/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; //var SegfaultHandler = require('segfault-handler'); //SegfaultHandler.registerHandler('enigma-bbs-segfault.log'); // ENiGMA½ let conf = require('./config.js'); let logger = require('./logger.js'); let miscUtil = require('./misc_util.js'); let database = require('./database.js'); let clientConns = require('./client_connections.js'); let paths = require('path'); let async = require('async'); let util = require('util'); let _ = require('lodash'); let assert = require('assert'); let mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); // our main entry point exports.bbsMain = bbsMain; function bbsMain() { async.waterfall( [ function processArgs(callback) { const args = process.argv.slice(2); var configPath; if(args.indexOf('--help') > 0) { // :TODO: display help } else { let argCount = args.length; for(let i = 0; i < argCount; ++i) { const arg = args[i]; if('--config' === arg) { configPath = args[i + 1]; } } } callback(null, configPath || conf.getDefaultPath(), _.isString(configPath)); }, function initConfig(configPath, configPathSupplied, callback) { conf.init(configPath, function configInit(err) { // // If the user supplied a path and we can't read/parse it // then it's a fatal error // if(err) { if('ENOENT' === err.code) { if(configPathSupplied) { console.error('Configuration file does not exist: ' + configPath); } else { configPathSupplied = null; // make non-fatal; we'll go with defaults } } else { console.error(err.toString()); } } callback(err); }); }, function initSystem(callback) { initialize(function init(err) { if(err) { console.error('Error initializing: ' + util.inspect(err)); } callback(err); }); }, function listenConnections(callback) { startListening(callback); } ], function complete(err) { if(err) { logger.log.error(err); } } ); } function initialize(cb) { async.series( [ function createMissingDirectories(callback) { async.each(Object.keys(conf.config.paths), function entry(pathKey, next) { mkdirp(conf.config.paths[pathKey], function dirCreated(err) { if(err) { console.error('Could not create path: ' + conf.config.paths[pathKey] + ': ' + err.toString()); } next(err); }); }, function dirCreationComplete(err) { callback(err); }); }, function basicInit(callback) { logger.init(); process.on('SIGINT', function onSigInt() { logger.log.info('Process interrupted, shutting down...'); var activeConnections = clientConns.getActiveConnections(); var i = activeConnections.length; while(i--) { activeConnections[i].term.write('\n\nServer is shutting down NOW! Disconnecting...\n\n'); clientConns.removeClient(activeConnections[i]); } process.exit(); }); // Init some extensions require('string-format').extend(String.prototype, require('./string_util.js').stringFormatExtensions); callback(null); }, function initDatabases(callback) { database.initializeDatabases(callback); }, function initSystemProperties(callback) { require('./system_property.js').loadSystemProperties(callback); }, function initThemes(callback) { // Have to pull in here so it's after Config init var theme = require('./theme.js'); theme.initAvailableThemes(function onThemesInit(err, themeCount) { logger.log.info({ themeCount : themeCount }, 'Themes initialized'); callback(err); }); }, function loadSysOpInformation(callback) { // // If user 1 has been created, we have a SysOp. Cache some information // into Config. // var user = require('./user.js'); // must late load user.getUserName(1, function unLoaded(err, sysOpUsername) { if(err) { callback(null); // non-fatal here } else { // // Load some select properties to cache // var propLoadOpts = { userId : 1, names : [ 'real_name', 'sex', 'email_address' ], }; user.loadProperties(propLoadOpts, function propsLoaded(err, props) { if(!err) { conf.config.general.sysOp = { username : sysOpUsername, properties : props, }; logger.log.info( { sysOp : conf.config.general.sysOp }, 'System Operator information cached'); } callback(null); // any error is again, non-fatal here }); } }); }, function readyMessageNetworkSupport(callback) { require('./msg_network.js').startup(callback); } ], function onComplete(err) { cb(err); } ); } function startListening(cb) { if(!conf.config.servers) { // :TODO: Log error ... output to stderr as well. We can do it all with the logger //logger.log.error('No servers configured'); cb(new Error('No servers configured')); return; } let moduleUtil = require('./module_util.js'); // late load so we get Config moduleUtil.loadModulesForCategory('servers', (err, module) => { if(err) { logger.log.info(err); return; } const port = parseInt(module.runtime.config.port); if(isNaN(port)) { logger.log.error( { port : module.runtime.config.port, server : module.moduleInfo.name }, 'Cannot load server (Invalid port)'); return; } const moduleInst = new module.getModule(); let server; try { server = moduleInst.createServer(); } catch(e) { logger.log.warn(e, 'Exception caught creating server!'); return; } // :TODO: handle maxConnections, e.g. conf.maxConnections server.on('client', function newClient(client, clientSock) { // // Start tracking the client. We'll assign it an ID which is // just the index in our connections array. // if(_.isUndefined(client.session)) { client.session = {}; } client.session.serverName = module.moduleInfo.name; client.session.isSecure = module.moduleInfo.isSecure || false; clientConns.addNewClient(client, clientSock); client.on('ready', function clientReady(readyOptions) { client.startIdleMonitor(); // Go to module -- use default error handler prepareClient(client, function clientPrepared() { require('./connect.js').connectEntry(client, readyOptions.firstMenu); }); }); client.on('end', function onClientEnd() { clientConns.removeClient(client); }); client.on('error', function onClientError(err) { logger.log.info({ clientId : client.session.id }, 'Connection error: %s' % err.message); }); client.on('close', function onClientClose(hadError) { var l = hadError ? logger.log.info : logger.log.debug; l( { clientId : client.session.id }, 'Connection closed'); clientConns.removeClient(client); }); client.on('idle timeout', function idleTimeout() { client.log.info('User idle timeout expired'); client.menuStack.goto('idleLogoff', function goMenuRes(err) { if(err) { // likely just doesn't exist client.term.write('\nIdle timeout expired. Goodbye!\n'); client.end(); } }); }); }); server.on('error', function serverErr(err) { logger.log.info(err); // 'close' should be handled after }); server.listen(port); logger.log.info( { server : module.moduleInfo.name, port : port }, 'Listening for connections'); }, err => { cb(err); }); } function prepareClient(client, cb) { var theme = require('./theme.js'); // :TODO: it feels like this should go somewhere else... and be a bit more elegant. if('*' === conf.config.preLoginTheme) { client.user.properties.theme_id = theme.getRandomTheme() || ''; } else { client.user.properties.theme_id = conf.config.preLoginTheme; } theme.setClientTheme(client, client.user.properties.theme_id); cb(null); // note: currently useless to use cb here - but this may change...again... }