/* jslint node: true */
'use strict';

//  ENiGMA½
const Config    = require('./config.js').get;
const miscUtil  = require('./misc_util.js');
const ansi      = require('./ansi_term.js');
const aep       = require('./ansi_escape_parser.js');
const sauce     = require('./sauce.js');

//  deps
const fs        = require('graceful-fs');
const paths     = require('path');
const assert    = require('assert');
const iconv     = require('iconv-lite');
const _         = require('lodash');
const xxhash    = require('xxhash');

exports.getArt                          = getArt;
exports.getArtFromPath                  = getArtFromPath;
exports.display                         = display;
exports.defaultEncodingFromExtension    = defaultEncodingFromExtension;

//  :TODO: Return MCI code information
//  :TODO: process SAUCE comments
//  :TODO: return font + font mapped information from SAUCE

    //  :TODO: the defualt encoding are really useless if they are all the same ...
    //  perhaps .ansamiga and .ascamiga could be supported as well as overrides via conf
    '.ans'  : { name : 'ANSI',      defaultEncoding : 'cp437',  eof : 0x1a  },
    '.asc'  : { name : 'ASCII',     defaultEncoding : 'cp437',  eof : 0x1a  },
    '.pcb'  : { name : 'PCBoard',   defaultEncoding : 'cp437',  eof : 0x1a  },
    '.bbs'  : { name : 'Wildcat',   defaultEncoding : 'cp437',  eof : 0x1a  },

    '.amiga'    : { name : 'Amiga',         defaultEncoding : 'amiga',  eof : 0x1a },
    '.txt'      : { name : 'Amiga Text',    defaultEncoding : 'cp437',  eof : 0x1a  },
    //  :TODO: extentions for wwiv, renegade, celerity, syncronet, ...
    //  :TODO: extension for atari
    //  :TODO: extension for topaz ansi/ascii.

function getFontNameFromSAUCE(sauce) {
    if(sauce.Character) {
        return sauce.Character.fontName;

function sliceAtEOF(data, eofMarker) {
    let eof         = data.length;
    const stopPos   = Math.max(data.length - (256), 0); //  256 = 2 * sizeof(SAUCE)

    for(let i = eof - 1; i > stopPos; i--) {
        if(eofMarker === data[i]) {
            eof = i;
    return data.slice(0, eof);

function getArtFromPath(path, options, cb) {
    fs.readFile(path, (err, data) => {
        if(err) {
            return cb(err);

        //  Convert from encodedAs -> j
        const ext       = paths.extname(path).toLowerCase();
        const encoding  = options.encodedAs || defaultEncodingFromExtension(ext);

        //  :TODO: how are BOM's currently handled if present? Are they removed? Do we need to?

        function sliceOfData() {
            if(options.fullFile === true) {
                return iconv.decode(data, encoding);
            } else {
                const eofMarker = defaultEofFromExtension(ext);
                return iconv.decode(eofMarker ? sliceAtEOF(data, eofMarker) : data, encoding);

        function getResult(sauce) {
            const result = {
                data        : sliceOfData(),
                fromPath    : path,

            if(sauce) {
                result.sauce = sauce;

            return result;

        if(options.readSauce === true) {
            sauce.readSAUCE(data, (err, sauce) => {
                if(err) {
                    return cb(null, getResult());

                //  If a encoding was not provided & we have a mapping from
                //  the information provided by SAUCE, use that.
                if(!options.encodedAs) {
                    if(sauce.Character && sauce.Character.fontName) {
                        var enc = SAUCE_FONT_TO_ENCODING_HINT[sauce.Character.fontName];
                        if(enc) {
                            encoding = enc;
                return cb(null, getResult(sauce));
        } else {
            return cb(null, getResult());

function getArt(name, options, cb) {
    const ext = paths.extname(name);

    options.basePath    = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.basePath, Config().paths.art);
    options.asAnsi      = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(options.asAnsi, true);

    //  :TODO: make use of asAnsi option and convert from supported -> ansi

    if('' !== ext) {
        options.types = [ ext.toLowerCase() ];
    } else {
        if(_.isUndefined(options.types)) {
            options.types = Object.keys(SUPPORTED_ART_TYPES);
        } else if(_.isString(options.types)) {
            options.types = [ options.types.toLowerCase() ];

    //  If an extension is provided, just read the file now
    if('' !== ext) {
        const directPath = paths.join(options.basePath, name);
        return getArtFromPath(directPath, options, cb);

    fs.readdir(options.basePath, (err, files) => {
        if(err) {
            return cb(err);

        const filtered = files.filter( file => {
            //  Ignore anything not allowed in |options.types|
            const fext = paths.extname(file);
            if(!options.types.includes(fext.toLowerCase())) {
                return false;

            const bn = paths.basename(file, fext).toLowerCase();
            if(options.random) {
                const suppliedBn = paths.basename(name, fext).toLowerCase();

