/* jslint node: true */ 'use strict'; const View = require('./view.js').View; const strUtil = require('./string_util.js'); const ansi = require('./ansi_term.js'); const wordWrapText = require('./word_wrap.js').wordWrapText; const ansiPrep = require('./ansi_prep.js'); const assert = require('assert'); const _ = require('lodash'); // :TODO: Determine CTRL-* keys for various things // See http://www.bbsdocumentary.com/library/PROGRAMS/GRAPHICS/ANSI/bansi.txt // http://wiki.synchro.net/howto:editor:slyedit#edit_mode // http://sublime-text-unofficial-documentation.readthedocs.org/en/latest/reference/keyboard_shortcuts_win.html /* Mystic [^B] Reformat Paragraph [^O] Show this help file [^I] Insert tab space [^Q] Enter quote mode [^K] Cut current line of text [^V] Toggle insert/overwrite [^U] Paste previously cut text [^Y] Delete current line BASIC MOVEMENT COMMANDS UP/^E LEFT/^S PGUP/^R HOME/^F DOWN/^X RIGHT/^D PGDN/^C END/^G */ // // Some other interesting implementations, resources, etc. // // Editors - BBS // * https://github.com/M-griffin/Enthral/blob/master/src/msg_fse.cpp // // // Editors - Other // * http://joe-editor.sourceforge.net/ // * http://www.jbox.dk/downloads/edit.c // * https://github.com/dominictarr/hipster // // Implementations - Word Wrap // * https://github.com/protomouse/synchronet/blob/93b01c55b3102ebc3c4f4793c3a45b8c13d0dc2a/src/sbbs3/wordwrap.c // // Misc notes // * https://github.com/dominictarr/hipster/issues/15 (Deleting lines/etc.) // // Blessed // insertLine: CSR(top, bottom) + CUP(y, 0) + IL(1) + CSR(0, height) // deleteLine: CSR(top, bottom) + CUP(y, 0) + DL(1) + CSR(0, height) // Quick Ansi -- update only what was changed: // https://github.com/dominictarr/quickansi // // To-Do // // * Index pos % for emit scroll events // * Some of this should be async'd where there is lots of processing (e.g. word wrap) // * Fix backspace when col=0 (e.g. bs to prev line) // * Add word delete (CTRL+????) // * const SPECIAL_KEY_MAP_DEFAULT = { 'line feed': ['return'], exit: ['esc'], backspace: ['backspace', 'ctrl + d'], // https://www.tecmint.com/linux-command-line-bash-shortcut-keys/ delete: ['delete'], tab: ['tab'], up: ['up arrow'], down: ['down arrow'], end: ['end'], home: ['home'], left: ['left arrow'], right: ['right arrow'], 'delete line': ['ctrl + y', 'ctrl + u'], // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backspace 'page up': ['page up'], 'page down': ['page down'], insert: ['insert', 'ctrl + v'], }; exports.MultiLineEditTextView = MultiLineEditTextView; function MultiLineEditTextView(options) { if (!_.isBoolean(options.acceptsFocus)) { options.acceptsFocus = true; } if (!_.isBoolean(this.acceptsInput)) { options.acceptsInput = true; } if (!_.isObject(options.specialKeyMap)) { options.specialKeyMap = SPECIAL_KEY_MAP_DEFAULT; } View.call(this, options); this.initDefaultWidth(); var self = this; // // ANSI seems to want tabs to default to 8 characters. See the following: // * http://www.ansi-bbs.org/ansi-bbs2/control_chars/ // * http://www.bbsdocumentary.com/library/PROGRAMS/GRAPHICS/ANSI/bansi.txt // // This seems overkill though, so let's default to 4 :) // :TODO: what shoudl this really be? Maybe 8 is OK // this.tabWidth = _.isNumber(options.tabWidth) ? options.tabWidth : 4; this.textLines = []; this.topVisibleIndex = 0; this.mode = options.mode || 'edit'; // edit | preview | read-only this.maxLength = 0; // no max by default if ('preview' === this.mode) { this.autoScroll = options.autoScroll || true; this.tabSwitchesView = true; } else { this.autoScroll = options.autoScroll || false; this.tabSwitchesView = options.tabSwitchesView || false; } // // cursorPos represents zero-based row, col positions // within the editor itself // this.cursorPos = { col: 0, row: 0 }; this.isEditMode = function () { return 'edit' === self.mode; }; this.isPreviewMode = function () { return 'preview' === self.mode; }; this.getTextSgrPrefix = function () { return self.hasFocus ? self.getFocusSGR() : self.getSGR(); }; // :TODO: Most of the calls to this could be avoided via incrementRow(), decrementRow() that keeps track or such this.getTextLinesIndex = function (row) { if (!