{ info: { name: Mystery Skull author: Luciano Ayres group: blocktronics enabled: true // // Also check out Luciano's ANSIGARDEN: // http://www.ansigarden.com/ // } customization: { defaults: { passwordChar: * dateTimeFormat: { short: MMM Do hh:mm a } } menus: { matrix: { mci: { VM1: { itemFormat: "|03{text}" focusItemFormat: "|11{text!styleFirstLower}" } } } newUserApplication: { mci: { ET1: { width: 23 } ET2: { width: 23 } ET5: { width: 23 } ET6: { width: 23 } ET7: { width: 23 } ET8: { width: 23 } ET9: { width: 23 } ET10: { width: 23 } TM12: { focusTextStyle: first lower } } } newUserApplicationSsh: { mci: { ET1: { width: 23 } ET2: { width: 23 } ET5: { width: 23 } ET6: { width: 23 } ET7: { width: 23 } ET8: { width: 23 } ET9: { width: 23 } ET10: { width: 23 } TM12: { focusTextStyle: first lower } } } newUserFeedbackToSysOp: { 0: { mci: { TL1: { width: 19, textOverflow: "..." } ET2: { width: 19, textOverflow: "..." } ET3: { width: 19, textOverflow: "..." } } } 1: { mci: { MT1: { height: 14 } } } } login: { mci: { ET1: { width: 14 } ET2: { width: 14 } } } fullLoginSequenceOnelinerz: { config: { dateTimeFormat: ddd hh:mma } 0: { mci: { VM1: { height: 10 width: 71 itemFormat: "|00|11{userName:<12}|08: |03{oneliner:<59.59}" } TM2: { focusTextStyle: first lower } } } 1: { mci: { ET1: { width: 60 } TL2: { width: 60 } TM3: { focusTextStyle: first lower } } } } mainMenuUserAchievementsEarned: { config: { dateTimeFormat: MMM Do hh:mma achievementsInfoFormat10: "|00|07\"|11{title}|07\"" achievementsInfoFormat11: "|00|03{text}" } mci: { VM1: { height: 11 width: 76 itemFormat: "|00|15{ts} |07- |03{title:<47.46} |15{points:,}|07 pts" focusItemFormat: "|00|19|15{ts} - {title:<47.46} {points:,} pts" } TL10: { width: 76 } TL11: { width: 76 } } } mainMenuUserStats: { mci: { UN1: { width: 15 } UR2: { width: 15 } LO3: { width: 15 } UF4: { width: 15 } UG5: { width: 15 } UT6: { width: 15 } UC7: { width: 15 } ST8: { width: 15 } } } mainMenuSystemStats: { mci: { BN1: { width: 17 } VN2: { width: 17 } OS3: { width: 33 } SC4: { width: 33 } AN7: { width: 6 } ND8: { width: 6 } TC9: { width: 6 } TT11: { width: 6 } PT12: { width: 6 } TP13: { width: 6 } NV14: { width: 17 } } } mainMenuLastCallers: { config: { dateTimeFormat: MMM Do hh:mma } mci: { VM1: { height: 10, width: 20 itemFormat: "|00|11{userName:<17.16} |03{location:<20.19} |11{affils:<18.17} |03{ts:<15}" } } } mainMenuUserList: { config: { dateTimeFormat: MMM Do hh:mma } mci: { VM1: { height: 14 width: 50 itemFormat: "|00|11{userName:<17.17}|03{affils:<21.21}|11{location:<19.19}|03{lastLoginTs}" focusItemFormat: "|00|19|15{userName:<17.17}{affils:<21.21}{location:<19.19}{lastLoginTs}" } } } mainMenuWhosOnline: { mci: { VM1: { height: 10, width: 20 itemFormat: "|00|03{node:<6.6}|11{userName:<17.17}|03{affils:<19.19}|11{action:<20.20}|03{timeOn:<8}" } } } mainMenuFeedbackToSysOp: { 0: { mci: { TL1: { width: 19, textOverflow: "..." } ET2: { width: 19, textOverflow: "..." } ET3: { width: 