                //  Random selection enabled. We'll allow for
                //  basename1.ext, basename2.ext, ...
                if(!bn.startsWith(suppliedBn)) {
                    return false;

                const num = bn.substr(suppliedBn.length);
                if(num.length > 0) {
                    if(isNaN(parseInt(num, 10))) {
                        return false;
            } else {
                //  We've already validated the extension (above). Must be an exact
                //  match to basename here
                if(bn != paths.basename(name, fext).toLowerCase()) {
                    return false;

            return true;

        if(filtered.length > 0) {
            //  We should now have:
            //  - Exactly (1) item in |filtered| if non-random
            //  - 1:n items in |filtered| to choose from if random
            let readPath;
            if(options.random) {
                readPath = paths.join(options.basePath, filtered[Math.floor(Math.random() * filtered.length)]);
            } else {
                assert(1 === filtered.length);
                readPath = paths.join(options.basePath, filtered[0]);

            return getArtFromPath(readPath, options, cb);

        return cb(new Error(`No matching art for supplied criteria: ${name}`));

function defaultEncodingFromExtension(ext) {
    const artType = SUPPORTED_ART_TYPES[ext.toLowerCase()];
    return artType ? artType.defaultEncoding : 'utf8';

function defaultEofFromExtension(ext) {
    const artType = SUPPORTED_ART_TYPES[ext.toLowerCase()];
    if(artType) {
        return artType.eof;

//  :TODO: Implement the following
//  * Pause (disabled | termHeight | keyPress )
//  * Cancel (disabled | <keys> )
//  * Resume from pause -> continous (disabled | <keys>)
function display(client, art, options, cb) {
    if(_.isFunction(options) && !cb) {
        cb = options;
        options = {};

    if(!art || !art.length) {
        return cb(new Error('Empty art'));

    options.mciReplaceChar  = options.mciReplaceChar || ' ';
    options.disableMciCache = options.disableMciCache || false;

    //  :TODO: this is going to be broken into two approaches controlled via options:
    //  1) Standard - use internal tracking of locations for MCI -- no CPR's/etc.
    //  2) CPR driven

    if(!_.isBoolean(options.iceColors)) {
        //  try to detect from SAUCE
        if(_.has(options, 'sauce.ansiFlags') && (options.sauce.ansiFlags & (1 << 0))) {
            options.iceColors = true;

    const ansiParser = new aep.ANSIEscapeParser({
        mciReplaceChar  : options.mciReplaceChar,
        termHeight      : client.term.termHeight,
        termWidth       : client.term.termWidth,
        trailingLF      : options.trailingLF,

    let parseComplete = false;
    let cprListener;
    let mciMap;
    const mciCprQueue = [];
    let artHash;
    let mciMapFromCache;

    function completed() {
        if(cprListener) {
            client.removeListener('cursor position report', cprListener);

        if(!options.disableMciCache && !mciMapFromCache) {
            //  cache our MCI findings...
            client.mciCache[artHash] = mciMap;
            client.log.trace( { artHash : artHash.toString(16), mciMap : mciMap }, 'Added MCI map to cache');

        ansiParser.removeAllListeners();    //  :TODO: Necessary???

        const extraInfo = {
            height : ansiParser.row - 1,

        return cb(null, mciMap, extraInfo);

    if(!options.disableMciCache) {
        artHash = xxhash.hash(Buffer.from(art), 0xCAFEBABE);

        //  see if we have a mciMap cached for this art
        if(client.mciCache) {
            mciMap  = client.mciCache[artHash];

    if(mciMap) {
        mciMapFromCache = true;
        client.log.trace( { artHash : artHash.toString(16), mciMap : mciMap }, 'Loaded MCI map from cache');
    } else {
        //  no cached MCI info
        mciMap = {};

        cprListener = function(pos) {
            if(mciCprQueue.length > 0) {
                mciMap[mciCprQueue.shift()].position = pos;

                if(parseComplete && 0 === mciCprQueue.length) {
                    return completed();

        client.on('cursor position report', cprListener);

        let generatedId = 100;

        ansiParser.on('mci', mciInfo => {
            //  :TODO: ensure generatedId's do not conflict with any existing |id|
            const id        = _.isNumber(mciInfo.id) ? mciInfo.id : generatedId;
            const mapKey    = `${mciInfo.mci}${id}`;
            const mapEntry  = mciMap[mapKey];

            if(mapEntry) {
                mapEntry.focusSGR   = mciInfo.SGR;
                mapEntry.focusArgs  = mciInfo.args;
            } else {
                mciMap[mapKey] = {
                    args    : mciInfo.args,
                    SGR     : mciInfo.SGR,
                    code    : mciInfo.mci,
                    id      : id,

                if(!mciInfo.id) {



    ansiParser.on('literal', literal => client.term.write(literal, false) );
    ansiParser.on('control', control => client.term.rawWrite(control) );

    ansiParser.on('complete', () => {
        parseComplete = true;

        if(0 === mciCprQueue.length) {
            return completed();

    let initSeq = '';
    if(options.font) {
        initSeq = ansi.setSyncTermFontWithAlias(options.font);
    } else if(options.sauce) {
        let fontName = getFontNameFromSAUCE(options.sauce);
        if(fontName) {
            fontName = ansi.getSyncTERMFontFromAlias(fontName);

        //  Set SyncTERM font if we're switching only. Most terminals
        //  that support this ESC sequence can only show *one* font
        //  at a time. This applies to detection only (e.g. SAUCE).
        //  If explicit, we'll set it no matter what (above)
        if(fontName && client.term.currentSyncFont != fontName) {
            client.term.currentSyncFont = fontName;
            initSeq = ansi.setSyncTERMFont(fontName);

    if(options.iceColors) {
        initSeq += ansi.blinkToBrightIntensity();

    if(initSeq) {

    return ansiParser.parse();