_.isNumber(row)) { row = self.cursorPos.row; } var index = self.topVisibleIndex + row; return index; }; this.getRemainingLinesBelowRow = function (row) { if (!_.isNumber(row)) { row = self.cursorPos.row; } return self.textLines.length - (self.topVisibleIndex + row) - 1; }; this.getNextEndOfLineIndex = function (startIndex) { for (var i = startIndex; i < self.textLines.length; i++) { if (self.textLines[i].eol) { return i; } } return self.textLines.length; }; this.toggleTextCursor = function (action) { self.client.term.rawWrite( `${self.getTextSgrPrefix()}${ 'hide' === action ? ansi.hideCursor() : ansi.showCursor() }` ); }; this.redrawRows = function (startRow, endRow) { self.toggleTextCursor('hide'); const startIndex = self.getTextLinesIndex(startRow); const endIndex = Math.min(self.getTextLinesIndex(endRow), self.textLines.length); const absPos = self.getAbsolutePosition(startRow, 0); const prefix = self.getTextSgrPrefix(); for (let i = startIndex; i < endIndex; ++i) { self.client.term.write( `${ansi.goto(absPos.row++, absPos.col)}${prefix}${self.getRenderText(i)}`, false // convertLineFeeds ); } self.toggleTextCursor('show'); return absPos.row - self.position.row; // row we ended on }; this.eraseRows = function (startRow, endRow) { self.toggleTextCursor('hide'); const absPos = self.getAbsolutePosition(startRow, 0); const absPosEnd = self.getAbsolutePosition(endRow, 0); const eraseFiller = ' '.repeat(self.dimens.width); //new Array(self.dimens.width).join(' '); while (absPos.row < absPosEnd.row) { self.client.term.write( `${ansi.goto(absPos.row++, absPos.col)}${eraseFiller}`, false // convertLineFeeds ); } self.toggleTextCursor('show'); }; this.redrawVisibleArea = function () { assert(self.topVisibleIndex <= self.textLines.length); const lastRow = self.redrawRows(0, self.dimens.height); self.eraseRows(lastRow, self.dimens.height); /* // :TOOD: create eraseRows(startRow, endRow) if(lastRow < self.dimens.height) { var absPos = self.getAbsolutePosition(lastRow, 0); var empty = new Array(self.dimens.width).join(' '); while(lastRow++ < self.dimens.height) { self.client.term.write(ansi.goto(absPos.row++, absPos.col)); self.client.term.write(empty); } } */ }; this.getVisibleText = function (index) { if (!_.isNumber(index)) { index = self.getTextLinesIndex(); } return self.textLines[index].text.replace(/\t/g, ' '); }; this.getText = function (index) { if (!_.isNumber(index)) { index = self.getTextLinesIndex(); } return self.textLines.length > index ? self.textLines[index].text : ''; }; this.getTextLength = function (index) { if (!_.isNumber(index)) { index = self.getTextLinesIndex(); } return self.textLines.length > index ? self.textLines[index].text.length : 0; }; this.getCharacter = function (index, col) { if (!_.isNumber(col)) { col = self.cursorPos.col; } return self.getText(index).charAt(col); }; this.isTab = function (index, col) { return '\t' === self.getCharacter(index, col); }; this.getTextEndOfLineColumn = function (index) { return Math.max(0, self.getTextLength(index)); }; this.getRenderText = function (index) { let text = self.getVisibleText(index); const remain = self.dimens.width - strUtil.renderStringLength(text); if (remain > 0) { text += ' '.repeat(remain); // + 1); } return text; }; this.getTextLines = function (startIndex, endIndex) { var lines; if (startIndex === endIndex) { lines = [self.textLines[startIndex]]; } else { lines = self.textLines.slice(startIndex, endIndex + 1); // "slice extracts up to but not