19, textOverflow: "..." } } } 1: { mci: { MT1: { height: 14 } } } } mainMenuOnelinerz: { config: { dateTimeFormat: ddd hh:mma } 0: { mci: { VM1: { height: 10 itemFormat: "|00|11{userName:<12}|08: |03{oneliner:<59.59}" width: 71 } TM2: { focusTextStyle: first lower } } } 1: { mci: { ET1: { width: 60 } TL2: { width: 60 } TM3: { focusTextStyle: first lower } } } } mainMenuWaitingForCaller: { config: { // formats quickLogTimestampFormat: "|01|03MM|08/|03DD hh:mm:ssa" nowDateTimeFormat: "|00|10ddd|08, |10MMMM Do YYYY|08, |10h|08:|10mm|02a" lastLoginDateTimeFormat: "|00|10ddd hh|08:|10mm|02a" // header mainInfoFormat10: "|00|10{now} |10{currentUserName} |08- |02Prv|08:|10{newPrivateMail} |02Addr|08:|10{newMessagesAddrTo} |08- |02Avail|08:|10{availIndicator} |02Vis|07:|10{visIndicator}" // today mainInfoFormat11: "|00|15{callsToday:>5}" mainInfoFormat12: "|00|15{postsToday:>5}" mainInfoFormat13: "|00|15{newUsersToday:>5}" mainInfoFormat14: "|00|15{uploadsToday:<4}" mainInfoFormat15: "|00|15{downloadsToday:<4}" mainInfoFormat16: "|00|15{uploadBytesToday!sizeWithoutAbbr:<5} |07{uploadBytesToday!sizeAbbr}" mainInfoFormat17: "|00|15{downloadBytesToday!sizeWithoutAbbr:<5} |07{downloadBytesToday!sizeAbbr}" // last login mainInfoFormat18: "|00|15{lastLoginUserName:<26} |07{lastLogin}" // system stats mainInfoFormat20: "|00|15{freeMemoryBytes!sizeWithoutAbbr} |07{freeMemoryBytes!sizeAbbr} free |08/ |15{totalMemoryBytes!sizeWithoutAbbr} |07{totalMemoryBytes!sizeAbbr}" mainInfoFormat22: "|00|15{systemCurrentLoad} |07% |08/ |15{systemAvgLoad} |07load avg|08." mainInfoFormat24: "|00|15{processUptimeSeconds!durationSeconds} |08/ |15{processBytesIngress!sizeWithoutAbbr:>4} |07{processBytesIngress!sizeAbbr}|08/|15{processBytesEgress!sizeWithoutAbbr:>4} |07{processBytesEgress!sizeAbbr}" // totals mainInfoFormat19: "|00|15{totalCalls:>5}" mainInfoFormat21: "|00|15{totalPosts:>7}" mainInfoFormat23: "|00|15{totalUsers:>5}" mainInfoFormat25: "|00|15{totalFiles:>4} |08/ |15{totalFileBytes!sizeWithoutAbbr:>4} |07{totalFileBytes!sizeAbbr}" quickLogLevel: info quickLogLevelIndicators: { trace : |00|02T debug: |00|03D info: |00|15I warn: |00|14W error: |00|12E fatal: |00|28F } quickLogLevelMessagePrefixes: { trace : |00|02 debug: |00|03 info: |00|07 warn: |00|14 error: |00|12 fatal: |00|28 } statusAvailableIndicators: [ "N", "Y" ] statusVisibleIndicators: [ "N", "Y" ] nodeStatusSelectionFormat: "|00|07{realName:<12}\n|08- |07{serverName:<10}\n|08- |07{remoteAddress:<10}" } 0: { mci: { TL16: { fillChar: . } TL20: { width: 30 } TL22: { width: 30 } TL24: { width: 30 } // node status VM1: { height: 5 width: 37 itemFormat: "|00 |15{node:<3.2} |11{userName:<12} |07{action:<14.13} |15{serverName}" focusItemFormat: "|00|10> |15{node:<3.2} |11{userName:<12} |07{action:<14.13} |15{serverName}" focusItemAtTop: false } // quick log VM2: { height: 5 width: 73 itemFormat: "|00|07{nodeId} {levelIndicator} |02{timestamp} {message:<51.50}" } MT3: { mode: preview autoScroll: