# Introduction ENiGMA½ is a modern from scratch BBS package written in Node.js. # Quickstart TL;DR? This should get you started... ## Prerequisites * [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) version **v0.12.2 or higher** (v4.2+ is recommended) * [io.js](https://iojs.org/) should also work, though I have not yet tested this. * :information_source: It is suggested to use [nvm](https://github.com/creationix/nvm) to manage your Node/io.js installs * Windows users will need additional dependencies installed for the `npm install` step in order to compile native binaries: * A recent copy of Visual Studio (Express editions OK) * Python 2.7.x ## Clone ```bash git clone https://github.com/NuSkooler/enigma-bbs.git ``` ## Install Node Modules ```bash npm install ``` ## Generate a SSH Private Key To utilize the SSH server, a SSH Private Key will need generated. This step can be skipped if desired by disabling the SSH server in `config.hjson`. ```bash openssl genrsa -des3 -out ./misc/ssh_private_key.pem 2048 ``` ## Create a Minimal Config The main system configuration is handled via `~/.config/enigma-bbs/config.hjson`. This is a [HJSON](http://hjson.org/) file (compiliant JSON is also OK). See [Configuration](config.md) for more information. ```hjson general: { boardName: Super Awesome BBS } servers: { ssh: { privateKeyPass: YOUR_PK_PASS enabled: true /* set to false to disable the SSH server */ } } messages: { areas: [ { name: "local_enigma_discusssion", desc: "ENiGMA Discussion", groups: [ "users" ] } ] } ``` ## Launch! ```bash ./main.js ``` # Advanced Installation If you've become convinced you would like a "production" BBS running ENiGMA½ a more advanced installation may be in order. [PM2](https://github.com/Unitech/pm2) is an excellent choice for managing your running ENiGMA½ instances. Additionally, it is suggested that you run as a specific more locked down user (e.g. 'enigma'). Some points of interest: * Default ports are 8888 (Telnet) and 8889 (SSH) * The first user you create via applying is the SysOp (aka root) * You may want to tail the logfile with Bunyan: `tail -F ./logs/enigma-bbs.log | ./node_modules/bunyan/bin/bunyan`