/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; var bunyan = require('bunyan'); var miscUtil = require('./misc_util.js'); var paths = require('path'); var conf = require('./config.js'); module.exports = { init : function() { //var ringBufferLimit = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(config.logRingBufferLimit, 100); var logPath = miscUtil.valueWithDefault(conf.config.paths.logs); var logFile = paths.join(logPath, 'enigma-bbs.log'); // :TODO: make this configurable -- // user should be able to configure rotations, levels to file vs ringBuffer, // completely disable logging, etc. this.log = bunyan.createLogger({ name : 'ENiGMA½ BBS', streams : [ { type : 'rotating-file', path : logFile, period : '1d', count : 3, level : 'trace' } /*, { type : 'raw', stream : ringBuffer, level : 'trace' }*/ ] }); } };