false height: 5 width: 12 } } } } messageBaseMessageList: { config: { dateTimeFormat: ddd MMM Do allViewsInfoFormat10: "|00|15{msgNumSelected:>4.4} |08/ |15{msgNumTotal:<4.4}" } mci: { VM1: { height: 13 width: 70 itemFormat: "|00|15{msgNum:>4} |03{subject:<28.27} |11{fromUserName:<20.20} |03{ts:<15.16} |15{newIndicator}" focusItemFormat: "|00|19|15{msgNum:>4} {subject:<28.27} {fromUserName:<20.20} {ts:<15.16} {newIndicator}" } } } messageBaseChangeCurrentConference: { mci: { VM1: { width: 26 height: 19 itemFormat: "|00|15{index} |07- |03{name}" focusItemFormat: "|00|19|15{index} - {name}" } } } messageBaseChangeCurrentArea: { mci: { VM1: { width: 26 height: 19 itemFormat: "|00|15{index:.2} |07- |03{name}" focusItemFormat: "|00|09|15{index:.2} - {name}" } } } messageBaseSetNewScanDate: { mci: { SM2: { width: 54 itemFormat: "|00|07{conf.name} |08- |07{area.name}" focusItemFormat: "|00|15{conf.name} |07- |15{area.name}" } } } qwkExportPacketCurrentConfig: { mci: { TL1: { width: 70 } TL2: { width: 70 } } } privateMailMenuCreateMessage: { 0: { mci: { TL1: { width: 19, textOverflow: "..." } ET2: { width: 19, textOverflow: "..." } ET3: { width: 19, textOverflow: "..." } ET4: { width: 21, textOverflow: "..." } } } 1: { mci: { MT1: { height: 14 } } } } privateMailMenuInbox: { config: { dateTimeFormat: ddd MMM Do allViewsInfoFormat10: "|00|15{msgNumSelected:>4.4} |08/ |15{msgNumTotal:<4.4}" } mci: { VM1: { height: 12 width: 70 itemFormat: "|00|15{msgNum:>4} |03{subject:<28.27} |11{fromUserName:<20.20} |03{ts} |15{newIndicator}" focusItemFormat: "|00|19|15{msgNum:>4} {subject:<28.27} {fromUserName:<20.20} {ts} {newIndicator}" } XY2: { width: 30 } } } mainMenuRumorz: { 0: { mci: { VM1: { height: 14, width: 70 itemFormat: "|00|11 {rumor}" focusItemFormat: "|00|15> |14{rumor}" } TM2: { focusTextStyle: upper items: [ "yes", "no" ] } } } 1: { mci: { ET1: { width: 60 } TL2: { width: 60 } TM3: { focusTextStyle: upper } } } } bbsList: { 0: { mci: { VM1: { height: 11 width: 22 focusTextStyle: first lower itemFormat: "|00|07{bbsName}" focusItemFormat: "|00|19|15{bbsName!styleFirstLower}" } TL2: { width: 28 } TL3: { width: 28 } TL4: { width: 28 } TL5: { width: 28 } TL6: { width: 28 } TL7: { width: 28 } TL8: { width: 28 } TL9: { width: 28 } } }, 1: { mci: { ET1: { width: 32 } ET2: { width: 32 } ET3: { width: 32 } ET4: { width: 32 } ET5: { width: 32 } ET6: { width: 32 } ET7: { width: 32 } ET8: { width: 32 } TM17: { focusTextStyle: first lower } } } } userTwoFactorAuthOTPConfig: { config: { menuInfoFormat10: "{infoText}" infoText: { disabled: Enabling 2-factor authentication can greatly increase account security. } } mci: { TM1: { width: 20 items: [ "disabled" "enabled" ] focusTextStyle: upper styleSGR1: |08 } SM2: { width: 20 focusTextStyle: upper styleSGR1: |08 items: [ // order is important: "Time-Based - TOTP" "HMAC-Based - HOTP" "Google Auth" ] } TM3: { focusTextStyle: upper styleSGR1: |00|08 } MT10: { width: 31 height: 3 mode: preview