/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; const FullScreenEditorModule = require('./fse.js').FullScreenEditorModule; const persistMessage = require('./message_area.js').persistMessage; const UserProps = require('./user_property.js'); const { hasMessageConfAndAreaWrite, } = require('./message_area.js'); const _ = require('lodash'); const async = require('async'); exports.moduleInfo = { name : 'Message Area Post', desc : 'Module for posting a new message to an area', author : 'NuSkooler', }; exports.getModule = class AreaPostFSEModule extends FullScreenEditorModule { constructor(options) { super(options); const self = this; // we're posting, so always start with 'edit' mode this.editorMode = 'edit'; this.menuMethods.editModeMenuSave = function(formData, extraArgs, cb) { var msg; async.series( [ function getMessageObject(callback) { self.getMessage(function gotMsg(err, msgObj) { msg = msgObj; return callback(err); }); }, function saveMessage(callback) { return persistMessage(msg, callback); }, function updateStats(callback) { self.updateUserAndSystemStats(callback); } ], function complete(err) { if(err) { // :TODO:... sooooo now what? } else { // note: not logging 'from' here as it's part of client.log.xxxx() self.client.log.info( { to : msg.toUserName, subject : msg.subject, uuid : msg.messageUuid }, 'Message persisted' ); } return self.nextMenu(cb); } ); }; } enter() { this.messageAreaTag = this.messageAreaTag || this.client.user.getProperty(UserProps.MessageAreaTag); super.enter(); } initSequence() { if(!hasMessageConfAndAreaWrite(this.client, this.messageAreaTag)) { const noAcsMenu = this.menuConfig.config.messageBasePostMessageNoAccess || 'messageBasePostMessageNoAccess'; return this.gotoMenuOrShowMessage( noAcsMenu, 'You do not have the proper access to post here!', ); } super.initSequence(); } };