/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; // ENiGMA½ const ansi = require('./ansi_term.js'); const Events = require('./events.js'); const { Errors } = require('./enig_error.js'); // deps const async = require('async'); exports.connectEntry = connectEntry; function ansiDiscoverHomePosition(client, cb) { // // We want to find the home position. ANSI-BBS and most terminals // utilize 1,1 as home. However, some terminals such as ConnectBot // think of home as 0,0. If this is the case, we need to offset // our positioning to accommodate for such. // const done = function(err) { client.removeListener('cursor position report', cprListener); clearTimeout(giveUpTimer); return cb(err); }; const cprListener = function(pos) { const h = pos[0]; const w = pos[1]; // // We expect either 0,0, or 1,1. Anything else will be filed as bad data // if(h > 1 || w > 1) { client.log.warn( { height : h, width : w }, 'Ignoring ANSI home position CPR due to unexpected values'); return done(Errors.UnexpectedState('Home position CPR expected to be 0,0, or 1,1')); } if(0 === h & 0 === w) { // // Store a CPR offset in the client. All CPR's from this point on will offset by this amount // client.log.info('Setting CPR offset to 1'); client.cprOffset = 1; } return done(null); }; client.once('cursor position report', cprListener); const giveUpTimer = setTimeout( () => { return done(Errors.General('Giving up on home position CPR')); }, 3000); // 3s client.term.write(`${ansi.goHome()}${ansi.queryPos()}`); // go home, query pos } function ansiQueryTermSizeIfNeeded(client, cb) { if(client.term.termHeight > 0 || client.term.termWidth > 0) { return cb(null); } const done = function(err) { client.removeListener('cursor position report', cprListener); clearTimeout(giveUpTimer); return cb(err); }; const cprListener = function(pos) { // // If we've already found out, disregard // if(client.term.termHeight > 0 || client.term.termWidth > 0) { return done(null); } const h = pos[0]; const w = pos[1]; // // NetRunner for example gives us 1x1 here. Not really useful. Ignore // values that seem obviously bad. Included in the set is the explicit // 999x999 values we asked to move to. // if(h < 10 || h === 999 || w < 10 || w === 999) { client.log.warn( { height : h, width : w }, 'Ignoring ANSI CPR screen size query response due to non-sane values'); return done(Errors.Invalid('Term size <= 10 considered invalid')); } client.term.termHeight = h; client.term.termWidth = w; client.log.debug( { termWidth : client.term.termWidth, termHeight : client.term.termHeight, source : 'ANSI CPR' }, 'Window size updated' ); return done(null); }; client.once('cursor position report', cprListener); // give up after 2s const giveUpTimer = setTimeout( () => { return done(Errors.General('No term size established by CPR within timeout')); }, 2000); // Start the process: // 1 - Ask to goto 999,999 -- a very much "bottom right" (generally 80x25 for example // is the real size) // 2 - Query for screen size with bansi.txt style specialized Device Status Report (DSR) // request. We expect a CPR of: // a - Terms that support bansi.txt style: Screen size // b - Terms that do not support bansi.txt style: Since we moved to the bottom right // we should still be able to determine a screen size. // client.term.rawWrite(`${ansi.goto(999, 999)}${ansi.queryScreenSize()}`); } function prepareTerminal(term) { term.rawWrite(`${ansi.normal()}${ansi.clearScreen()}`); } function displayBanner(term) { // note: intentional formatting: term.pipeWrite(` |06Connected to |02EN|10i|02GMA|10½ |06BBS version |12|VN |06Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Bryan Ashby |14- |12http://l33t.codes/ |06Updates & source |14- |12https://github.com/NuSkooler/enigma-bbs/ |00` ); } function connectEntry(client, nextMenu) { const term = client.term; async.series( [ function basicPrepWork(callback) { term.rawWrite(ansi.queryDeviceAttributes(0)); return callback(null); }, function discoverHomePosition(callback) { ansiDiscoverHomePosition(client, () => { // :TODO: If CPR for home fully fails, we should bail out on the connection with an error, e.g. ANSI support required return callback(null); // we try to continue anyway }); }, function queryTermSizeByNonStandardAnsi(callback) { ansiQueryTermSizeIfNeeded(client, err => { if(err) { // // Check again; We may have got via NAWS/similar before CPR completed. // if(0 === term.termHeight || 0 === term.termWidth) { // // We still don't have something good for term height/width. // Default to DOS size 80x25. // // :TODO: Netrunner is currenting hitting this and it feels wrong. Why is NAWS/ENV/CPR all failing??? client.log.warn( { reason : err.message }, 'Failed to negotiate term size; Defaulting to 80x25!'); term.termHeight = 25; term.termWidth = 80; } } return callback(null); }); }, ], () => { prepareTerminal(term); // // Always show an ENiGMA½ banner // displayBanner(term); // fire event Events.emit(Events.getSystemEvents().TermDetected, { client : client } ); setTimeout( () => { return client.menuStack.goto(nextMenu); }, 500); } ); }