const { MenuModule } = require('../menu_module'); const Collection = require('./collection'); const { getServer } = require('../listening_server'); const Endpoints = require('./endpoint'); const Actor = require('./actor'); const stringFormat = require('../string_format'); const { pipeToAnsi } = require('../color_codes'); const MultiLineEditTextView = require('../multi_line_edit_text_view').MultiLineEditTextView; const { sendFollowRequest, sendUnfollowRequest } = require('./follow_util'); const { Collections } = require('./const'); // deps const async = require('async'); const { get, cloneDeep } = require('lodash'); const { htmlToMessageBody } = require('./util'); exports.moduleInfo = { name: 'ActivityPub Social Manager', desc: 'Manages ActivityPub Actors the current user is following or being followed by.', author: 'NuSkooler', }; const FormIds = { main: 0, }; const MciViewIds = { main: { actorList: 1, selectedActorInfo: 2, navMenu: 3, customRangeStart: 10, }, }; exports.getModule = class activityPubSocialManager extends MenuModule { constructor(options) { super(options); this.setConfigWithExtraArgs(options); this.followingActors = []; this.followerActors = []; this.currentCollection = Collections.Following; this.menuMethods = { spaceKeyPressed: (formData, extraArgs, cb) => { return this._toggleSelectedActorStatus(cb); }, listKeyPressed: (formData, extraArgs, cb) => { const actorListView = this.getView('main', MciViewIds.main.actorList); if (actorListView) { const keyName = get(formData, ''); switch (keyName) { case 'down arrow': actorListView.focusNext(); break; case 'up arrow': actorListView.focusPrevious(); break; } } return cb(null); }, }; } initSequence() { this.webServer = getServer('codes.l33t.enigma.web.server'); if (!this.webServer) { this.client.log('Could not get Web server'); return this.prevMenu(); } this.webServer = this.webServer.instance; async.series( [ callback => { return this.beforeArt(callback); }, callback => { return this._displayMainPage(callback); }, ], () => { this.finishedLoading(); } ); } _displayMainPage(cb) { async.series( [ callback => { return this.displayArtAndPrepViewController( 'main', FormIds.main, { clearScreen: true }, callback ); }, callback => { return this.validateMCIByViewIds( 'main', Object.values(MciViewIds.main).filter( id => id !== MciViewIds.main.customRangeStart ), callback ); }, callback => { this._fetchActorList( Collections.Following, (err, followingActors) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } return this._fetchActorList( Collections.Followers, (err, followerActors) => { if (err) { return callback(err); } const mapper = a => { a.plainTextSummary = htmlToMessageBody(a.summary); return a; }; this.followingActors =; this.followerActors =; return callback(null); } ); } ); }, callback => { const v = id => this.getView('main', id); const actorListView = v(MciViewIds.main.actorList); const selectedActorInfoView = v(MciViewIds.main.selectedActorInfo); const navMenuView = v(MciViewIds.main.navMenu); // We start with following this._switchTo(Collections.Following); actorListView.on('index update', index => { const selectedActor = this._getSelectedActorItem(index); this._updateSelectedActorInfo( selectedActorInfoView, selectedActor ); }); navMenuView.on('index update', index => { if (0 === index) { this._switchTo(Collections.Following); } else { this._switchTo(Collections.Followers); } }); return callback(null); }, ], err => { return cb(err); } ); } _switchTo(collectionName) { this.currentCollection = collectionName; const actorListView = this.getView('main', MciViewIds.main.actorList); if (Collections.Following === collectionName) { actorListView.setItems(this.followingActors); } else { actorListView.setItems(this.followerActors); } actorListView.redraw(); const selectedActor = this._getSelectedActorItem( actorListView.getFocusItemIndex() ); const selectedActorInfoView = this.getView( 'main', MciViewIds.main.selectedActorInfo ); if (selectedActor) { this._updateSelectedActorInfo(selectedActorInfoView, selectedActor); } else { selectedActorInfoView.setText(''); } } _getSelectedActorItem(index) { if (this.currentCollection === Collections.Following) { return this.followingActors[index]; } else { return this.followerActors[index]; } } _getCurrentActorList() { return this.currentCollection === Collections.Following ? this.followingActors : this.followerActors; } _updateSelectedActorInfo(view, actorInfo) { if (actorInfo) { const selectedActorInfoFormat = this.config.selectedActorInfoFormat || '{text}'; const s = stringFormat(selectedActorInfoFormat, actorInfo); if (view instanceof MultiLineEditTextView) { const opts = { prepped: false, forceLineTerm: true, }; view.setAnsi(pipeToAnsi(s, this.client), opts); } else { view.setText(s); } } this.updateCustomViewTextsWithFilter( 'main', MciViewIds.main.customRangeStart, this._getCustomInfoFormatObject(actorInfo) ); } _toggleSelectedActorStatus(cb) { const actorListView = this.getView('main', MciViewIds.main.actorList); const selectedActor = this._getSelectedActorItem( actorListView.getFocusItemIndex() ); if (selectedActor) { selectedActor.status = !selectedActor.status; selectedActor.statusIndicator = this._getStatusIndicator( selectedActor.status ); async.series( [ callback => { if (Collections.Following === this.currentCollection) { return this._followingActorToggled(selectedActor, callback); } else { return this._followerActorToggled(selectedActor, callback); } }, ], err => { if (err) { this.client.log.error( { error: err.message, type: this.currentCollection }, `Failed to toggle "${this.currentCollection}" status` ); } // :TODO: we really need updateItem() call on MenuView actorListView.setItems(this._getCurrentActorList()); actorListView.redraw(); // oof return cb(null); } ); } } _followingActorToggled(actorInfo, cb) { // Local user/Actor wants to follow or un-follow const wantsToFollow = actorInfo.status; const actor = this._actorInfoToActor(actorInfo); return wantsToFollow ? sendFollowRequest(this.client.user, actor, this.webServer, cb) : sendUnfollowRequest(this.client.user, actor, this.webServer, cb); } _actorInfoToActor(actorInfo) { const actor = cloneDeep(actorInfo); // nuke our added properties delete actor.subject; delete actor.text; delete actor.status; delete actor.statusIndicator; delete actor.plainTextSummary; return actor; } _followerActorToggled(actorInfo, cb) { return cb(null); } _getCustomInfoFormatObject(actorInfo) { const formatObj = { followingCount: this.followingActors.length, followerCount: this.followerActors.length, }; const v = f => { return actorInfo ? actorInfo[f] || '' : ''; }; Object.assign(formatObj, { selectedActorId: v('id'), selectedActorSubject: v('subject'), selectedActorType: v('type'), selectedActorName: v('name'), selectedActorSummary: v('summary'), selectedActorPlainTextSummary: actorInfo ? htmlToMessageBody(actorInfo.summary || '') : '', selectedActorPreferredUsername: v('preferredUsername'), selectedActorUrl: v('url'), selectedActorImage: v('image'), selectedActorIcon: v('icon'), selectedActorStatus: actorInfo ? actorInfo.status : false, selectedActorStatusIndicator: v('statusIndicator'), text: v('name'), }); return formatObj; } _getStatusIndicator(enabled) { return enabled ? this.config.statusIndicatorEnabled || '√' : this.config.statusIndicatorDisabled || 'X'; } _fetchActorList(collectionName, cb) { const collectionId = Endpoints[collectionName](this.webServer, this.client.user); Collection[collectionName](collectionId, 'all', (err, collection) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } if (!collection.orderedItems || collection.orderedItems.length < 1) { return cb(null, []); } const statusIndicator = this._getStatusIndicator(true); async.mapLimit( collection.orderedItems, 4, (actorId, nextActorId) => { Actor.fromId(actorId, (err, actor, subject) => { if (err) { this.client.log.warn({ actorId }, 'Failed to retrieve Actor'); return nextActorId(null, null); } // Add some of our own properties Object.assign(actor, { subject, status: true, statusIndicator, text:, }); return nextActorId(null, actor); }); }, (err, actorsList) => { if (err) { return cb(err); } actorsList = actorsList.filter(f => f); // drop nulls return cb(null, actorsList); } ); }); } };