/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; var assert = require('assert'); var _ = require('lodash'); exports.wordWrapText = wordWrapText; function wordWrapText(text, options) { // // options.*: // width : word wrap width // tabHandling : expand (default=expand) // tabWidth : tab width if tabHandling is 'expand' (default=4) // assert(_.isObject(options), 'Missing options!'); assert(_.isNumber(options.width), 'Missing options.width!'); options.tabHandling = options.tabHandling || 'expand'; if(!_.isNumber(options.tabWidth)) { options.tabWidth = 4; } // // Notes // * Sublime Text 3 for example considers spaces after a word // part of said word. For example, "word " would be wraped // in it's entirity. // // * Tabs in Sublime Text 3 are also treated as a word, so, e.g. // "\t" may resolve to " " and must fit within the space. // // * If a word is ultimately too long to fit, break it up until it does. // // RegExp below is JavaScript '\s' minus the '\t' // var re = new RegExp( '\t|[ \f\n\r\v​\u00a0\u1680​\u180e\u2000​\u2001\u2002​\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006​' + '\u2007\u2008​\u2009\u200a​\u2028\u2029​\u202f\u205f​\u3000]', 'g'); var m; var wordStart = 0; var results = { wrapped : [ '' ] }; var i = 0; var word; var wordLen; function expandTab(col) { var remainWidth = options.tabWidth - (col % options.tabWidth); return new Array(remainWidth).join('\t'); } // :TODO: support wrapping pipe code text (e.g. ignore color codes, expand MCI codes) function addWord() { word.match(new RegExp('.{0,' + options.width + '}', 'g')).forEach(function wrd(w) { //wordLen = self.getStringLength(w); if(results.wrapped[i].length + w.length > options.width) { //if(results.wrapped[i].length + wordLen > width) { if(0 === i) { results.firstWrapRange = { start : wordStart, end : wordStart + w.length }; //results.firstWrapRange = { start : wordStart, end : wordStart + wordLen }; } results.wrapped[++i] = w; } else { results.wrapped[i] += w; } }); } while((m = re.exec(text)) !== null) { word = text.substring(wordStart, re.lastIndex - 1); switch(m[0].charAt(0)) { case ' ' : word += m[0]; break; case '\t' : // // Expand tab given position // // Nice info here: http://c-for-dummies.com/blog/?p=424 // if('expand' === options.tabHandling) { word += expandTab(results.wrapped[i].length + word.length) + '\t'; } else { word += m[0]; } break; } addWord(); wordStart = re.lastIndex + m[0].length - 1; } // // Remainder // word = text.substring(wordStart); addWord(); return results; }