acceptsFocus: false } } } nodeMessage: { config: { messageFormat: "|00|08 :: |03message from |11{fromUserName} |08/ |03node |11{fromNodeId}|08 @ |11{timestamp} |08::\r\n|07 {message}" } 0: { mci: { SM1: { width: 25 itemFormat: "|00|03node |07{text} |08(|07{userName}|08)" focusItemFormat: "|00|11node |15{text} |07(|15{userName}|07)" } ET2: { width: 65 } TL3: { width: 65 } } } } editAutoSignature: { 0: { mci: { MT1: { height: 8 width: 73 } BT2: { focusTextStyle: upper } } } } messageSearch: { 0: { mci: { ET1: { width: 42 } BT2: { focusTextStyle: upper } SM3: { width: 42 } SM4: { width: 42 } ET5: { width: 42 } ET6: { width: 42 } BT7: { focusTextStyle: upper } } } } messageBaseSearchResultsMessageList: { config: { allViewsInfoFormat10: "|00|15{msgNumSelected:>4.4} |08/ |15{msgNumTotal:<4.4}" // Fri Sep 25th dateTimeFormat: ddd MMM Do } mci: { VM1: { height: 14 width: 71 itemFormat: "|00|15 {msgNum:<4.4} |03{subject:<27.26} |07{toUserName:<13.12} {fromUserName:<13.12} |03{ts:<12.12}" focusItemFormat: "|00|19> |15{msgNum:<4.4} {subject:<27.26} {toUserName:<13.12} {fromUserName:<13.12} {ts:<12.12}" } } } messageBaseMyMessagesList: { config: { // Fri Sep 25th dateTimeFormat: ddd MMM Do } mci: { VM1: { height: 12 width: 71 itemFormat: "|00|15 {msgNum:<4.4} |03{subject:<34.33} {fromUserName:<19.18} |03{ts:<12.12}" focusItemFormat: "|00|19> |15{msgNum:<4.4} {subject:<34.33} {fromUserName:<19.18} {ts:<12.12}" } } } // The 'msg_list' module looks for this entry by default messageAreaViewPost: { config: { quoteStyleLevel1: [ "|00|11", "|00|08", "|00|03", ] tearLineStyle: [ "|00|08", "|00|02", ] originStyle: [ "|00|08", "|00|06", "|00|03", ] } 0: { mci: { TL1: { width: 19 textOverflow: ... } TL2: { width: 19 textOverflow: ... } TL3: { width: 19 textOverflow: ... } TL5: { width: 19 textOverflow: ... } } } 1: { mci: { MT1: { height: 14 } } } 4: { mci: { HM1: { focusTextStyle: first lower } } } } messageBaseNewPost: { 0: { mci: { TL1: { width: 19, textOverflow: "..." } ET2: { width: 19, textOverflow: "..." } ET3: { width: 19, textOverflow: "..." } ET4: { width: 21, textOverflow: "..." } //TL4: { width: 25 } } } 1: { mci: { MT1: { height: 14 } } } } messageBaseReplyPost: { 0: { mci: { TL1: { width: 19, textOverflow: "..." } ET2: { width: 19, textOverflow: "..." } ET3: { width: 19, textOverflow: "..." } TL4: { width: 25, textOverflow: "..." } } } 1: { mci: { HM1: { focusTextStyle: first lower } } } } fullLoginSequenceLastCallers: { config: { dateTimeFormat: MMM Do hh:mma } mci: { VM1: { height: 10, width: 20 itemFormat: "|00|11{userName:<17.16} |03{location:<20.19} |11{affils:<18.17} |03{ts:<15}" } } } fullLoginSequenceWhosOnline: { mci: { VM1: { height: 10, width: 20 itemFormat: "|00|03{node:<6.6}|11{userName:<17.17}|03{affils:<19.19}|11{action:<20.20}|03{timeOn:<8}" } } } fullLoginSequenceSysStats: { } fullLoginSequenceUserStats: { mci: { UN1: { width: 15 } UR2: { width: 15 } LO3: { width: 15 } UF4: { width: 15 } UG5: { width: 15 } UT6: { width: 15 } UC7: { width: 15 } ST8: { width: 15 } } } mainMenuUserConfig: { mci: { ET1: { width: 27 } ME2: { width: 27 } ME3: { width: 27 } ET4: { width: 27 } ET5: { width: 27 } ET6: { width: 27 } ET7: { width: 27 } ET8: { width: 27 } ET9: { width: 27 } ET10: { width: 18 } ET11: { width: 18 } TL20: { width: 71 } TL21: { width: 43 } TM25: { focusTextStyle: first lower } } } newScanMessageList: { config: { dateTimeFormat: ddd MMM Do allViewsInfoFormat10: "|00|15{msgNumSelected:>4.4} |08/ |15{msgNumTotal:<4.4}" } mci: { VM1: { height: 12 width: 70 itemFormat: "|00|15 {msgNum:<5.5}|03{subject:<28.27} |15{fromUserName:<20.20} {ts}" focusItemFormat: "|00|19> |15{msgNum:<5.5}{subject:<28.27} {fromUserName:<20.20} {ts}" } } } //////////////////// file base //////////////////////////////// fileBase: { mci: { FN4: { width: 18 textOverflow: ... } } } fileBaseListEntries: { config: { hashTagsSep: "|08, |07" browseInfoFormat10: "|00|10{fileName:<.44} |08- |03{byteSize!sizeWithoutAbbr} |11{byteSize!sizeAbbr} |08- |03uploaded |11{uploadTimestamp}" browseInfoFormat11: "|00|15{areaName}" browseInfoFormat12: "|00|07{hashTags}" browseInfoFormat13: "|00|07{estReleaseYear}" browseInfoFormat14: "|00|07{dlCount}" browseInfoFormat15: "{userRatingString}" browseInfoFormat16: "{isQueued}" browseInfoFormat17: "{webDlLink}{webDlExpire}" webDlExpireTimeFormat: " [|08- |07exp] ddd, MMM Do @ h:mm a" webDlLinkNeedsGenerated: "|08(|07press |10W |07to generate link|08)" isQueuedIndicator: "|00|10YES" isNotQueuedIndicator: "|00|07no" userRatingTicked: "|00|15*" userRatingUnticked: "|00|07-" detailsGeneralInfoFormat10: "{fileName}" detailsGeneralInfoFormat11: "|00|07{byteSize!sizeWithoutAbbr} |11{byteSize!sizeAbbr} |08(|03{byteSize:,} |11B|08)" detailsGeneralInfoFormat12: "|00|07{hashTags}" detailsGeneralInfoFormat13: "{estReleaseYear}" detailsGeneralInfoFormat14: "{dlCount}" detailsGeneralInfoFormat15: "{userRatingString}" detailsGeneralInfoFormat16: "{fileCrc32}" detailsGeneralInfoFormat17: "{fileMd5}" detailsGeneralInfoFormat18: "{fileSha1}" detailsGeneralInfoFormat19: "{fileSha256}" detailsGeneralInfoFormat20: "{uploadByUsername}" detailsGeneralInfoFormat21: "{uploadTimestamp}" detailsGeneralInfoFormat22: "{archiveTypeDesc}" notAnArchiveFormat: "|00|08( |07{fileName} is not an archive |08)" } 0: { mci: { MT1: { height: 16 width: 45 } HM2: { focusTextStyle: first lower } TL11: { width: 21 textOverflow: ... } TL12: { width: 21 textOverflow: ... } TL13: { width: 21 } TL14: { width: 21 } TL15: { width: 21 } TL16: { width: 21 } TL17: { width: 73 } } } 1: { mci: { HM1: { focusTextStyle: first lower } } } 2: { } 3: { // details - nfo/readme mci: { MT1: { height: 19 width: 79 } } } 4: { mci: { VM1: { height: 17 width: 79 itemFormat: "|00|03{fileName:<67.66} {byteSize!sizeWithoutAbbr:>7.6} |11{byteSize!sizeAbbr}" focusItemFormat: "|00|19|15{fileName:<67.66} {byteSize!sizeWithoutAbbr:>7.6} {byteSize!sizeAbbr}" } } } } newScanFileBaseList: { config: { hashTagsSep: "|08, |07" browseInfoFormat10: "|00|10{fileName:<44} |08- |03{byteSize!sizeWithoutAbbr} |11{byteSize!sizeAbbr} |08- |03uploaded |11{uploadTimestamp}" browseInfoFormat11: "|00|15{areaName}" browseInfoFormat12: "|00|07{hashTags}" browseInfoFormat13: "|00|07{estReleaseYear}" browseInfoFormat14: "|00|07{dlCount}" browseInfoFormat15: "{userRatingString}" browseInfoFormat16: "{isQueued}" browseInfoFormat17: "{webDlLink}{webDlExpire}" webDlExpireTimeFormat: " [|08- |07exp] ddd, MMM Do @ h:mm a" webDlLinkNeedsGenerated: "|08(|07press |10W |07to generate link|08)" isQueuedIndicator: "|00|10YES" isNotQueuedIndicator: "|00|07no" userRatingTicked: "|00|15*" userRatingUnticked: "|00|07-" detailsGeneralInfoFormat10: "{fileName}" detailsGeneralInfoFormat11: "|00|07{byteSize!sizeWithoutAbbr} |11{byteSize!sizeAbbr} |08(|03{byteSize:,} |11B|08)" detailsGeneralInfoFormat12: "|00|07{hashTags}" detailsGeneralInfoFormat13: "{estReleaseYear}" detailsGeneralInfoFormat14: "{dlCount}" detailsGeneralInfoFormat15: "{userRatingString}" detailsGeneralInfoFormat16: "{fileCrc32}" detailsGeneralInfoFormat17: "{fileMd5}" detailsGeneralInfoFormat18: "{fileSha1}" detailsGeneralInfoFormat19: "{fileSha256}" detailsGeneralInfoFormat20: "{uploadByUsername}" detailsGeneralInfoFormat21: "{uploadTimestamp}" detailsGeneralInfoFormat22: "{archiveTypeDesc}" notAnArchiveFormat: "|00|08( |07{fileName} is not an archive |08)" } 0: { mci: { MT1: { height: 16 width: 45 } HM2: { focusTextStyle: first lower } TL11: { width: 21 textOverflow: ... } TL12: { width: 21 textOverflow: ... } TL13: { width: 21 } TL14: { width: 21 } TL15: { width: 21 } TL16: { width: 21 } TL17: { width: 73 } } } 1: { mci: { HM1: { focusTextStyle: first lower } } } 2: { } 3: { // details - nfo/readme mci: { MT1: { height: 19 width: 79 } } } 4: { mci: { VM1: { height: 17 width: 79 itemFormat: "|00|03{fileName:<67.66} {byteSize!sizeWithoutAbbr:>7.6} |11{byteSize!sizeAbbr}" focusItemFormat: "|00|19|15{fileName:<67.66} {byteSize!sizeWithoutAbbr:>7.6} {byteSize!sizeAbbr}" } } } } fileBaseBrowseByAreaSelect: { 0: { mci: { VM1: { height: 15 width: 30 focusTextStyle: first lower itemFormat: "|00|03{name}" focusItemFormat: "|00|19|15{name}" } } } } fileBaseSearch: { mci: { ET1: { width: 42 } BT2: { focusTextStyle: first lower } ET3: { width: 42 } SM4: { width: 14 justify: left } SM5: { width: 14 justify: left } SM6: { width: 14 justify: left } BT7: { focusTextStyle: first lower } } } fileBaseExportListFilter: { mci: { ET1: { width: 42 } BT2: { focusTextStyle: first lower } ET3: { width: 42 } SM4: { width: 14 justify: left } SM5: { width: 14 justify: left } SM6: { width: 14 justify: left } BT7: { focusTextStyle: first lower } } } fileBaseExportList: { config: { progBarChar: "|15▒" mainInfoFormat10: "|07{currentFile} |08/ |07{totalFileCount} |08(|07{progress} %|08)" } mci: { TL1: { width: 60 } TL2: { width: 56 fillChar: "|06░" } } } fileBaseFilterEditor: { mci: { ET1: { width: 26 } ET2: { width: 