/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; // enigma-bbs const { MenuModule } = require('../core/menu_module'); const { resetScreen } = require('../core/ansi_term'); const { Errors } = require('../core/enig_error'); const { trackDoorRunBegin, trackDoorRunEnd } = require('./door_util'); // deps const async = require('async'); const _ = require('lodash'); const RLogin = require('rlogin'); exports.moduleInfo = { name: 'gOLD mINE', desc: 'gOLD mINE Community Door Server Module', author: 'NuSkooler', }; exports.getModule = class GoldmineModule extends MenuModule { constructor(options) { super(options); this.setConfigWithExtraArgs(options); // http://goldminebbs.com/ this.config.host = this.config.host || ''; this.config.rloginPort = this.config.rloginPort || 513; } initSequence() { let clientTerminated = false; async.series( [ callback => { return this.validateConfigFields( { host: 'string', rloginPort: 'number', bbsTag: 'string', }, callback ); }, callback => { this.client.term.write(resetScreen()); this.client.term.write('Connecting to gOLD mINE, please wait...\n'); const username = this.client.user.getSanitizedName(); let doorTracking; const rlogin = new RLogin({ clientUsername: username, serverUsername: `${this.config.bbsTag}${username}`, host: this.config.host, port: this.config.rloginPort, terminalType: '', terminalSpeed: '', }); if ( _.isString(this.config.directDoorCode) && this.config.directDoorCode.length > 0 ) { rlogin.terminalType = `xtrn=${this.config.directDoorCode}`; } const rloginSend = buffer => { return rlogin.send(buffer); }; let pipeRestored = false; const restorePipeAndFinish = err => { if (pipeRestored) { return; } pipeRestored = true; if (this.client.term.output) { this.client.term.output.removeListener('data', rloginSend); } if (doorTracking) { trackDoorRunEnd(doorTracking); } return callback(err); }; rlogin.on('error', err => { // Eat up RLogin error with terminalSpeed not being a number if (err === 'RLogin: invalid terminalSpeed argument.') { return; } this.client.log.info( `gOLD mINE rlogin client error: ${err.message || err}` ); return restorePipeAndFinish(err); }); rlogin.on('disconnect', () => { this.client.log.info('Disconnected from gOLD mINE'); return restorePipeAndFinish(null); }); rlogin.on('connect', connected => { if (!connected) { return callback( Errors.General( 'Failed to establish connection to gOLD mINE' ) ); } this.client.log.info('Connected to gOLD mINE'); this.client.term.output.on('data', rloginSend); doorTracking = trackDoorRunBegin(this.client); }); rlogin.on('data', data => { this.client.term.rawWrite(data); }); // connect... rlogin.connect(); }, ], err => { if (err) { this.client.log.warn({ error: err.message }, 'gOLD mINE error'); } this.prevMenu(); } ); } };