including end." } return lines; }; this.getOutputText = function (startIndex, endIndex, eolMarker, options) { const lines = self.getTextLines(startIndex, endIndex); const re = new RegExp('\\t{1,' + self.tabWidth + '}', 'g'); return lines .map((line, lineIndex) => { let text = line.text.replace(re, '\t'); if ( options.forceLineTerms || (eolMarker && line.eol && lineIndex < lines.length - 1) ) { text += eolMarker; } return text; }) .join(); }; this.getContiguousText = function (startIndex, endIndex, includeEol) { var lines = self.getTextLines(startIndex, endIndex); var text = ''; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { text += lines[i].text; if (includeEol && lines[i].eol) { text += '\n'; } } return text; }; this.getCharacterLength = function () { // :TODO: FSE needs re-write anyway, but this should just be known all the time vs calc. Too much of a mess right now... let len = 0; this.textLines.forEach(tl => { len += tl.text.length; }); return len; }; this.replaceCharacterInText = function (c, index, col) { self.textLines[index].text = strUtil.replaceAt( self.textLines[index].text, col, c ); }; /* this.editTextAtPosition = function(editAction, text, index, col) { switch(editAction) { case 'insert' : self.insertCharactersInText(text, index, col); break; case 'deleteForward' : break; case 'deleteBack' : break; case 'replace' : break; } }; */ this.updateTextWordWrap = function (index) { const nextEolIndex = self.getNextEndOfLineIndex(index); const wrapped = self.wordWrapSingleLine( self.getContiguousText(index, nextEolIndex), 'tabsIntact' ); const newLines = wrapped.wrapped.map(l => { return { text: l }; }); newLines[newLines.length - 1].eol = true; Array.prototype.splice.apply( self.textLines, [index, nextEolIndex - index + 1].concat(newLines) ); return wrapped.firstWrapRange; }; this.removeCharactersFromText = function (index, col, operation, count) { if ('delete' === operation) { self.textLines[index].text = self.textLines[index].text.slice(0, col) + self.textLines[index].text.slice(col + count); self.updateTextWordWrap(index); self.redrawRows(self.cursorPos.row, self.dimens.height); self.moveClientCursorToCursorPos(); } else if ('backspace' === operation) { // :TODO: method for splicing text self.textLines[index].text = self.textLines[index].text.slice(0, col - (count - 1)) + self.textLines[index].text.slice(col + 1); self.cursorPos.col -= count - 1; self.updateTextWordWrap(index); self.redrawRows(self.cursorPos.row, self.dimens.height); self.moveClientCursorToCursorPos(); } else if ('delete line' === operation) { // // Delete a visible line. Note that this is *not* the "physical" line, or // 1:n entries up to eol! This is to keep consistency with home/end, and // some other text editors such as nano. Sublime for example want to // treat all of these things using the physical approach, but this seems // a bit odd in this context. // var isLastLine = index === self.textLines.length - 1; var hadEol = self.textLines[index].eol; self.textLines.splice(index, 1); if (hadEol && self.textLines.length > index && !self.textLines[index].eol) { self.textLines[index].eol = true; } // // Create a empty edit buffer if necessary // :TODO: Make this a method if (self.textLines.length < 1) { self.textLines = [{ text: '', eol: true }]; isLastLine = false; // resetting } self.cursorPos.col = 0; var lastRow = self.redrawRows(self.cursorPos.row, self.dimens.height); self.eraseRows(lastRow, self.dimens.height); // // If we just deleted the last line in the buffer, move up // if (isLastLine) { self.cursorEndOfPreviousLine(); } else { self.moveClientCursorToCursorPos(); } } }; this.insertCharactersInText = function (c, index, col) { const prevTextLength = self.getTextLength(index); let editingEol = self.cursorPos.col === prevTextLength; self.textLines[index].text = [ self.textLines[index].text.slice(0, col), c, self.textLines[index].text.slice(col), ].join(''); self.cursorPos.col += c.length; if (self.getTextLength(index) > self.dimens.width) { // // Update word wrapping and |cursorOffset| if the cursor // was within the bounds of the wrapped text // let cursorOffset; const lastCol = self.cursorPos.col - c.length; const firstWrapRange = self.updateTextWordWrap(index); if (lastCol >= firstWrapRange.start && lastCol <= firstWrapRange.end) { cursorOffset = self.cursorPos.col - firstWrapRange.start; editingEol = true; //override } else { cursorOffset = firstWrapRange.end; } // redraw from current row to end of visible area self.redrawRows(self.cursorPos.row, self.dimens.height); // If we're editing mid, we're done here. Else, we need to // move the cursor to the new editing position after a wrap if (editingEol) { self.cursorBeginOfNextLine(); self.cursorPos.col += cursorOffset; self.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.right(cursorOffset)); } else { // adjust cursor after drawing new rows const absPos = self.getAbsolutePosition( self.cursorPos.row, self.cursorPos.col ); self.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.goto(absPos.row, absPos.col)); } } else { // // We must only redraw from col -> end of current visible line // const absPos = self.getAbsolutePosition( self.cursorPos.row, self.cursorPos.col ); const renderText = self .getRenderText(index) .slice(self.cursorPos.col - c.length); self.client.term.write( `${ansi.hideCursor()}${self.getTextSgrPrefix()}${renderText}${ansi.goto( absPos.row, absPos.col )}${ansi.showCursor()}`, false // convertLineFeeds ); } }; this.getRemainingTabWidth = function (col) { if (!_.isNumber(col)) { col = self.cursorPos.col; } return self.tabWidth - (col % self.tabWidth); }; this.calculateTabStops = function () { self.tabStops = [0]; var col = 0; while (col < self.dimens.width) { col += self.getRemainingTabWidth(col); self.tabStops.push(col); } }; this.getNextTabStop = function (col) { var i = self.tabStops.length; while (self.tabStops[--i] > col); return self.tabStops[++i]; }; this.getPrevTabStop = function (col) { var i = self.tabStops.length; while (self.tabStops[--i] >= col); return self.tabStops[i]; }; this.expandTab = function (col, expandChar) { expandChar = expandChar || ' '; return new Array(self.getRemainingTabWidth(col)).join(expandChar); }; this.wordWrapSingleLine = function (line, tabHandling = 'expand') { return wordWrapText(line, { width: self.dimens.width, tabHandling: tabHandling, tabWidth: self.tabWidth, tabChar: '\t', }); }; this.setTextLines = function (lines, index, termWithEol) { if ( 0 === index && (0 === self.textLines.length || (self.textLines.length === 1 && '' === self.textLines[0].text)) ) { // quick path: just set the things self.textLines = lines .slice(0, -1) .map(l => { return { text: l }; }) .concat({ text: lines[lines.length - 1], eol: termWithEol }); } else { // insert somewhere in textLines... if (index > self.textLines.length) { // fill with empty self.textLines.splice( self.textLines.length, 0, ...Array.from({ length: index - self.textLines.length }).map(() => { return { text: '' }; }) ); } const newLines = lines .slice(0, -1) .map(l => { return { text: l }; }) .concat({ text: lines[lines.length - 1], eol: termWithEol }); self.textLines.splice(index, 0, ...newLines); } }; this.setAnsiWithOptions = function (ansi, options, cb) { function setLines(text) { text = strUtil.splitTextAtTerms(text); let index = 0; text.forEach(line => { self.setTextLines([line], index, true); // true=termWithEol index += 1; }); self.cursorStartOfDocument(); if (cb) { return cb(null); } } if (options.prepped) { return setLines(ansi); } ansiPrep( ansi, { termWidth: options.termWidth || this.client.term.termWidth, termHeight: options.termHeight || this.client.term.termHeight, cols: this.dimens.width, rows: 'auto', startCol: this.position.col, forceLineTerm: options.forceLineTerm, }, (err, preppedAnsi) => { return setLines(err ? ansi : preppedAnsi); } ); }; this.insertRawText = function (text, index, col) { // // Perform the following on |text|: // * Normalize various line feed formats -> \n // * Remove some control characters (e.g. \b) // * Word wrap lines such that they fit in the visible workspace. // Each actual line will then take 1:n elements in textLines[]. // * Each tab will be appropriately expanded and take 1:n \t // characters. This allows us to know when we're in tab space // when doing cursor movement/etc. // // // Try to handle any possible newline that can be fed to us. // See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5034781/js-regex-to-split-by-line // // :TODO: support index/col insertion point if (_.isNumber(index)) { if (_.isNumber(col)) { // // Modify text to have information from index // before and and after column // // :TODO: Need to clean this string (e.g. collapse tabs) text = self.textLines; // :TODO: Remove original line @ index } } else { index = self.textLines.length; } text = strUtil.splitTextAtTerms(text); let wrapped; text.forEach(line => { wrapped = self.wordWrapSingleLine(line, 'expand').wrapped; self.setTextLines(wrapped, index, true); // true=termWithEol index += wrapped.length; }); }; this.getAbsolutePosition = function (row, col) { return { row: self.position.row + row, col: self.position.col + col, }; }; this.moveClientCursorToCursorPos = function () { var absPos = self.getAbsolutePosition(self.cursorPos.row, self.cursorPos.col); self.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.goto(absPos.row, absPos.col)); }; this.keyPressCharacter = function (c) { if (this.maxLength > 0 && this.getCharacterLength() + 1 >= this.maxLength) { return; } var index = self.getTextLinesIndex(); // // :TODO: stuff that needs to happen // * Break up into smaller methods // * Even in overtype mode, word wrapping must apply if past bounds // * A lot of this can be used for backspacing also // * See how Sublime treats tabs in *non* overtype mode... just overwrite them? // // if (self.overtypeMode) { // :TODO: special handing for insert over eol mark? self.replaceCharacterInText(c, index, self.cursorPos.col); self.cursorPos.col++; self.client.term.write(c); } else { self.insertCharactersInText(c, index, self.cursorPos.col); } self.emitEditPosition(); }; this.keyPressUp = function () { if (self.cursorPos.row > 0) { self.cursorPos.row--; self.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.up()); if (!self.adjustCursorToNextTab('up')) { self.adjustCursorIfPastEndOfLine(false); } } else { self.scrollDocumentDown(); self.adjustCursorIfPastEndOfLine(true); } self.emitEditPosition(); }; this.keyPressDown = function () { var lastVisibleRow = Math.min(self.dimens.height, self.textLines.length - self.topVisibleIndex) - 1; if (self.cursorPos.row < lastVisibleRow) { self.cursorPos.row++; self.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.down()); if (!self.adjustCursorToNextTab('down')) { self.adjustCursorIfPastEndOfLine(false); } } else { self.scrollDocumentUp(); self.adjustCursorIfPastEndOfLine(true); } self.emitEditPosition(); }; this.keyPressLeft = function () { if (self.cursorPos.col > 0) { var prevCharIsTab = self.isTab(); self.cursorPos.col--; self.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.left()); if (prevCharIsTab) { self.adjustCursorToNextTab('left'); } } else { self.cursorEndOfPreviousLine(); } self.emitEditPosition(); }; this.keyPressRight = function () { var eolColumn = self.getTextEndOfLineColumn(); if (self.cursorPos.col < eolColumn) { var prevCharIsTab = self.isTab(); self.cursorPos.col++; self.