),
BadLogin : (reason, reasonCode) => new EnigError('Bad login attempt', -32010, reason, reasonCode),
UserInterrupt : (reason, reasonCode) => new EnigError('User interrupted', -32011, reason, reasonCode),
exports.ErrorReasons = {
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ const yazl = require('yazl');
tsFormat - timestamp format (theme 'short')
descWidth - max desc width (45)
progBarChar - progress bar character (▒)
compressThreshold - threshold to kick in comrpession for lists (1.44 MiB)
compressThreshold - threshold to kick in compression for lists (1.44 MiB)
templates - object containing:
header - filename of header template (misc/file_list_header.asc)
entry - filename of entry template (misc/file_list_entry.asc)
@ -244,6 +244,7 @@ exports.getModule = class FileBaseListExport extends MenuModule {
function done(callback) {
// re-enable idle monitor
// :TODO: this should probably be moved down below at the end of the full waterfall
updateStatus('Exported list has been added to your download queue');
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
// ENiGMA½
const { MenuModule } = require('./menu_module');
const Message = require('./message');
const { Errors } = require('./enig_error');
const {
} = require('./message_area');
const FileArea = require('./file_base_area');
const { QWKPacketWriter } = require('./qwk_mail_packet');
const { renderSubstr } = require('./string_util');
const Config = require('./config').get;
const FileEntry = require('./file_entry');
const Events = require('./events');
const DownloadQueue = require('./download_queue');
// deps
const async = require('async');
const _ = require('lodash');
const fse = require('fs-extra');
const temptmp = require('temptmp');
const paths = require('path');
const UUIDv4 = require('uuid/v4');
const FormIds = {
main : 0,
const MciViewIds = {
main : {
status : 1,
progressBar : 2,
customRangeStart : 10,
exports.moduleInfo = {
name : 'QWK Export',
desc : 'Exports a QWK Packet for download',
author : 'NuSkooler',
exports.getModule = class MessageBaseQWKExport extends MenuModule {
constructor(options) {
this.config = Object.assign({}, _.get(options, 'menuConfig.config'), options.extraArgs);
this.config.progBarChar = renderSubstr( (this.config.progBarChar || '▒'), 0, 1);
this.config.bbsID = this.config.bbsID || _.get(Config(), 'messageNetworks.qwk.bbsID', 'ENIGMA');
this.tempName = `${UUIDv4().substr(-8).toUpperCase()}.QWK`;
this.sysTempDownloadArea = FileArea.getFileAreaByTag(FileArea.WellKnownAreaTags.TempDownloads);
mciReady(mciData, cb) {
super.mciReady(mciData, err => {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
(callback) => {
this.prepViewController('main', FormIds.main, mciData.menu, err => {
return callback(err);
(callback) => {
this.temptmp = temptmp.createTrackedSession('qwkuserexp');
this.temptmp.mkdir({ prefix : 'enigqwkwriter-'}, (err, tempDir) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
this.tempPacketDir = tempDir;
const sysTempDownloadDir = FileArea.getAreaDefaultStorageDirectory(this.sysTempDownloadArea);
// ensure dir exists
fse.mkdirs(sysTempDownloadDir, err => {
return callback(err, sysTempDownloadDir);
(sysTempDownloadDir, callback) => {
this.performExport(sysTempDownloadDir, err => {
return callback(err);
err => {
if (err) {
// :TODO: doesn't do anything currently:
if ('NORESULTS' === err.reasonCode) {
return this.gotoMenu(this.menuConfig.config.noResultsMenu || 'qwkExportNoResults');
return this.prevMenu();
return cb(err);
finishedLoading() {
performExport(sysTempDownloadDir, cb) {
const statusView = this.viewControllers.main.getView(MciViewIds.main.status);
const updateStatus = (status) => {
if (statusView) {
const progBarView = this.viewControllers.main.getView(MciViewIds.main.progressBar);
const updateProgressBar = (curr, total) => {
if (progBarView) {
const prog = Math.floor( (curr / total) * progBarView.dimens.width );
let cancel = false;
let lastProgUpdate = 0;
const progressHandler = (state, next) => {
// we can produce a TON of updates; only update progress at most every 3/4s
if (Date.now() - lastProgUpdate > 750) {
switch (state.step) {
case 'next_area' :
updateProgressBar(0, 0);
this.updateCustomViewTextsWithFilter('main', MciViewIds.main.customRangeStart, state.area);
case 'message' :
updateProgressBar(state.current, state.total);
this.updateCustomViewTextsWithFilter('main', MciViewIds.main.customRangeStart, state.message);
default :
lastProgUpdate = Date.now();
return next(cancel ? Errors.UserInterrupt('User canceled') : null);
const keyPressHandler = (ch, key) => {
if('escape' === key.name) {
cancel = true;
this.client.removeListener('key press', keyPressHandler);
const processMessagesWithFilter = (filter, cb) => {
Message.findMessages(filter, (err, messageIds) => {
if (err) {
return cb(err);
let current = 1;
async.eachSeries(messageIds, (messageId, nextMessageId) => {
const message = new Message();
message.load({ messageId }, err => {
if (err) {
return nextMessageId(err);
const progress = {
step : 'message',
total : messageIds.length,
status : `Writing message ${current} / ${messageIds.length}`,
progressHandler(progress, err => {
if (err) {
return nextMessageId(err);
current += 1;
return nextMessageId(null);
err => {
return cb(err);
const packetWriter = new QWKPacketWriter({
user : this.client.user,
bbsID : this.config.bbsID,
}); // :TODO: User configuration here
packetWriter.on('warning', warning => {
this.client.log.warn( { warning }, 'QWK packet writer warning');
(callback) => {
// don't count idle monitor while processing
// let user cancel
this.client.on('key press', keyPressHandler);
packetWriter.once('ready', () => {
return callback(null);
packetWriter.once('error', err => {
this.client.log.error( { error : err.message }, 'QWK packet writer error');
cancel = true;
(callback) => {
// Fetch messages for user-configured area tags.
