* Remove old 3rd party string-format & replace with string_format.js version
* Some fix some bugs with string_format.js padding, width, and number format
* ANSI/pipe working properly in VerticalMenuView
* Fix bug in renderStringLength()
* Make initSequence() part of prototype chain for inheritance
* Use proper 'desc' field vs 'status' for menus when setting client/user status
* Move pipeToAnsi() to setItems/setFocusItems vs every render
* Add %RR random rumor MCI
* Predefined MCI's can be init @ startup - RR uses random as a test bed
* Add some StatLog functionality for ordering, keep forever, etc.
* Fix TextView redraw issue
* Better VerticalMenuView drawItem() logic
* Add 'key press' emit for View
* Enable formats for BBS list - works with MCI
* Remove old system_property.js
* Initial checking of WIP Mystery Skulls theme by Luciano Ayres of blocktronics
* Fix random theme selection
* WIP on theme customization apply: Needs to be much more flexible than current
* MenuModule will use .next > .fallback > default fallback
* Fix some typos
* Fix message getQuoteLines()
* Quote builder fully functional
* MLTEV emits more information in position events
* Action keys can how handle plain characters that don't have full key object, e.g. "?"
* Hot keys for a lot of stuff
* WIP work on focus issue in VC.
* ConfigCache used for theme.hjson
* Reformatted theme.hjson JSON to HJSON
* Specific form ID used when applying themes if available, else generic match used
* Pass extraArgs when processing 'next'
* Pause prompts now support MCI codes using View Controller
* View Controller 'noInput' option for read-only/viewable but no interaction
* Ability to omit final trailing CRLF's in ANSI's
* Move asset.displayArtAsset -> theme.displayThemedAsset
* Converted all MCI keys in menu.json/etc., e.g. BN1ET2 -> BN1ET2
* Fix regression with prompt loading
* 'age' property -> 'birthdate'
* MaskEditView.getData() returns data with literals in place
* Other minor changes