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.right()); if (prevCharIsTab) { self.adjustCursorToNextTab('right'); } } else { self.cursorBeginOfNextLine(); } self.emitEditPosition(); }; this.keyPressHome = function () { var firstNonWhitespace = self.getVisibleText().search(/\S/); if (-1 !== firstNonWhitespace) { self.cursorPos.col = firstNonWhitespace; } else { self.cursorPos.col = 0; } self.moveClientCursorToCursorPos(); self.emitEditPosition(); }; this.keyPressEnd = function () { self.cursorPos.col = self.getTextEndOfLineColumn(); self.moveClientCursorToCursorPos(); self.emitEditPosition(); }; this.keyPressPageUp = function () { if (self.topVisibleIndex > 0) { self.topVisibleIndex = Math.max(0, self.topVisibleIndex - self.dimens.height); self.redraw(); self.adjustCursorIfPastEndOfLine(true); } else { self.cursorPos.row = 0; self.moveClientCursorToCursorPos(); // :TODO: ajust if eol, etc. } self.emitEditPosition(); }; this.keyPressPageDown = function () { var linesBelow = self.getRemainingLinesBelowRow(); if (linesBelow > 0) { self.topVisibleIndex += Math.min(linesBelow, self.dimens.height); self.redraw(); self.adjustCursorIfPastEndOfLine(true); } self.emitEditPosition(); }; this.keyPressLineFeed = function () { // // Break up text from cursor position, redraw, and update cursor // position to start of next line // var index = self.getTextLinesIndex(); var nextEolIndex = self.getNextEndOfLineIndex(index); var text = self.getContiguousText(index, nextEolIndex); const newLines = self.wordWrapSingleLine( text.slice(self.cursorPos.col), 'tabsIntact' ).wrapped; newLines.unshift({ text: text.slice(0, self.cursorPos.col), eol: true }); for (var i = 1; i < newLines.length; ++i) { newLines[i] = { text: newLines[i] }; } newLines[newLines.length - 1].eol = true; Array.prototype.splice.apply( self.textLines, [index, nextEolIndex - index + 1].concat(newLines) ); // redraw from current row to end of visible area self.redrawRows(self.cursorPos.row, self.dimens.height); self.cursorBeginOfNextLine(); self.emitEditPosition(); }; this.keyPressInsert = function () { self.toggleTextEditMode(); }; this.keyPressTab = function () { var index = self.getTextLinesIndex(); self.insertCharactersInText( self.expandTab(self.cursorPos.col, '\t') + '\t', index, self.cursorPos.col ); self.emitEditPosition(); }; this.keyPressBackspace = function () { if (self.cursorPos.col >= 1) { // // Don't want to delete character at cursor, but rather the character // to the left of the cursor! // self.cursorPos.col -= 1; var index = self.getTextLinesIndex(); var count; if (self.isTab()) { var col = self.cursorPos.col; var prevTabStop = self.getPrevTabStop(self.cursorPos.col); while (col >= prevTabStop) { if (!self.isTab(index, col)) { break; } --col; } count = self.cursorPos.col - col; } else { count = 1; } self.removeCharactersFromText(index, self.cursorPos.col, 'backspace', count); } else { // // Delete character at end of line previous. // * This may be a eol marker // * Word wrapping will need re-applied // // :TODO: apply word wrapping such that text can be re-adjusted if it can now fit on prev self.keyPressLeft(); // same as hitting left - jump to previous line //self.keyPressBackspace(); } self.emitEditPosition(); }; this.keyPressDelete = function () { const lineIndex = self.getTextLinesIndex(); if ( 0 === self.cursorPos.col && 0 === self.textLines[lineIndex].text.length && self.textLines.length > 0 ) { // // Start of line and nothing left. Just delete the line // self.removeCharactersFromText(lineIndex, 0, 'delete line'); } else { self.removeCharactersFromText(lineIndex, self.cursorPos.col, 'delete', 1); } self.emitEditPosition(); }; this.keyPressDeleteLine = function () { if (self.textLines.length > 0) { self.removeCharactersFromText(self.getTextLinesIndex(), 0, 'delete line'); } self.emitEditPosition(); }; this.adjustCursorIfPastEndOfLine = function (forceUpdate) { var eolColumn = self.getTextEndOfLineColumn(); if (self.cursorPos.col > eolColumn) { self.cursorPos.col = eolColumn; forceUpdate = true; } if (forceUpdate) { self.moveClientCursorToCursorPos(); } }; this.adjustCursorToNextTab = function (direction) { if (self.isTab()) { var move; switch (direction) { // // Next tabstop to the right // case 'right': move = self.getNextTabStop(self.cursorPos.col) - self.cursorPos.col; self.cursorPos.col += move; self.