/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; const MenuView = require('./menu_view.js').MenuView; const strUtil = require('./string_util.js'); const util = require('util'); const assert = require('assert'); exports.ToggleMenuView = ToggleMenuView; function ToggleMenuView(options) { options.cursor = options.cursor || 'hide'; MenuView.call(this, options); this.initDefaultWidth(); var self = this; /* this.cachePositions = function() { self.positionCacheExpired = false; }; */ this.updateSelection = function () { assert(this.focusedItemIndex >= 0 && this.focusedItemIndex <= self.items.length); self.redraw(); }; } util.inherits(ToggleMenuView, MenuView); ToggleMenuView.prototype.redraw = function () { ToggleMenuView.super_.prototype.redraw.call(this); if (0 === this.items.length) { return; } //this.cachePositions(); this.client.term.write(this.hasFocus ? this.getFocusSGR() : this.getSGR()); assert(this.items.length === 2, 'ToggleMenuView must contain exactly (2) items'); for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { var item = this.items[i]; var text = strUtil.stylizeString( item.text, i === this.focusedItemIndex && this.hasFocus ? this.focusTextStyle : this.textStyle ); if (1 === i) { //console.log(this.styleColor1) //var sepColor = this.getANSIColor(this.styleColor1 || this.getColor()); //console.log(sepColor.substr(1)) //var sepColor = '\u001b[0m\u001b[1;30m'; // :TODO: FIX ME!!! // :TODO: sepChar needs to be configurable!!! this.client.term.write(this.styleSGR1 + ' / '); //this.client.term.write(sepColor + ' / '); } this.client.term.write( i === this.focusedItemIndex ? this.getFocusSGR() : this.getSGR() ); this.client.term.write(text); } }; ToggleMenuView.prototype.setFocusItemIndex = function (index) { ToggleMenuView.super_.prototype.setFocusItemIndex.call(this, index); // sets this.focusedItemIndex this.updateSelection(); }; ToggleMenuView.prototype.setFocus = function (focused) { ToggleMenuView.super_.prototype.setFocus.call(this, focused); this.redraw(); }; ToggleMenuView.prototype.focusNext = function () { if (this.items.length - 1 === this.focusedItemIndex) { this.focusedItemIndex = 0; } else { this.focusedItemIndex++; } this.updateSelection(); ToggleMenuView.super_.prototype.focusNext.call(this); }; ToggleMenuView.prototype.focusPrevious = function () { if (0 === this.focusedItemIndex) { this.focusedItemIndex = this.items.length - 1; } else { this.focusedItemIndex--; } this.updateSelection(); ToggleMenuView.super_.prototype.focusPrevious.call(this); }; ToggleMenuView.prototype.onKeyPress = function (ch, key) { if (key) { if (this.isKeyMapped('right', key.name) || this.isKeyMapped('down', key.name)) { this.focusNext(); } else if ( this.isKeyMapped('left', key.name) || this.isKeyMapped('up', key.name) ) { this.focusPrevious(); } } ToggleMenuView.super_.prototype.onKeyPress.call(this, ch, key); }; ToggleMenuView.prototype.getData = function () { return this.focusedItemIndex; }; ToggleMenuView.prototype.setItems = function (items) { items = items.slice(0, 2); // switch/toggle only works with two elements ToggleMenuView.super_.prototype.setItems.call(this, items); this.dimens.width = items.join(' / ').length; // :TODO: allow configurable seperator... string & color, e.g. styleColor1 (same as fillChar color) };