/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; var ansi = require('../core/ansi_term.js'); var artwork = require('../core/art.js'); var modules = require('../core/modules.js'); var packageJson = require('../package.json'); var util = require('util'); exports.moduleInfo = { name : 'Connect', desc : 'First module upon connection', author : 'NuSkooler', }; exports.entryPoint = entryPoint; function entryPoint(client) { /*var self = this; this.client = client; var term = this.client.term;*/ var term = client.term; term.write(ansi.normal()); term.write(ansi.disableVT100LineWrapping()); // :TODO: set xterm stuff -- see x84/others // :TODO: add URL to banner term.write(ansi.fromPipeCode(util.format('' + '|33Conected to |32EN|33|01i|32|22GMA|32|01½|00 |33BBS version|31|01 %s\n' + '|00|33Copyright (c) 2014 Bryan Ashby\n' + '|00', packageJson.version))); setTimeout(function onTimeout() { term.write(ansi.clearScreen()); artwork.getArt('CONNECT', { random : true, readSauce : true }, function onArt(err, art) { var timeout = 0; if(!err) { term.write(art.data); timeout = 1000; } setTimeout(function onTimeout() { term.write(ansi.clearScreen()); modules.goto('matrix', client); }, timeout); }); }, 500); }