/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; var View = require('./view.js').View; var miscUtil = require('./misc_util.js'); var strUtil = require('./string_util.js'); var ansi = require('./ansi_term.js'); var util = require('util'); var assert = require('assert'); var _ = require('lodash'); exports.TextView = TextView; function TextView(options) { if(options.dimens) { options.dimens.height = 1; // force height of 1 for TextView's & sub classes } View.call(this, options); var self = this; if(options.maxLength) { this.maxLength = options.maxLength; } else { this.maxLength = this.client.term.termWidth - this.position.x; } this.fillChar = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.fillChar, ' ').substr(0, 1); this.justify = options.justify || 'right'; this.resizable = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.resizable, true); this.horizScroll = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.horizScroll, true); if(_.isString(options.textOverflow)) { this.textOverflow = options.textOverflow; } if(_.isString(options.textMaskChar) && 1 === options.textMaskChar.length) { this.textMaskChar = options.textMaskChar; } this.drawText = function(s) { // // |<- this.maxLength // ABCDEFGHIJK // |ABCDEFG| ^_ this.text.length // ^-- this.dimens.width // var textToDraw = _.isString(this.textMaskChar) ? new Array(s.length + 1).join(this.textMaskChar) : strUtil.stylizeString(s, this.hasFocus ? this.focusTextStyle : this.textStyle); if(textToDraw.length > this.dimens.width) { // XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX // this is the text but too long // text but too long if(this.hasFocus) { if(this.horizScroll) { textToDraw = textToDraw.substr(textToDraw.length - this.dimens.width, textToDraw.length); } } else { if(textToDraw.length > this.dimens.width) { if(this.textOverflow && this.dimens.width > this.textOverflow.length && textToDraw.length - this.textOverflow.length >= this.textOverflow.length) { textToDraw = textToDraw.substr(0, this.dimens.width - this.textOverflow.length) + this.textOverflow; } else { textToDraw = textToDraw.substr(0, this.dimens.width); } } } } this.client.term.write(strUtil.pad( textToDraw, this.dimens.width + 1, this.fillChar, this.justify, this.hasFocus ? this.getFocusSGR() : this.getSGR(), this.getSGR() // :TODO: use extended style color if avail )); }; this.setText(options.text || ''); } util.inherits(TextView, View); TextView.prototype.redraw = function() { TextView.super_.prototype.redraw.call(this); this.drawText(this.text); }; TextView.prototype.setFocus = function(focused) { TextView.super_.prototype.setFocus.call(this, focused); this.redraw(); // position & SGR for cursor var offset = Math.min(this.text.length, this.dimens.width); this.client.term.write(ansi.goto(this.position.x, this.position.y + offset)); this.client.term.write(this.getFocusSGR()); }; TextView.prototype.getData = function() { return this.text; }; TextView.prototype.setText = function(text) { var widthDelta = 0; if(this.text && this.text !== text) { widthDelta = Math.abs(this.text.length - text.length); } this.text = text; if(this.maxLength > 0) { this.text = this.text.substr(0, this.maxLength); } this.text = strUtil.stylizeString(this.text, this.hasFocus ? this.focusTextStyle : this.textStyle); if(this.resizable) { this.dimens.width = this.text.length + widthDelta; } this.redraw(); }; TextView.prototype.clearText = function() { this.setText(''); };