/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; // ENiGMA½ const Config = require('./config.js').config; const FileDb = require('./database.js').dbs.file; const getISOTimestampString = require('./database.js').getISOTimestampString; const FileEntry = require('./file_entry.js'); const getServer = require('./listening_server.js').getServer; const Errors = require('./enig_error.js').Errors; // deps const hashids = require('hashids'); const moment = require('moment'); const paths = require('path'); const async = require('async'); const fs = require('fs'); const mimeTypes = require('mime-types'); const WEB_SERVER_PACKAGE_NAME = 'codes.l33t.enigma.web.server'; /* :TODO: * Load temp download URLs @ startup & set expire timers via scheduler. * At creation, set expire timer via scheduler * */ class FileAreaWebAccess { constructor() { this.hashids = new hashids(Config.general.boardName); this.expireTimers = {}; // hashId->timer } startup(cb) { const self = this; async.series( [ function initFromDb(callback) { return self.load(callback); }, function addWebRoute(callback) { self.webServer = getServer(WEB_SERVER_PACKAGE_NAME); if(!self.webServer) { return callback(Errors.DoesNotExist(`Server with package name "${WEB_SERVER_PACKAGE_NAME}" does not exist`)); } const routeAdded = self.webServer.instance.addRoute({ method : 'GET', path : Config.fileBase.web.routePath, handler : self.routeWebRequestForFile.bind(self), }); return callback(routeAdded ? null : Errors.General('Failed adding route')); } ], err => { return cb(err); } ); } shutdown(cb) { return cb(null); } load(cb) { // // Load entries, register expiration timers // FileDb.each( `SELECT hash_id, expire_timestamp FROM file_web_serve;`, (err, row) => { if(row) { this.scheduleExpire(row.hash_id, moment(row.expire_timestamp)); } }, err => { return cb(err); } ); } removeEntry(hashId) { // // Delete record from DB, and our timer // FileDb.run( `DELETE FROM file_web_serve WHERE hash_id = ?;`, [ hashId ] ); delete this.expireTimers[hashId]; } scheduleExpire(hashId, expireTime) { // remove any previous entry for this hashId const previous = this.expireTimers[hashId]; if(previous) { clearTimeout(previous); delete this.expireTimers[hashId]; } const timeoutMs = expireTime.diff(moment()); if(timeoutMs <= 0) { setImmediate( () => { this.removeEntry(hashId); }); } else { this.expireTimers[hashId] = setTimeout( () => { this.removeEntry(hashId); }, timeoutMs); } } loadServedHashId(hashId, cb) { FileDb.get( `SELECT expire_timestamp FROM file_web_serve WHERE hash_id = ?`, [ hashId ], (err, result) => { if(err) { return cb(err); } const decoded = this.hashids.decode(hashId); if(!result || 2 !== decoded.length) { return cb(Errors.Invalid('Invalid or unknown hash ID')); } return cb( null, { hashId : hashId, userId : decoded[0], fileId : decoded[1], expireTimestamp : moment(result.expire_timestamp), } ); } ); } getHashId(client, fileEntry) { // // Hashid is a unique combination of userId & fileId // return this.hashids.encode(client.user.userId, fileEntry.fileId); } buildTempDownloadLink(client, fileEntry, hashId) { hashId = hashId || this.getHashId(client, fileEntry); // // Create a URL such as // https://l33t.codes:44512/f/qFdxyZr // // Prefer HTTPS over HTTP. Be explicit about the port // only if non-standard. // let schema; let port; if(Config.contentServers.web.https.enabled) { schema = 'https://'; port = (443 === Config.contentServers.web.https.port) ? '' : `:${Config.contentServers.web.https.port}`; } else { schema = 'http://'; port = (80 === Config.contentServers.web.http.port) ? '' : `:${Config.contentServers.web.http.port}`; } return `${schema}${Config.contentServers.web.domain}${port}${Config.fileBase.web.path}${hashId}`; } getExistingTempDownloadServeItem(client, fileEntry, cb) { const hashId = this.getHashId(client, fileEntry); this.loadServedHashId(hashId, (err, servedItem) => { if(err) { return cb(err); } servedItem.url = this.buildTempDownloadLink(client, fileEntry); return cb(null, servedItem); }); } createAndServeTempDownload(client, fileEntry, options, cb) { const hashId = this.getHashId(client, fileEntry); const url = this.buildTempDownloadLink(client, fileEntry, hashId); options.expireTime = options.expireTime || moment().add(2, 'days'); // add/update rec with hash id and (latest) timestamp FileDb.run( `REPLACE INTO file_web_serve (hash_id, expire_timestamp) VALUES (?, ?);`, [ hashId, getISOTimestampString(options.expireTime) ], err => { if(err) { return cb(err); } this.scheduleExpire(hashId, options.expireTime); return cb(null, url); } ); } fileNotFound(resp) { this.webServer.instance.respondWithError(resp, 404, 'File not found.', 'File Not Found'); } routeWebRequestForFile(req, resp) { const hashId = paths.basename(req.url); this.loadServedHashId(hashId, (err, servedItem) => { if(err) { return this.fileNotFound(resp); } const fileEntry = new FileEntry(); fileEntry.load(servedItem.fileId, err => { if(err) { return this.fileNotFound(resp); } const filePath = fileEntry.filePath; if(!filePath) { return this.fileNotFound(resp); } fs.stat(filePath, (err, stats) => { if(err) { return this.fileNotFound(resp); } resp.on('close', () => { // connection closed *before* the response was fully sent // :TODO: Log and such }); resp.on('finish', () => { // transfer completed fully // :TODO: we need to update the users stats - bytes xferred, credit stuff, etc. }); const headers = { 'Content-Type' : mimeTypes.contentType(filePath) || mimeTypes.contentType('.bin'), 'Content-Length' : stats.size, 'Content-Disposition' : `attachment; filename="${fileEntry.fileName}"`, }; const readStream = fs.createReadStream(filePath); resp.writeHead(200, headers); return readStream.pipe(resp); }); }); }); } } module.exports = new FileAreaWebAccess();