/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; // enigma-bbs const { MenuModule } = require('../core/menu_module.js'); const { resetScreen } = require('../core/ansi_term.js'); const { Errors } = require('../core/enig_error.js'); // deps const async = require('async'); const _ = require('lodash'); const SSHClient = require('ssh2').Client; exports.moduleInfo = { name: 'ArchaicNET', desc: 'ArchaicNET Access Module', author: 'NuSkooler', }; exports.getModule = class ArchaicNETModule extends MenuModule { constructor(options) { super(options); // establish defaults this.config = options.menuConfig.config; this.config.host = this.config.host || 'bbs.archaicbinary.net'; this.config.sshPort = this.config.sshPort || 2222; this.config.rloginPort = this.config.rloginPort || 8513; } initSequence() { let clientTerminated; const self = this; async.series( [ function validateConfig(callback) { const reqConfs = ['username', 'password', 'bbsTag']; for (let req of reqConfs) { if (!_.isString(_.get(self, ['config', req]))) { return callback( Errors.MissingConfig(`Config requires "${req}"`) ); } } return callback(null); }, function establishSecureConnection(callback) { self.client.term.write(resetScreen()); self.client.term.write('Connecting to ArchaicNET, please wait...\n'); const sshClient = new SSHClient(); let needRestore = false; //let pipedStream; const restorePipe = function () { if (needRestore && !clientTerminated) { self.client.restoreDataHandler(); needRestore = false; } }; sshClient.on('ready', () => { // track client termination so we can clean up early self.client.once('end', () => { self.client.log.info( 'Connection ended. Terminating ArchaicNET connection' ); clientTerminated = true; return sshClient.end(); }); // establish tunnel for rlogin const fwdPort = self.config.rloginPort + self.client.node; sshClient.forwardOut( '', fwdPort, self.config.host, self.config.rloginPort, (err, stream) => { if (err) { return sshClient.end(); } // // Send rlogin - [] e.g. [Xibalba]NuSkooler // const rlogin = `\x00${self.client.user.username}\x00[${self.config.bbsTag}]${self.client.user.username}\x00${self.client.term.termType}\x00`; stream.write(rlogin); // we need to filter I/O for escape/de-escaping zmodem and the like self.client.setTemporaryDirectDataHandler(data => { const tmp = data .toString('binary') .replace(/\xff{2}/g, '\xff'); // de-escape stream.write(Buffer.from(tmp, 'binary')); }); needRestore = true; stream.on('data', data => { const tmp = data .toString('binary') .replace(/\xff/g, '\xff\xff'); // escape self.client.term.rawWrite(Buffer.from(tmp, 'binary')); }); stream.on('close', () => { restorePipe(); return sshClient.end(); }); } ); }); sshClient.on('error', err => { return self.client.log.info( `ArchaicNET SSH client error: ${err.message}` ); }); sshClient.on('close', hadError => { if (hadError) { self.client.warn('Closing ArchaicNET SSH due to error'); } restorePipe(); return callback(null); }); self.client.log.trace( { host: self.config.host, port: self.config.sshPort }, 'Connecting to ArchaicNET' ); sshClient.connect({ host: self.config.host, port: self.config.sshPort, username: self.config.username, password: self.config.password, }); }, ], err => { if (err) { self.client.log.warn({ error: err.message }, 'ArchaicNET error'); } // if the client is stil here, go to previous if (!clientTerminated) { self.prevMenu(); } } ); } };