// - If private tag is present, we fetch this separately.
// - User property determines newscan timestamps dates if present for tag, else "all"
// - We have to fetch one area at a time in order to process message pointers/timestamps.
// ...this also allows for better progress.
// TL;DR: for each area -> for each message
const exportAreas = [ // :TODO: Load in something like this
areaTag : 'general',
newerThanTimestamp : '2018-01-01',
areaTag : 'fsx_gen',
async.eachSeries(exportAreas, (exportArea, nextExportArea) => {
const area = getMessageAreaByTag(exportArea.areaTag);
if (!area) {
// :TODO: remove from user properties - this area does not exist
this.client.log.warn({ areaTag : exportArea.areaTag }, 'Cannot QWK export area as it does not exist');
return nextExportArea(null);
if (!hasMessageConfAndAreaRead(this.client, area)) {
this.client.log.warn({ areaTag : area.areaTag }, 'Cannot QWK export area due to ACS');
return nextExportArea(null);
const progress = {
step : 'next_area',
status : `Gathering messages in ${area.name}...`,
progressHandler(progress, err => {
if (err) {
return nextExportArea(err);
const filter = {
resultType : 'id',
areaTag : exportArea.areaTag,
newerThanTimestamp : exportArea.newerThanTimestamp
processMessagesWithFilter(filter, err => {
return nextExportArea(err);
err => {
return callback(err);
(callback) => {
const filter = {
resultType : 'id',
privateTagUserId : this.client.user.userId,
// :TODO: newerThanTimestamp for private messages
//newerThanTimestamp : exportArea.newerThanTimestamp
return processMessagesWithFilter(filter, callback);
(callback) => {
let packetInfo;
packetWriter.once('packet', info => {
packetInfo = info;
packetWriter.once('finished', () => {
return callback(null, packetInfo);
(packetInfo, callback) => {
const sysDownloadPath = paths.join(sysTempDownloadDir, this.tempName);
fse.move(packetInfo.path, sysDownloadPath, err => {
return callback(null, sysDownloadPath, packetInfo);
(sysDownloadPath, packetInfo, callback) => {
const newEntry = new FileEntry({
areaTag : this.sysTempDownloadArea.areaTag,
fileName : paths.basename(sysDownloadPath),
storageTag : this.sysTempDownloadArea.storageTags[0],
meta : {
upload_by_username : this.client.user.username,
upload_by_user_id : this.client.user.userId,
byte_size : packetInfo.stats.size,
session_temp_dl : 1, // download is valid until session is over
// :TODO: something like this: allow to override the displayed/downloaded as filename
// separate from the actual on disk filename. E.g. we could always download as "ENIGMA.QWK"
visible_filename : paths.basename(packetInfo.path),
newEntry.desc = 'QWK Export';
newEntry.persist(err => {
if(!err) {
// queue it!
const dlQueue = new DownloadQueue(this.client);
dlQueue.add(newEntry, true); // true=systemFile
// clean up after ourselves when the session ends
// :TODO: DRY this with that in file_base_user_export
const thisClientId = this.client.session.id;
Events.once(Events.getSystemEvents().ClientDisconnected, evt => {
if(thisClientId === _.get(evt, 'client.session.id')) {
FileEntry.removeEntry(newEntry, { removePhysFile : true }, err => {
if(err) {
Log.warn( { fileId : newEntry.fileId, path : outputFileName }, 'Failed removing temporary session download' );
} else {
Log.debug( { fileId : newEntry.fileId, path : outputFileName }, 'Removed temporary session download item' );
return callback(err);
err => {
this.client.startIdleMonitor(); // re-enable
this.client.removeListener('key press', keyPressHandler);
if (!err) {
updateStatus('A QWK packet has been placed in your download queue');
// :TODO: send user to download manager with pop flags/etc.
return cb(err);
@ -1242,7 +1242,12 @@ class QWKPacketWriter extends EventEmitter {
err => {
return cb(err);
fs.stat(packetPath, (err, stats) => {
if (stats) {
this.emit('packet', { stats, path : packetPath } );
return cb(err);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user