26 } SM3: { width: 14 justify: left } SM4: { width: 14 justify: left } SM5: { width: 14 justify: left } ET6: { width: 26 } HM7: { focusTextStyle: first lower } } } fileBaseDownloadManager: { 0: { mci: { VM1: { height: 11 width: 69 itemFormat: "|00|03{fileName:<61.60} {byteSize!sizeWithoutAbbr:>7.6} |11{byteSize!sizeAbbr}" focusItemFormat: "|00|19|15{fileName:<61.60} {byteSize!sizeWithoutAbbr:>7.6} {byteSize!sizeAbbr}" } HM2: { width: 50 focusTextStyle: first lower } } } } fileBaseWebDownloadManager: { config: { queueManagerInfoFormat10: "|03batch|08: |03{webBatchDlLink}" queueManagerInfoFormat11: "|03exp |08: |03{webBatchDlExpire}" } 0: { mci: { VM1: { height: 8 itemFormat: "|00|03{webDlLink:<36.35} {fileName:<26.25} {byteSize!sizeWithoutAbbr:>7.6} |11{byteSize!sizeAbbr}" focusItemFormat: "|00|19|15{webDlLink:<36.35} {fileName:<26.25} {byteSize!sizeWithoutAbbr:>7.6} {byteSize!sizeAbbr}" } HM2: { width: 50 focusTextStyle: first lower } } } } fileBaseUploadFiles: { config: { // processing processingInfoFormat10: "{stepIndicatorText}" processingInfoFormat11: "|00|15{fileName} |08- |11{currentFileNum} |08/ |11{totalFileNum}" // details entry fileDetailsInfoFormat10: "{fileName} |02■" // dupes dupeInfoFormat: "|00|11{fileName:<53.52}|03{areaName}" } // options 0: { mci: { SM1: { width: 14 justify: left focusTextStyle: first lower } TM2: { focusTextStyle: first lower styleSGR1: |00|08 } ET3: { width: 40 } HM4: { focusTextStyle: first lower } } } // processing/scanning 1: { mci: { TL1: { width: 48 } TL2: { width: 48 } TL3: { width: 48 } MT4: { height: 6 width: 68 mode: preview } TL10: { width: 48 } TL11: { width: 48 } } } // file details 2: { mci: { MT1: { height: 13 width: 45 } ET2: { width: 25 } ME3: { width: 4 } BT4: { focusTextStyle: first lower } } } // dupes 3: { mci: { VM1: { height: 17 width: 75 } } } } fileTransferProtocolSelection: { 0: { mci: { VM1: { height: 15 width: 30 focusTextStyle: first lower itemFormat: "|00|03{name}" focusItemFormat: "|00|19|15{name}" } } } } // // ActivityPub // activityPubUserConfig: { config: { mainInfoFormat10: "{subject}" } 0: { mci: { TM1: { focusTextStyle: first lower } TM2: { focusTextStyle: first lower } TM3: { focusTextStyle: first lower } TM4: { focusTextStyle: first lower } TL5: { width: 70 } TL6: { width: 70 } BT7: { width: 20 itemFormat: "|00|08[ |03{text} |08]" focusItemFormat: "|00|15[ |19|15{text}|16 |15]" focusTextStyle: first lower } TM8: { focusTextStyle: first lower } TL10: { width: 40 } } } 1: { mci: { ML1: { height: 4 width: 70 } ML2: { height: 4 width: 70 } TM3: { focusTextStyle: first lower } } } } activityPubSocialManager: { config: { selectedActorInfoFormat: "|00|15{preferredUsername} |08(|02{name}|08)\n|07following|08: {statusIndicator}\n\n|06{plainTextSummary}" statusFollowing: "|00|10√" statusNotFollowing: "|00|12X" helpTextFollowing: "|00|10SPC |08: |02Toggle Following" helpTextFollowers: "|00|10DEL |08: |02Remove Follower" helpTextFollowRequests: "|00|10SPC |08: |02Accept\r\n|10DEL |08: |02Deny" mainInfoFormat10: "{helpText}" } 0: { mci: { VM1: { height: 15 width: 35 itemFormat: "|00|03{subject}|00 {statusIndicator}" focusItemFormat: "|00|19|15{subject!styleUpper}|00 {statusIndicator}" itemFormat: "|00|08{statusIndicator} |00|03{subject}" focusItemFormat: "|00|08{statusIndicator} |00|19|15{subject}" textOverflow: "..." } MT2: { height: 15 width: 34 } HM3: { focusTextStyle: first lower styleSGR1: "|00|08" } MT10: { width: 22 height: 2 } } } } activityPubActorSearch: { config: { followingIndicator: "|00|14FOLLOWING" notFollowingIndicator: "|00|12not following" viewInfoFormat10: "{actorFollowingIndicator}" } 0: { mci: { TL1: { width: 70 submit: true } } } 1: { mci: { TL1: { width: 70 } TL2: { width: 70 } TL3: { width: 70 } TL4: { width: 10 } TL5: { width: 4 } TL6: { width: 4 } MT7: { focus: true width: 69 height: 3 mode: preview } TL10: { width: 24 } } } } activityPubPostPublicMessage: { 0: { mci: { TL1: { width: 19, textOverflow: "..." } ET2: { width: 19, textOverflow: "..." } ET3: { width: 19, textOverflow: "..." } ET4: { width: 21, textOverflow: "..." } //TL4: { width: 25 } } } 1: { mci: { MT1: { height: 14 } } } } activityPubPublicMessages: { config: { dateTimeFormat: ddd MMM Do allViewsInfoFormat10: "|00|15{msgNumSelected:>4.4} |08/ |15{msgNumTotal:<4.4}" } mci: { VM1: { height: 14 width: 70 itemFormat: "|00|15{msgNum:>4} |03{subject:<28.27} |11{fromUserName:<20.20} |03{ts:<15.16} |15{newIndicator}" focusItemFormat: "|00|19|15{msgNum:>4} {subject:<28.27} {fromUserName:<20.20} {ts:<15.16} {newIndicator}" } } } // MRC mrc: { config: { messageFormat: "|00|10<|02{fromUserName}|10>|00 |03{message}|00" privateMessageFormat: "|00|10<|02{fromUserName}|15->{toUserName}|10>|00 |03{message}|00" } 0: { mci: { MT1: { width: 72 height: 18 } ET2: { width: 69 // fnarr! maxLength: 140 } TL3: { width: 20 } TL4: { width: 20 } TL5: { width: 2 } TL6: { width: 2 } } } } irc: { config: { messageFormat: "|00|10<|02{fromUserName}|10>|00 |03{message}|00" privateMessageFormat: "|00|10<|02{fromUserName}|15->{toUserName}|10>|00 |03{message}|00" } 0: { mci: { MT1: { width: 72 height: 17 } ET2: { width: 69 // fnarr! maxLength: 140 } TL3: { width: 20 } TL4: { width: 20 } TL5: { width: 2 } TL6: { width: 2 } } } } } prompts: { messageMenuCommand: { mci: { TL1: { text: "|00|15|MD|08: |03|MC|08>>|11|MA" } } } fileMenuCommand: { mci: { TL1: { text: "|00|15|MD|08 >> |03active filter|08: |10|FN" } } } activityPubMenuCommand: { mci: { TL1: { text: "|00|08(|11|AS|08)" } } } } achievements: { defaults: { format: "|08 > |10{title} |08(|11{points} |03points|08)\r\n\r\n {message}" globalFormat: "|08 > |10{title} |08(|11{points} |03points|08)\r\n\r\n {message}" titleSGR: "|10" pointsSGR: "|12" textSGR: "|00|03" globalTextSGR: "|03" boardNameSGR: "|10" userNameSGR: "|11" achievedValueSGR: "|15" } overrides: { user_login_count: { match: { 2: { // // You may override title, text, and globalText here // } } } } } } }