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.right(move)); break; // // Next tabstop to the left // case 'left': move = self.cursorPos.col - self.getPrevTabStop(self.cursorPos.col); self.cursorPos.col -= move; self.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.left(move)); break; case 'up': case 'down': // // Jump to the tabstop nearest the cursor // var newCol = self.tabStops.reduce(function r(prev, curr) { return Math.abs(curr - self.cursorPos.col) < Math.abs(prev - self.cursorPos.col) ? curr : prev; }); if (newCol > self.cursorPos.col) { move = newCol - self.cursorPos.col; self.cursorPos.col += move; self.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.right(move)); } else if (newCol < self.cursorPos.col) { move = self.cursorPos.col - newCol; self.cursorPos.col -= move; self.client.term.rawWrite(ansi.left(move)); } break; } return true; } return false; // did not fall on a tab }; this.cursorStartOfDocument = function () { self.topVisibleIndex = 0; self.cursorPos = { row: 0, col: 0 }; self.redraw(); self.moveClientCursorToCursorPos(); }; this.cursorEndOfDocument = function () { self.topVisibleIndex = Math.max(self.textLines.length - self.dimens.height, 0); self.cursorPos.row = self.textLines.length - self.topVisibleIndex - 1; self.cursorPos.col = self.getTextEndOfLineColumn(); self.redraw(); self.moveClientCursorToCursorPos(); }; this.cursorBeginOfNextLine = function () { // e.g. when scrolling right past eol var linesBelow = self.getRemainingLinesBelowRow(); if (linesBelow > 0) { var lastVisibleRow = Math.min(self.dimens.height, self.textLines.length) - 1; if (self.cursorPos.row < lastVisibleRow) { self.cursorPos.row++; } else { self.scrollDocumentUp(); } self.keyPressHome(); // same as pressing 'home' } }; this.cursorEndOfPreviousLine = function () { // e.g. when scrolling left past start of line var moveToEnd; if (self.cursorPos.row > 0) { self.cursorPos.row--; moveToEnd = true; } else if (self.topVisibleIndex > 0) { self.scrollDocumentDown(); moveToEnd = true; } if (moveToEnd) { self.keyPressEnd(); // same as pressing 'end' } }; /* this.cusorEndOfNextLine = function() { var linesBelow = self.getRemainingLinesBelowRow(); if(linesBelow > 0) { var lastVisibleRow = Math.min(self.dimens.height, self.textLines.length) - 1; if(self.cursorPos.row < lastVisibleRow) { self.cursorPos.row++; } else { self.scrollDocumentUp(); } self.keyPressEnd(); // same as pressing 'end' } }; */ this.scrollDocumentUp = function () { // // Note: We scroll *up* when the cursor goes *down* beyond // the visible area! // var linesBelow = self.getRemainingLinesBelowRow(); if (linesBelow > 0) { self.topVisibleIndex++; self.redraw(); } }; this.scrollDocumentDown = function () { // // Note: We scroll *down* when the cursor goes *up* beyond // the visible area! // if (self.topVisibleIndex > 0) { self.topVisibleIndex--; self.redraw(); } }; this.emitEditPosition = function () { self.emit('edit position', self.getEditPosition()); }; this.toggleTextEditMode = function () { self.overtypeMode = !self.overtypeMode; self.emit('text edit mode', self.getTextEditMode()); }; this.insertRawText(''); // init to blank/empty } require('util').inherits(MultiLineEditTextView, View); MultiLineEditTextView.prototype.setWidth = function (width) { MultiLineEditTextView.super_.prototype.setWidth.call(this, width); this.calculateTabStops(); }; MultiLineEditTextView.prototype.redraw = function () { MultiLineEditTextView.super_.prototype.redraw.call(this); this.redrawVisibleArea(); }; MultiLineEditTextView.prototype.setFocus = function (focused) { MultiLineEditTextView.super_.prototype.setFocus.call(this, focused); if (this.isEditMode() && this.getSGR() !== this.getFocusSGR()) { this.redrawVisibleArea(); } else { this.client.term.rawWrite(this.getTextSgrPrefix()); } this.moveClientCursorToCursorPos(); }; MultiLineEditTextView.prototype.setText = function ( text, options = { scrollMode: 'default' } ) { this.textLines = []; this.addText(text, options); /*this.insertRawText(text); if(this.isEditMode()) { this.cursorEndOfDocument(); } else if(this.isPreviewMode()) { this.cursorStartOfDocument(); }*/ }; MultiLineEditTextView.prototype.setAnsi = function ( ansi, options = { prepped: false }, cb ) { this.textLines = []; return this.setAnsiWithOptions(ansi, options, cb); }; MultiLineEditTextView.prototype.addText = function ( text, options = { scrollMode: 'default' } ) { this.insertRawText(text); switch (options.scrollMode) { case 'default': if (this.isEditMode() || this.autoScroll) { this.cursorEndOfDocument(); } else { this.cursorStartOfDocument(); } break; case 'top': case 'start': this.cursorStartOfDocument(); break; case 'end': case 'bottom': this.cursorEndOfDocument(); break; } }; MultiLineEditTextView.prototype.getData = function (options = { forceLineTerms: false }) { return this.getOutputText(0, this.textLines.length, '\r\n', options); }; MultiLineEditTextView.prototype.setPropertyValue = function (propName, value) { switch (propName) { case 'mode': this.mode = value; if ('preview' === value && !this.specialKeyMap.next) { this.specialKeyMap.next = ['tab']; } break; case 'autoScroll': this.autoScroll = value; break; case 'tabSwitchesView': this.tabSwitchesView = value; this.specialKeyMap.next = this.specialKeyMap.next || []; this.specialKeyMap.next.push('tab'); break; case 'maxLength': if (_.isNumber(value)) { this.maxLength = value; } break; } MultiLineEditTextView.super_.prototype.setPropertyValue.call(this, propName, value); }; const HANDLED_SPECIAL_KEYS = [ 'up', 'down', 'left', 'right', 'home', 'end', 'page up', 'page down', 'line feed', 'insert', 'tab', 'backspace', 'delete', 'delete line', ]; const PREVIEW_MODE_KEYS = ['up', 'down', 'page up', 'page down']; MultiLineEditTextView.prototype.onKeyPress = function (ch, key) { const self = this; let handled; if (key) { HANDLED_SPECIAL_KEYS.forEach(function aKey(specialKey) { if (self.isKeyMapped(specialKey, key.name)) { if ( self.isPreviewMode() && -1 === PREVIEW_MODE_KEYS.indexOf(specialKey) ) { return; } if ('tab' !== key.name || !self.tabSwitchesView) { self[_.camelCase('keyPress ' + specialKey)](); handled = true; } } }); } if (self.isEditMode() && ch && strUtil.isPrintable(ch)) { this.keyPressCharacter(ch); } if (!handled) { MultiLineEditTextView.super_.prototype.onKeyPress.call(this, ch, key); } }; MultiLineEditTextView.prototype.scrollUp = function () { this.scrollDocumentUp(); }; MultiLineEditTextView.prototype.scrollDown = function () { this.scrollDocumentDown(); }; MultiLineEditTextView.prototype.deleteLine = function (line) { this.textLines.splice(line, 1); }; MultiLineEditTextView.prototype.getLineCount = function () { return this.textLines.length; }; MultiLineEditTextView.prototype.getTextEditMode = function () { return this.overtypeMode ? 'overtype' : 'insert'; }; MultiLineEditTextView.prototype.getEditPosition = function () { var currentIndex = this.getTextLinesIndex() + 1; return { row: this.getTextLinesIndex(this.cursorPos.row), col: this.cursorPos.col, percent: Math.floor((currentIndex / this.textLines.length) * 100), below: this.getRemainingLinesBelowRow(), }; };